-15. Always Watch Your Back

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Third Person

It's been a week after everything, just like Jihyo saw, she didn't win the title. The student of Class B and E are the announced president and Vice President of the school. On that, many students are glad about the result.

Class A is taking their P.E since it's P.E day where they need to attend the whole day.

"Who wants to be out of the room? It's so hot here in the school field!" Nayeon complains as she wiped her endless sweats.

"Gosh! I think I need to wash after this, maybe take a shower." Nayeon added.

"Nayeon, you are so demanding. Why don't you request your father to put AC in this place? How about that?" Tzuyu said.

"Nice idea, I'll just hire you like the AC," Nayeon said as she rolled her eyes.

While Nayeon is whining over the heat, the others are taking the practice seriously even their teacher is not yet around.

"Guys, where are the four?" Jihyo asked as she noticed that Miyeon, Eunha, Elkie, and Seulgi are not around.

"I think Ms. Choi talked to them. Know about the students who sneaked into the restricted area? They are those students." Tzuyu whispered.

"What?" Jihyo asked confusedly.

"You didn't see it?" Nayeon asked.

"How come I will see it? They are always out of the sight." Jihyo said.

"Ey guys! Watch Y/N and Momo!" Dahyun said.

The three looked at the center field and saw the two in the match.

The others also stopped and watch an intense fight with the two.

"Does anyone have popcorn?" Tzuyu asked as her eyes are fixed on the two.

"They both excel in this subject, what the hell?" Nayeon uttered.

They are amazed as they are watching Momo dodging Y/N's hit. Every dodge is like she is dancing and flying with the air. No wonder that her ability requires in the field, it's more on physical and close-up fights.

As Y/N is about to throw a punch, Momo flew up over Y/N's head, the next thing that happened is she's standing behind Y/N.

"Always watch your back!" Momo said as she's ready to kick Y/N.

Y/N grin and turned around stopping Momo's foot but holding it with her barehand.

"Noted," Y/N uttered as she wraps her leg around Momo's foot and twists it over.

The others winced as they saw how Momo slammed on the ground. Momo holds her back and endures the pain. As they realize that the fight has ended, they walked into their place and greeted them with a huge smile for showing a great fight.

"Nice match! Can you do it again?" Sana asked.

"Sure, but you'll be the one fighting Y/N," Momo said making Sana's excitement faded.

"Wow, you two... You two are like... Bamboos..." Chaeyoung said.


"Flexible and strong," Chaeyoung said and shrugged.

"You really amazed us. Y/N, what now? Do you got a plan on telling us your power?" Nayeon asked

They all looked at Y/N as they also want to hear it from her.

"Guys! I'm sorry for taking it long."

They all look at the place where the voice is coming and saw the teacher.

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