-3:Green is for Future

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Jihyo's PoV (Earlier)

Since I arrived in this room, I don't really see someone who has an interesting ability. Maybe because we are still hiding it.

I tapped my pen as I remembered the girl I bumped on a while ago.


I entered the school and I'm using both of my eyes without any worry but suddenly I had to use them. As in accidentally.

My eyes went a mix of blue and green color. the left with blue sight and right with green. I covered my right eye so I could only see a greenish sight. Many flashes came through, those are unfamiliar.

"There will be a change in rules."

I closed my eye and I felt my right eye went back to its normal brown color. When I removed the cover on my left eye, I can still feel the cold blue feels it gives.

I sighed and had to wear the eyepatch for my left eye.

Apparently, if you are going to know my special ability, it's complicated. Even me, I still don't have control with my own power. That's why I am here in this school.

My eyes are the most precious thing for me. My right eye turns green and it means a scenario from the future will be flash. Although the bad side of it is, I don't know when that scene is gonna happen. I rely on the clues in the scenes that I saw from my right eye.

For example. a while ago, a flash came. Saying there will be a change. I see myself in a room with the same clothe I am wearing today so probably it will happen later...

The second thing is the hardest one... my left eye. It tells something about the past and it turns blue whenever I use my green eye.

It is weird, yeah. If I'm going to use both, there will be no flashes of the image because the time frame is stuck between past and future. But If I use one or cover one of them, it will work, depending on what I am going to use.

If you are going to ask me? I prefer the green one. Who cares about the past?

The bad thing with my left eye, it won't go back even if I want to. It will go back only by itself so I use eye patches to cover it. Unlike with my right eye, I can control when to use it or not.


I looked back as someone just bumped me making my thoughts cut off.

"What the fuck?" I muttered and just let her.

She looked back and in my surprise, her eyes turned to a color that my right eye has.

I blinked multiple times but when I looked at her, the color is not in there anymore although she's still looking at me while walking away from me.

Did I see it wrong?

Or maybe because of the effect of my right eye too.

End of Flashback

And now, she showed up. That is my question a while ago too. Why there is 10 in the Royalty program when there is only 9 Kingdom. So what I saw really happened, there was a change in rules.

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