24. Unknown Tribe

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Jieun's PoV

"Jihyo, Dahyun... could you leave us for a while?" I requested.

They just looked at me as if they were asking if I am sure about it.

"Please, I just need to talk to her."

"Call me up if you need something," Jihyo said to me and looked at Y/N before leaving with Dahyun.

As I am sure that they left already, I faced Y/N and as usual, she's up with her guard again.

"As someone older than you, I should tell you all the things that you are about to mess-"

"So you are just like them, you think that I will mess up. I should expect this already." She mumbled.

"It's not like that. But as a princess, you should know that you are up with responsibilities." I told.

"I hate to mention it and I know you don't like it either. But this is to remind you that you have a responsibility to make, Y/N. You're not just somebody else... you are royalty."

"Sooner or later... you'll be the next leader of our place," I added.

Yes, everything they know is not true. I know Y/N is done with the false history that we've been discussing in the class but that is for our own good too.

It's the low profile in exchange for high security. The less we are known, the high our safety measure is.

It's not true that the world is divided into 9 kingdoms. Well at first it was... but after the chaos, everything changed. Even if the world is divided already, there are still battles underground. And those are from the high-level people, mostly on the royalty's family.

They are gathering for a battle called 'bloodless battle'. It may sound safe since as the name suggests, no blood should be involved. But that only means, no life should be ended.

Each of the kingdoms is gathering in a hidden place, preparing their representatives... those representatives are commonly the people from the lower levels of their society.

Whoever won, then that kingdom can have those people. They will start to refreshen their memories and make them their own people.

So far, the 9th Kingdom is the leading, as they have the most number of people.

But aside from that, some people don't like to be on that way of living.

It's us. As we found out that there is something like that, Y/N's father leads us to a safer place. We built our own Kingdom, making it the most hidden that no one can discover. We still go out whenever we need to. That's why Dahyun believes that Y/N is from their Kingdom.

Y/N's father leads our Kingdom. It all went well. But there is this creator thing... who also separates from the 9 Kingdoms. They are the Creator's Clan.

They are the one who wants to take revenge on the person who died on the bloodless battle. Even if it's called bloodless, there are still some people who died with it.

Now, it makes sense why some hate the royalties. Probably they already know what kind of person they are.

But our nine classmates are different. Y/N knows that they can help to change and stop those bad deeds. But sometimes, she's acting as the others did... that's why I need to guide her.

"I'm sorry." She uttered as she sat on her bed and sighed.

"It's always nothing."

"So what's the plan?" She asked and looked at me.

"We should watch on the four first."

Jihyo's PoV

"She's a princess." Chaeyoung gasped as her tattoo crawled back into her body.

"What?" I uttered.

"Wait, did I hear it right?" Dahyun asked who came out from the kitchen.

"That's what it said. She's a princess." Chaeyoung said.

Apparently, Chaeyoung's tattoo helped us to hear the conversation of Jieun and Y/N. I know that it's something private but them acting up so weird is bothersome.

I asked Chaeyoung if she could help us. Since she can manipulate her tattoo, she did.

Her tattoo crawled onto the room as she laid her hand on the ground and let it flow to the ground. Since it needs to be on a solid surface, it crawled up to their room and heard the conversation.

"What Kingdom?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, What Kingdom? As far as I know, they are from my Kingdom? What the hell is happening!?" Dahyun panicked.

"Shut up Dahyun. No one has to know that we are here." I said."

"They didn't mention, but Jieun said they need to watch on the four," Chaeyoung said.


"Maybe they are referring to Seulgi's team."-Mina.


"Remember a while ago? Y/N stopped Jeongyeon to treat Miyeon. Maybe that's why. Plus the suspicious thing about them, who else?" Mina said and shrugged.

"Make sense," I mumbled.

"Now she's the princess of the unknown tribe," Mina mumbled.

"Have you tried sneaking into the future?" Chaeyoung asked.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus. As I did that, my eyes opened as they changed their respective colors. I covered my left blue eye to let my right green eye function.

As I did that, I saw bloody scenes. It's included Nayeon and Momo.

"What the fuck?"

"Why?" I stopped and my right eye went to brown again, leaving my cold blue active. I covered it with the patch and face them.

"Dahyun and Momo..."

"Me? Why?"

"You are going to mess with the four."

"Holy- haha! It won't happen if I will avoid Momo, right?" Dahyun asked with a trace of nervousness.

"When is that?" Chaeyoung asked.

I hissed and think. Just like what my potential's disadvantage, I can't tell it.

"I don't know. But Nayeon can tell it."

"Shall we tell them?" Mina asked

"Isn't invading Jieun's and Y/N's business?" Dahyun.

"The time you asked me to use my potential, Don't you think we didn't invade their privacy?" Chaeyoung said.

I sighed and shook my head.

"I guess we don't have a choice. We must tell them about the princess of the unknown tribe."

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