-39. Maze of Monsters

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Your PoV

I woke up on a usual morning. Like when I said it's usual, I meant usual. Dahyun woke me up just to remind me that this day is the second physical practice. Tho she usually wakes me up, but it's unusual to see that she's excited about this activity.

"Y/N get up! We might get late!" She said.

"Why don't you just go there first? I still need more minutes to be ready to go to the bathroom." I said.

"Come on, it's the second physical activity. I didn't pass the first one so I need to catch up."

"Fine, I just hope you won't sneak again and drag me out," I said and walk to the bathroom.

'Hey, I'm sorry again.' I heard Jieun said.

'I'm in the shower, shut up.' I hissed.

I mean, her ability is kinda annoying. The way she sneaks into someone's mind to converse with them. Well actually she can talk to someone's mind, but the person who owns that space can't unless she also has the ability to manipulate someone's mind. That means Mina can have access too, I just don't know if she knows it.

'Oops, sorry.' Jieun said as she giggled.

I still don't forgive you for hiding the truth. I was caught off guard and I nearly dragged them into danger. I brought them there to save the others but when I saw my father as the creator...

Why it has to be him? He is a great leader of our tribe but then this happened. The creator is my father. I thought he was just under the creator's spell as said by Jieun's parents but then that surprised me.

After few minutes, I went out in a completely uniform as I dry my hair.

"Hey, where did you go last night?" I asked as I remember that after the practice, she's not here.

Even Jieun's roommate is not in their room. Jieun and I thought they are still on the dining floor but they are not in there.


"Tss, never mind."

I sat on my bed as I remember that Jennie girl from the intellectual program.

She said they know everything that is happening here... I hope this is not what I am thinking.

"Hello, guys!" Momo exclaimed as we all gathered outside the dorm. We are the only student who will be taking P.E class today and all students are in their classes so even if the dome is divided already, it's still comfortable.

"It's still close, we just need to wait on Ms. C-"

"Good morning class."

We all looked at the voice as a sound echoed coming inside of our practice dome. The gate went open and from outside we can see big walls.

"What the?"

"You are all going to wait here unless it's your turn. Each of you will be given an hour to pass inside. The other exit is on the other side. And to give you an idea, this is what it looks like inside." Ms. Choi said although we cannot see her, her voice is being heard around the place.

A screen outside the dome appeared and it shows a big maze inside the dome. The camera is on the top view to clearly see how big the maze is and where it will end.

"There will be a draw lot. Who's name showed up, is the one who will walk in. The shorter the time consume, is the winner. I'll be getting three winners and they will have a big incentive after the activity."

"On the side of the entrance, you will see materials that you can use. You can only choose one. It's pretty dark inside so I advise getting something too light of the way. All the participants who are not yet in the activity can watch their classmates so you can think of their own tactics. And to warn you, there are surprises inside the maze. You are allowed to use your powers, but don't ever destroy the maze."

"Is it clear?" Ms. Choi asked.

We all looked at each other as if we are having the same thought in our minds.

"No need to draw, I can do it first," Nayeon said confidently.

"Are you sure?"-Ms. Choi.

"Here she goes again." Tzuyu sighed.


"Okay, as you walk in the line, your time will start." Ms. Choi said.

Nayeon's PoV

As I stand on the starting line, I looked at the screen where you can see the whole map of the maze.

"Hey, Nayeon! The time has started!" Jeongyeon yelled but I was so focused on the map.

There are three ways to exit. There are easy pathways in the left corner, but I am sure that most of the 'surprises' were place there.

In the middle, there are some closed paths. But there is a way to exit. At the right is the hardest one.

If I'm going to choose, it's probably the right side. I can compute the ways of the passage considering the width and height of each wall that has been standing. But to say, it's probably easier on the left, I should just be ready with that surprise.

I looked at the materials that have been placed at the table and get a long sword. It's heavy enough to call a weapon and I can lift it, so I choose it.

I walked in and took the right passage. I continue to walk until I arrived on a two-way pass. I swing the sword to use it in measuring the width between two walls.

"Be resourceful as you can," I mumbled with a smile as I took the numbers to compute.

This is easy for me as I can complain use my math skills. My only problem is the surprise, but I am sure I won't encounter any of it.

As I got all the numbers that I needed, I computed them in my mind and stopped for a bit. It all flashed in my mind as if the whole place is being measured already. The time I will spend here and the paces that I'll be using.

"This is a lucky day to remember." I giggled

Third Person

"20 minutes and 20 seconds." The speaker said as Nayeon went out with her sword resting on her shoulder.

"Easy as pie."

The maze is huge, but they didn't expect that the first person spent 20 minutes inside before coming out. Just like what Nayeon computed and predicted, no monsters show up on the path she took. It was quite hard as every corner has turns and it makes her time prolong.

"Congratulations Nayeon, you'll have plus points for volunteering. But if you got the fastest escape, you'll get the incentive." Ms. Choi said.

"Wow, that is fantastic."

"Nah, that's boring. Should face some surprise- I want next!" Momo presented.

The map changed which everyone didn't expect.

She went inside without taking any lights or material with her which others find so stupid. She didn't even know what surprise she was looking for but then, Momo is momo. She's not bothered if she will face danger.

As she walks in, the sun is still up so she doesn't need more light. She just went to the passage where she thinks it is the way and goes back if it's a dead end.

30 minutes had passed, she is walking back as she saw a dead end but as she took a step backward, she didn't expect what to see.

The others who can see what is happening on the screen gasped as they realized that surprise it is, except Nayeon and Jihyo who already expected it.

A big stone monster just blocking Momo. Momo is looking up not on worry but with excitement.

"Finally, a worthy opponent." She giggled.

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