79. Freaky Day

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Jihyo's PoV

As soon as I saw Y/N back in consciousness a theory built up in my head. My gaze landed on the bird on my shoulder.

That could only mean Y/N abled to get the bird's loyalty. That's insane.


I looked at Y/N as she tries to sit. I'm not worried anymore since she's fully heal. She just need to gain her energy back.

"We need to go back." She said.

"Go back? Where?"

I gulped as I heard Eunbi. Her eyes are stuck on us as if reading our whole existence.

"Right, we need to go back to our family." I said and looked at Y/N.

She didn't reply maybe she get what I am trying to mean. I thought it will be settle but then.

"Is that so? Then we should go with you. We want to make sure you'll go back to your houses safe as we are managing the safety here in our village."

"No need. We're not really living here. We are looking for supplies for our family but then." I said and shrugged.

I saw Eunbi signal her other members. They leaved the room as silence entered the space.

"Why... why are you asking about creator's clan and royalties again?" I asked.

"Simply because they cause all of these. Many people are missing, we're not even sure if they are still alive... yet those royalties can't do nothing to stop the creator."

"A-are there more of you guys?" I asked.

"Probably... who knows?"

Not too long, Eunbi's members came back with bags on them.

"We packed the stuff that you may need. I hope these are enough."

Y/N and I looked at each other. I mean, I didn't expect that they would trust us easily.

Y/N went off the bed to get the bags that should could carry.

"Thank you for this. We really appreciated your kindness. But we need to go back now." Y/N said.

"Not a problem. I hope you two will have a safe walk back in your place. If there'll be a problem, just ca-"

"No need. We'll be safe for sure." Y/N cut when Eunbi is handing her a transmitter device.

"Okay. I guess that is all now. It's nice to help you." Eunbi said and looked at me.

I just smiled and bowed at them. Their group insisted to walk us out of their village. As we got out of their boundary,they left us and go back.

"Jihyo we need to go, the border will open sooner." Y/N said.

She's walking ahead and I just watch her.

"Hey, Y/N."


I sighed and walked behind her. Despite of the loads we are carrying, I can't complain about it.

"Why do we need to leave? I mean yes we got time to chase but you can work on it, right?"

"If we stay there, they will find out the truth. Who knows you'll slip off or maybe me?"


"We can just told them that we want the same thing." I mumbled.

"After you lied?"

"I did that for you." I hissed.

She didn't respond after that. The whole walk becomes silent. I don't know if it is good since anytime there could be some attacks.

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