-52. Intentions (1)

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Your PoV

As soon as I closed the black hole, I sense that there are upcoming people. I settled down and walk out of the place where I used to see heaven.

"Y/N!" I looked back as I heard dad's fuming voice. When my eyes meet him, I can't see my father anymore.


"What have you done!? Why did you let them go?!"

I was startled as he started yelling at me. I was right, this time, I don't think it's my father.

"T-they are my classmates." I stuttered as I avoid his glare.

"I know what is your plan, dad... but we can change this world without harming anyone. Not like this, not in a wrong way."

"There is no such a good or a wrong way here Y/N. If you want to reset the world, then you should do anything."

"Even if it means losing the person you know?" I asked.

"Even if. You have to trust me, Y/N. If you will let your emotions drive you, nothing will happen. Do you even think that those people who you let go are feeling thankful that you did that?"

"How could I trust you when you tried to deceive me?" I asked and look at him straightly.

"Don't you think I wouldn't be finding out that that place you gave is a hell? Black magic? You used black magic to me?"

On that, he wasn't able to speak.

"And what did I found out that you used me. You fooled my classmates by using me. Making them believe that it was me. Really? You really want that far?" I said in a calm voice but inside, I want to be mad at him.

"I don't know what you are talking about-"

"Then who should I blame? Your mistress-" I was cut as he slapped me that made me startle.

"Don't ever talk to her like that!"

"It's so disappointing that you are talking that way to the people who I love. Is that what you got on staying with those royalties?!" He added.

I clenched my fist as I tried to hold back.

"If you are going to continue this way, you better stop. You will be the next in line, you should act as a leader and not like this." He said with full disappointment in his tone.

I don't know how could I reply with that. I know that I have many words to spill but I just can't. I just lowered my head as I let him say what he wants to say.

He sighed frustratedly as silence took us for a while.

"I don't think you are ready to be the next leader. If you are going to continue like this, you better just let me your powers instead."

I snapped and looked at him surprisingly but he seems serious about his words.


"The royals are getting their army ready. It will be late for us if we are going to wait on you to be ready." He said.

Jihyo's PoV

I don't know how long are we standing here. Jieun left a car and no one even wants to get in.

"What now? Do you want to go back or not?" Nayeon asked as she broke the silence.

"Are we really leaving? After what Y/N-"

"It's her responsibility to get us out of that place." Nayeon cuts Momo.

Jeongyeon moves and gets inside the driver's seat.

"Nayeon, go back to the school. I need this car to follow Jieun."

"Oh geez, I'm coming!" Dahyun said.

"H-hey! Jeongyeon what are you doing?!" Nayeon exclaimed.

I just shook my head and get inside the car too.

"You need me so I'm coming," I said.

I looked outside and see the others.

"Are you coming or do you want to go back to school?"

"School is not fun anyway," Momo said.

"I mean... yeah!" Chaeyoung said.

Sana and Mina are looking at Nayeon. But then Nayeon sighed exaggeratedly and rolled her eyes.

"I don't want to walk, okay!? But this doesn't mean that I'm going with you." Nayeon said.

Mina and Sana just shook their heads as they walk inside too.

"Where's Tzu-"

"I'm here before Jeongyeon entered... guess you guys are following the leader, huh?" Tzuyu said who's sitting comfortably at the back.

"Okay, Mina, tell Jieun we are coming," I said as Jeongyeon started the car.

"Already did."

"Nayeon? The coordinates." I asked.

She didn't reply but as soon as all of us looked at her, she huffed.

"Tsk, just... don't ever mention to that girl that I help." She emphasizes.

Third Person

While the girls followed Jieun, Y/N is still talking with her father.

"How can I make sure that you will use it for better?" Y/N asked.

"I've been being transparent to you, Y/N. You know my intention is only to stop all the leading of each kingdom."

"But you are the one who's making it wrong, dad. They are all settled, my classmates are getting together either. The only thing they are up to is to defeat you." Y/N said.

"How would you know that? You don't see what's happening in real life, Y/N. Everything is a mess and that is because of the different standards that they have. Different ways of peaceful living. Some need to kill to have that peace. And most of them are the royalties."

Y/N didn't reply after that. She walked out and went back to her room. It's all confusing for her. She knows that what her father will do is wrong. But she knows that her father is right too. That nothing is such wrong or right when it comes to this aspect.

Suddenly, Y/N's thoughts were cut as she heard noises again outside of her room. She walked out and saw Ash.

"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked.

"So, you are the one who let go of my rats," Ash said as she leans on the doorway.

"You are the one who used me to deceive my classmates." Y/N ranted back.

"Well... kinda. It's some sort of black magic that I am used to."

"Is that how you got my father? Through black magic." Y/N asked causing Ash to lose her smile.

"I don't need black magic to get your dad. Isn't obvious that he's really in love with me?"

"Well anyway, I don't think you can accept me that fast. We have children, better work on it." She added and left the younger.

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