-49. Illusions (1)

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Third Person

Jieun and the others didn't waste time and leave the town immediately. Jieun's father is also on the catch as they use some vehicles to get in the place immediately.

"Y/N... what if she really took the other side?" Dahyun asked worryingly.

"I saw it, she's in a dark place. Full of the bloody river, but she's not bothered about it. She seems to enjoy it." Jihyo said confusedly.

"Mina said it too. What should we do?" Jieun asked.

While they are on their way, the others who were caught up are still in the room.

"Are you sure it is Jieun who you talked to?" Nayeon asked.

"Y-yeah, I hope they could get in here," Mina said.

"But didn't you notice anything?" Mina asked.

"Notice what?"

Mina sighed and shook her head.

"How's Sana?" Nayeon asked Jeongyeon.

"She's fine now."

"Yeah, I'm good," Sana confirmed but now on cuffs.

"What should we do? If that girl comes back, it will be the end of us!" Momo said.

"Just please shut up for a while. I'm trying to think, Ok?" Nayeon said in frustration.

She closed her eyes and let her mind to work on her plan. Her brain is working actively as she calm down herself. She made up a plan with a hundred percent accurate with complete and predicted results.


"What?! I'm not doing anything!" Momo exclaimed as she was surprised when Nayeon called her.

"No, you. Your ability is manipulating your body. You can get out of that cuff and help us." Nayeon said.

"Omo, you're right!" Momo said. She sat up properly to set herself down to start-up manipulating her own flexibility. Without even a second, she was able to get off into the chain and dust off herself.

"Oh god! Freedom!"

"Great, now help us!" Sana said.

Momo nodded and did as what has been instructed to her. It took time before she let go of the last cuff which is Jeongyeon's.

"Let's go, before that bitch come back," Nayeon said.

They left the room carefully without anyone noticing it. Everyone is just following Nayeon but then Nayeon stops as she saw a familiar figure.

"Y/N?" Nayeon uttered.

"Wait, what was that?" Mina uttered as she's feeling something but they didn't bother.

Nayeon wasn't able to hold back. She walks over to Y/N and pulled her on her shoulder to make her turn.

Meanwhile, Y/N is surprised, not just by the sudden turn but by the fact that Nayeon and others are there as if she didn't expect the group to be there.

"Nayeon! What are you doing here!?" Y/N exclaimed as her thoughts are filling with worries of being caught by her father, or worse, caught Nayeon's group.

Nayeon scoffs as she laid her hand hardly on Y/N's cheeks.

Sana snapped and was ready on her fire, the others went alarmed too but Y/N is so confused about what is happening.

"You thought we can't get out of that fucking room huh? You're such evil like your father!" Nayeon growled as she's about to attack Y/N but Y/N instantly dodge it.

She jumped out of the circle and distance herself only for her to see that the others are also fuming to attack her.

"What the hell is your problem?! You shouldn't be here! If my father will-" Y/N wasn't able to continue her words as Sana blew up a fire in Y/N's direction. As she moves out to avoid it, Momo blocked her and pinned her down on the ground.

Y/N groaned as she felt Momo starting to manipulate her weight as heavily as she could that Y/N can't even breathe anymore due to the weight on her top.

"What's your problem!?"

"We won't be here if your clan didn't bring us here! Now since you want us to die, we won't let you." Nayeon said as she walks closer to the younger and points a gun.

"What!? What are you talking about!?" Y/N yelled and tried to push Momo. As she knew that she can't do anything, she holds on to Momo's wrist and burns her by using Sana's attribute.

"AHHH!" Momo yelled as she loosens up. Y/N use that opportunity to get off. She blew up some fire to be a barrier as she distant herself again.

"What are you talking about!? Who brought you here?!" Y/N asked.

"Don't know? You almost killed Sana a while ago!" Nayeon yelled.

Y/N's eyes darted Sana. Sana is upon her guard and the same as the others.

"Kill?! If It was me then I should have to kill you first!" Y/N snaps.

Nayeon was put on her last straw, she shoots the gun hoping just one will hit Y/N but Y/N just made the fire more alive that bullet can't even go in.

"G-guys, stop!" Mina yelled making Nayeon look at her.

"This place, it's filled in dark magic," Mina said as she's roaming her eyes.

Nayeon frowned but was still on her guard, even Y/N is confused.

Mina pulled something into her pocket, it is a bottle containing a white liquid. She walked over to the pond and pour it into the water. To their surprise, the place turned into something they didn't expect.

Pond of blood while insects are surrounding them. The place is complete hell, the atmosphere, the wind, everything! That they even doubt if tress will grow on that place. Full of red and black which seems like hell.

"W-what the hell is this?" Sana asked in horror.

Y/N can't form any words. She saw herself full of bloodstains that she concluded came from the pond.

The clear crystal pond just turned into the blood of misery. Trees became a house of devilish insects. Heaven became hell.

"N-no," Y/N uttered unbelievably.

"That Y/N we encountered... I doubt if it's Y/N for real." Jeongyeon said still coping with the place they are in.

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