64. Don't ever

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Jihyo's PoV

"I hope this is something helpful." I said as I jumped at the other side of whatever this place is called.

As soon as I hopped in, I felt a big difference between the place we went to compared to our place right now.

Just like the others, they were studying the whole place but in fact all of these are the usual things you would see in every forest. The trees, sounds of the animals, the leaves... everything... or not?

"Excuse me, Jihyo."

My thoughts were cut as Nayeon suddenly showed up.

"Oh, you're here." I said and walked over the others who are still checking the whole place.

"You know what, this place is nothing just a forest. How can this help us?" Chaeyoung said.

"We should figure that out. For now, we should sti-"

"No one told me that you'll be playing as a leader...again."

I frowned as I heard Nayeon spoke up.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, I just thought you'll be asking each of us what to do and not the usual thing you do which is to tell us what we should do." Nayeon said without a break.

At this point, I think I know where she is coming from. Am I?

"Okay, what do you think we should do?" I just asked instead.

"Let's roam around first. Maybe stick together? We don't know what we could encounter." Y/N suggested.

I heard a loud sighed coming from Nayeon as she walks ahead. Sana followed her and also Jeongyeon. Basically, we have no choice to follow her.

"Is everything fine with Nayeon? She's been acting so hard since yesterday." Mina asked.

"I don't know."

While we are walking, I kept my eyes on Y/N as she's with Dahyun and they were following Nayeon who's leading the whole walk.

Dahyun keeps on pushing Y/N which is suspicious.

Does she know that Y/N likes Nayeon?

I mean, of course she's under a control of potion...

"Dahyun-ah! Can you stop playing around." Jieun scolded as she dragged away Y/N and moved beside us.

"Everything's fine?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just this kid-"

"I'm not a kid!" Y/N exclaimed as she cuts off Jieun.

I looked at Mina as we share the same thoughts.

I'm just wondering if Jieun knows about it also. Because if she knows it, then Mina and I can proceed to our plan of removing the potion on Y/N.

"Nayeon, do you have any idea?" I asked since we've been walking around for I don't know how long.

"If I have, do you think we are still walking out of nowhere?"

What the-

"You know what? I have a very great idea. We should split up. That's a good one, I'm telling you."

We all looked at each other as we share the same expression.

"You don't trust me, do you? Okay, I'm leaving."

"Wait! That's not the point, this forest is big, we can't just split up. Okay?" I said.

"You asked me, right? I got this plan with hundred percent accurate. Now, if you don't mind... staying with all of you will cause nothing to me. Bye."

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