81. Win-win?

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Nayeon's PoV

It's already night and everyone is back on their rooms. While, I am still here in the kitchen, thinking about what could happen. The note that Y/N got is still in my hand. I can't sleep because of this.

All I want is to be back with them. But now we need to face them. Do we really need to get through this?

I looked at the clock and let the tic of the sound leads my breathing pace.

I should not be just sitting in here. I need to do something.

I sighed for the nth time. There's only one thing running in my head and I don't think it's something I want to do.

"Ah Nayeon! You're caught!" I hissed as I pressed myself.

I think she's still awake.

I went out of my seat and decided to walk in their room. I made sure that I won't wake up anyone since I don't want that to happen.

"Okay." I mumbled and tried to compose myself. I'm actually expecting that if I open the door, she'll be sitting on her bed and staring outside the window but I was wrong. Again!

The door swung open and she was the one who showed up.


"Shh!" I hushed.

She frowned and look around. She went out of their room and close it from behind.

"Dahyun is sleeping, just go back tomorrow." Y/N said and about to walk out but I stopped her by holding her arm.

She looked at me confusedly as she waits for me to speak up.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Me?" She asked sounding surprised.


"Sure, only if you let me go." She said as she faced me. Then I just realized that I am still holding on her arm.

I immediately took back my hand and cleared my throat.

What the fuck, she sounds teasing me. Is it sure that she can't remember the other days? I hope she can't!

"What is it?" She asked but this time she sounds serious.

And it's not helping me. How could I tell her my intention if she's facing me like this!?



"Aish, Nevermind. Have a good sleep." I hissed and turned back.

No, maybe I can still think of another way. Not like this, I won't ask any help on that girl.

I woke up as I heard footsteps outside our room. When I sat up, I saw Sana who also just woke up. Both of us had a contact as if we are thinking the same thing.

I went out of my bed and walk out of the room only to see the others still in their pajamas. Irene appears suddenly out of nowhere with Jennie.

"Glad I don't have to wake you up. At the practice hall, now." She said and walks away.

Sana also walked out of our room as she heard Irene. I think it's an urgent so we didn't bother to change and head in the practice hall.

"Glad I woke up early. I don't need to join on your late slumber party." Tzuyu said as we walked in.

I realized that almost all of us are in sleeping clothes except her. My gaze landed on Y/N. More like on the bird that is on her shoulder.

"Granny will be here in a minute. For now, wake yourselves because this will be a tough day." Irene said.

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