60. Stranded

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Jieun's PoV

"I think we should go this way first, that way we could avoid the creator's clan. I mean, we are going on their backs." Jennie suggested.

We are still in the practice hall as we are planning what to do in short time.

'We are here now, just follow us immediately.'

I snapped as I heard Y/N's voice on my head. I immediately looked around to find her and noticed she's not around.

'Wait- we? Where are you?!'

"Nayeon, what do you think? Any accurate plan?" Irene asked but no one answered.

"Uhm... I guess she left, Y/N followed her." Sana said.

My eyes widened as I heard what Sana said. Jennie and I had a contact as if we are thinking the same thing.

"Oh my gosh!"

Nayeon's PoV

I was holding into Y/N as my eyes were fixed on the bloody bodies scattered around.

I know I've seen already dead bodies before. But not much as these. This is getting out of the hand.

I snapped as I felt Y/N's hand tapping me.

"We need to find a safe place, I think someone is coming." She said calmly.

I let her to lead the way. We are walking over the bodies while I am looking at her.

How can she be so calm in this kind of place? I mean, yes, royalties are known getting into battleground but I never went there... seeing blood just makes me feel unwell.

"Y-you can let go now." Y/N said which snapped me back.

I looked at her confusedly but then I realized that I've been clinging into her since we got into this place. I immediately let go and unconsciously pushed her.

The fuck?!

"It's not what you think, okay?" I said.

I was expecting her to rant back or rolled her eyes just like the usual thing she do whenever we are ranting out.

"Okay." She said and looked outside.

We are in a old small house. Y/N is checking if someone is around. I guess this is a safe place go consider.

"Have you tried informing Jieun?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded.

"I already did."

"I hope I could find my parents." I uttered as I sat on an old armchair.

"We could... I think we could." Y/N said still peeking on the window.

Weird... she's weird.

"So Jieun and you are okay now, huh."

"Yeah, thanks for your advice." She said and looked at me.

Advi- wait... what is happening to her?

She's not even yelling at me...

Maybe she's in a good mood now?

But that's creeping me out for real.

"Hey, are you listening?"

"H-huh?" I uttered.

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