80. Ready

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Jeongyeon's PoV

"Momo, Sana, please bring the supplies to the kitchen. Also, can you cook for us. I'm sure everyone wants it." I said.

Momo and Sana nodded as the lift all the bags that Jihyo and Y/N got from outside. Chaeyoung and Mina left with Tzuyu and Jennie leaving me and Nayeon in the living room.

"You should stop hating Y/N, Nayeon. You don't know what she been through." I said as I sat properly across to her.

She just look at me and shrugged.

"Aren't we all? The only person who knows Y/N is Jieun. And you know Jieun could never get her trust."

"You're wrong."

She scoffs and crossed her arms.

"Jeongyeon. Y/N is Y/N. Sooner or maybe later she'll be one of thise creator that will end us. Just like how her dad did to our parents."

"We are not sure if they are dead." I said.

Nayeon looks away when I tried to look at her. I know that shes sensitive when it comes to this kind of topic. It's her parents. I know she misses them alot. Even after we entered the school, she didn't talk to her father because he obligations and now this is happening.

But knowing Y/N has nothing to do with this. I can't just stay up silent here.

"Maybe you calling her as a daughter of the creator who killed many people is nothing for her. But calling her a thief? Someone who steals power? Nayeon it's off the lines."

"She's not here."

"Even so! Nayeon you're being unreasonable! You're venting too much of your anger to her. You don't know, Y/N lost her connection to people because of that accusation when she was a child. Nayeon, she was just a child. And her mind says she's so wrong about it."

"As she lost her connection to everyone, all she got is her family. But they left her." I said hoping she could understand it.

I sighed and stood up. I pause before planning to leave her alone. So, she could think of her words a while ago.

"She's just like us. Whether a creator or not, she just want to live like us. But sadly people around her is stoping her... Y/N, she's more of a gem. She deserves to be called as a good person."

Nayeon's PoV

"She deserves to be called as a good person."

I grit as that statement runs in my head. Like, how can she be sure of that? They just spend time with each other for short time. You can't trust a person as easy as that.


I looked back as I heard someone called my name and I instantly huffed as I saw it was Y/N.


She walked towards me and handed me something. I was quite confused since she's just looking at me straight without even expressing emotion on it.

"What is that?"

"Just open it."

I rolled my eyes and get the paper that is folded. The first thing I saw is the greeting on the card that makes me wanted me to tear up.

"I saw it when Jihyo and I were out for supplies. I thought it is something familiar. When I opened it, I realized that it is from the King of the first kingdom. I don't know how it got into that place. Also, I am not sure if it's really from him since that is what written on the paper."

My hand is really shaking. I know my father's hand writing and it is definitely came from him.

'Being a leader is also being a good follower. Save us - King Im'

"He knows... he knows that it will able to get to me." I stuttered.

"I mean, he's your father. You got his potential to him."

I looked at Y/N and she just shrugged after.

"If we will move quickly, we can save them." She said.

I looked at the paper again. I felt like I gained my hope again. The past days, I am losing my focus even in the practice. I wasn't able to work on my potential too. I've been worrying about my parents. I even blame a person just to unstressed myself...

I'm stupid.

"Guys! Guys gather up!"

I snapped as I heard Chaeyoung running and yelling to the hallway. The others heard it too so they went out of their room.

"Geez! What happened?! Where's Mina and Tzuyu?!" Jieun asked.

"They are waiting outside. Quick! We need water! F-food! Yes! Irene is back!"

As she said that, we immediately run outside while the others get what Irene needed. We saw her on the ground, in front of the enchanted forest with Granny standing beside her.


Third Person

Everyone gathered in the living room while Jennie supports Irene. Irene is so exhausted as if he run for her life the whole day. She's trembling in cold. And completely mess.

"What happened?"

"We found them." Irene said as Jennie handed her the glass of water.

"Them? Our parents?" I asked.

Irene looked at me and nodded.

"They are many. Too much of them... but."

"But what?"

A moment of silence happened that even Irene didn't talk. I looked at Granny and she's just calm as the usual. She totally looks different compared to Irene.

"They are turning them into their sides."

As she said that, I felt like I bucket of cold water was poured through my whole body.

Turning them? Like what? A part of creator's clan?

"Most of the victim are elders. They are making up battalions to end the younger ones."

"But why?" Jihyo asked.

"There is a prophecy and I'll tell it later. But for now, you need to get ready. Everyone that is still in here are allies."

"Just us?"-Tzuyu

"No, we found some people that could help us. But they want us to be on the lead."-Irene.

"You mean... we'll be fighting our own parents?" I asked as I slammed myself on the floor.

"I, I can't do that."

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