61. Growing

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Jieun's PoV

"Why the fuck you didn't check on Y/N?!" Jennie whispered yell as we are now getting off the hide out.

"I didn't know, okay?! I didn't expect that she'll follow Nayeon."

"That exactly the potion's effect. She will follow the target wherever it go."

"Guys! We need to go, what are you waiting for?!" Irene yelled made us snap.

"Y-yeah, coming!"

"We have to separate them as soon as we got there." Jennie said.

"Aish, okay."

Third Person

"Y/N! Y/N wake up!" Nayeon yelled.

The grips on her gone causing her to fall on the ground at the same time as Y/N also did when her father let go of her.

"Let's go, rats are coming." The creator said.

He opened up a black hole and signaled his two assistants. Before they leave, they left an explosive. Nayeon saw it and immediately run beside Y/N.

She carried Y/N on her shoulder with all her strength and run away from the explosion. But there are many debris flew out locking them both inside the house.

"Y/N! Y/N wake up!" Nayeon yelled as she shakes Y/N.

Y/N went back to her consciousness. She opened her eyes, wandering where could be they are.

"We need to get out of this place, before the whole house will fall." Nayeon said.

Y/N nodded, Nayeon helped her to stand up. As Y/N is about to open a black hole, she stopped making Nayeon to look at her.

"What are you waiting for?!"

"I-... I can't open it."

"What?!" Nayeon asked shockingly.

"Talk to Jieun!" Nayeon suggested.

Y/N proceeds but just like what happened a while ago, she can't.

"W-what's happening?" Y/N uttered.


"I can't-"

They were cut as the ceiling fell. Their situation because more worse as they were stuck inside a small space.


Y/N slammed on the ground as she felt so drain for some reason.

"Cool, you have no powers, stuck in this place and worst... with you!" Nayeon hissed and slams here down.

"Whenever when I'm with you, my computations always going off. I hate it." Nayeon grumbled.

Y/N on the other side is still in silence. She trying to feel herself if her power was still on her. Although she heard what her father said. It will be probably temporary,as she can still feel it inside but it was blocked.

"I hate this too." Y/N mumbled.

"You shouldn't have let your father do that." Nayeon hissed.


While silence creeping in, Nayeon got a message from Jieun.

'You, leave Y/N alone! Don't ever let her to go with you. Jennie confirmed that the potion is already working on Y/N.'

Nayeon frowned and looked at Y/N frustratedly.

No, there's no way. Nayeon thought

"What's wrong with you? At this point, you should have been yelling at me because I'm also doing that to you. But you and your calm ass is taking over and it's really creeping me out!" Nayeon huffed.

"S-sorry... what should I do then?" Y/N asked.

"Ugh- cut it, okay? It's... strange."


"No! You should say no."

"Uhm, No?"

Nayeon facepalmed as she started to get convinced that maybe the potion she gave really started to send effects to Y/N.

She walked to the latter and hold her in her shoulder while staring intently. The scene made Y/N blushed which Nayeon noticed and made her curse internally.

"You, in case you forgot, you hate me. Because I keep on saying bad things to your father which he surely deserves. And for your information, I hate you too."

"Y-you hate-"

"Yes! So stop acting weird, Okay?!" Nayeon yelled.


Nayeon growled and gave up. She released Y/N and just sat at the corner.

"Stupid potion, stupid Y/N, and stupid me for giving it without even thinking!" Nayeon whisper yelled.

The two remained inside the house as they got no choice, they were stranded while waiting for the help of their friends. While waiting, Nayeon noticed that Y/N is not talking anymore. When she looked at it, she saw the latter burying her head on her hugging knees.

She ignored it but a snap of blood caught her attention. It was drifting over Y/N's spot.

"Hey, are you okay?!" Nayeon asked still on her place.

"Y-yeah, I guess." Y/N said as she ripped a piece of her pants and covered it on her wound that she got after the explosion. Since they were to overwhelmed with the situation, Y/N didn't notice that she got injured.

Nayeon hissed as she got no choice but to help Y/N with her wound.

"Your father is insane for doing this." Nayeon said as she put pressure on the cover that Y/N put.

"He won't end me, don't worry." Y/N said and chuckles but still enduring her pain.

"I don't care and I'm not worried about you.I'm more worried on the thought that he can have your power and use it against us." Nayeon said.

Y/N wasn't able to reply. Nayeon looked at her and saw that the latter is staring at her.

"Stop staring at me as if that will stop you on bleeding. Mind yourself, we better get out of this place before worse happened." Nayeon irritatingly said as she let Y/N handle her wound.

"You're the one acting weird now, Nayeon." Y/N said.


"I'm literally doing nothing here. But you are acting as if I did something so bad to you."

"You're not being fair." Y/N added.


"I understand that my father did something to your parents. But is that enough for you to put the blame on me? I just wanted to befriend you... is that too much to ask?"

Nayeon was left dumbfounded by Y/N's words. She want to argue but her words are being in silence.

"And it makes me feel weird because the more you are doing that... the more I am f-falling for you... It's weird."

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