-26. Midnight Battle (1)

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Third Person

While the others are hiding and watching, Y/N and Jieun are not even intimidated by the presence of their opponents. Considering they got weapons that only they know how to work with it.

"You are the princess, I heard you got a very special power. Mind to show us?" One of the students from the Intellectual program said.

Y/N didn't respond making them lose their temper. They attacked endlessly and the two has nothing to do but to dodge it and fight back if they can.

"Tch, I hate to see this. I'm not sitting here and do anything." Momo said and run to them.

"I know you don't need help, but consider this as my practice," Momo said to Jieun.

Jieun was surprised as she saw Momo but got no chance to react and stop her. Momo fights like a pro as she continuously manipulating her moves into flexibility like she can't be able to be touch by those running arrows.

Y/N smirked and settled down at the side watching Momo. Suddenly she was cut as Seulgi appeared in front of her.

"You really got time to watch them?" Seulgi said.

As Seulgi is about to attack Y/N, Y/N just moves on her back as smoothly as Momo's move.

"Need my attention?"

As Y/N is on her attack on Seulgi, Seulgi disappears as fast as lightning. Y/N hissed and looked around.

Before she could see Seulgi, she was pinned on the wall with a large impact. The wall cracked as Seulgi pinned Y/N with her speed.

"Yes, I need your attention," Seulgi replied.

Y/N seems nothing but fierce, she disappeared just like how Seulgi did a while ago.

"You copycat!"

Y/N flashed through Seulgi and slammed her hard on the wall with all force.

"Not really." She coldly said and twisted Seulgi's neck making it unconscious.

As she looked back, she saw Momo and Jieun having a hard time fighting with thirteen more people. She's about to go back to them but then...

"Need help?"

Chaeyoung, Mina, and Dahyun showed up.

"Do you even know what you are doing?" Y/N asked.

"I know you are a princess, we are helping our own kind," Dahyun said.

Y/N wasn't able to argue as the others attacked Chaeyoung and Mina. Luckily the two are alert with it.

Dahyun multiplied herself and helps Momo to fight with the others.

"How the hell they found out?" Jieun asked pantingly as she went to Y/N.

"Just let them, you know what to do later," Y/N instructed.

While they are fighting with the other students, Y/N watched just the usual. She's studying each potential but it was cut as Miyeon drag her out from the field and the next thing that happened they are under the water.

"Now, we are fair," Miyeon said.

Y/N was shocked as she saw how Miyeon able to talk in water. She can even breathe.

"This is your end!" Miyeon exclaimed.

Y/N immediately swims back up to the freeway but Miyeon swims faster than her. She has no match with her as Miyeon's place is the water.

"If you are dead, no one can stop us," Miyeon said as she grips her arms on Y/N's neck making it to unable to breathe more. Not so long, Y/N stop on squirming. Her grips on Miyeon's arms loosen as she's trying to stop Miyeon from choking her a while ago.

On that, Miyeon thought Y/N is done. She released Y/N and let her sink.

"I'll stop you first before everything else," Y/N said.

Y/N hugged Miyeon's waist and swim her out of the water with her speed. As they are out of the water, Y/N did an unmerciful act and killed Miyeon.

Blood all over her body but it's all nothing for her. The water and blood mixing on her skin but she first checked the others and saw a bloody scene. The others are dead. Dahyun's clones are also outworn.

Y/N walked near and helped them to finish the others. It's all the fight for Y/N, Jieun, Momo, Mina, and Chaeyoung.

Meanwhile, the others are fighting with the Intellectual students that are now more than the number a while ago. Jihyo and Nayeon are witnessing the whole fight.


"She's Sundry!"

Your PoV

"Y/N!" I looked back and saw Nayeon and Jihyo running towards us.

The fight ended and blood is all over the field. The grass turned into stained red as arrows and knives also on the floor.

"Now, who are these?" Mina asked as she wiped the blood on her arms.

"Y/N, are you ok?" Jieun asked as she walks near to me and saw me soaking wet.


"I knew something is going on," Nayeon said.

"I saw this coming," Jihyo added.

Jieun walked to Nayeon and snatch the coat that Nayeon's wearing.


"You should all go now, we'll explain tomorrow what this is all about," Jieun said as she gives me the coat that she took from Nayeon.


"What? No! We need explanations. You just turned us into killers." Dahyun said.

I looked at her and saw the stain on her face.

"You seem si used to it already anyway."

She halted back and snapped afterward.

"Ok, last help. I need to have the names of these students." I said.

"Let's just... help them," Mina said and sighed.

After a while, I got all the names of the students. They all looked at me as if they waiting for something.

"Jieun, you know what to do," I said. She nodded and called them. They gather in one place as I gathered the students that were killed. I opened a defined space and put them all into the other side... on where they belong.

I closed the black hole again and looked at Jieun.

"Everything is done?" I asked.

"Yup, but how about themselves?" Jieun asked.

I looked at them as they are still out of themselves and looking into infinite space.

"Go wash yourselves, forget everything happens here. Forget that you find out that I am a princess."

In just a minute, they followed as I said.

Mom said I'm different

So, I tried to do what they can do...
I thought It makes me feel that I belong to them.

But I was wrong.
As I learned to apply what they can do, I didn't notice it makes me more different from them.

Character: Shin Y/N
Ability: Imitation of Power, Modifying the Power she imitates.

Times she imitates someone's power;

*When Jihyo used her green eye to see that the school rule will change.

*Modified Momo's flexibility into super strength.

*Used Nayeon's Mathematical readings while fighting with Nayeon.

*Used Jieun's mind communications to communicate with Jieun.

*Used Mina's power after Jihyo caught her on the black hole.

*Copied Seulgi's speed, and Miyeon's underwater abilities.

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