-6:Hot and Cold

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Sana's PoV

I looked at Tzuyu and saw that she doesn't even have plans on telling the others what happened and how we got in this detention room.

Right Sana, you shouldn't have followed here!

"Ok, you want to know what happened? Here is the story on how... this girl almost cry on a guy's arm, but luckily I showed up." I said as I point at her.

She just rolled her eyes and my eyes did the same.


It already breaks time as the bell rings. All of us went out of the room and I just stick to Jeongyeon and Nayeon as they are the first I able to talk with.

We are heading into the cafeteria as I suddenly felt I need to use a comfort room.

"Nayeon, I just need to do something. I'll follow after." I said.

"Sure, we'll be waiting at the cafeteria." She said and walked with Jeongyeon.

I just smiled since I know Nayeon and Jeongyeon will be my first friend here. Our Kingdom is known for people who are always after the trend. Everything seems so up with fame.

To say, I should not worry about it, I mean... we are royalties. Or maybe I should? That Y/N girl, I don't think I can befriend her... and also that Tzuyu, and that sleeping girl... actually everyone seems so different. They got their own attitudes and for not, only Nayeon and Jeongyeon are I am sure about.

After long thinking, while walking just to not mind the eyes that have been spotting me, I arrived at the comfort and heard a commotion before I entered the room.

When I tried to follow the voice, it leads me to the corridor of the men's comfort room.

I'm about to get back in my business as I heard a familiar voice and take note, it's a women's voice!

"I don't care! As if I'm going to harass you! I just need to get in to check on someone!"

As I arrived at the scene, I saw Tzuyu and she's being blocked by the men.


She looked back but turn her gaze again to those men.

"Come on! I just need to check on something!"

"Tzuyu, what the hell are you doing in the men's restroom?" I asked as I pulled her away.

"Shut up, I don't need you here." She hissed and shoved my hand away from her.

"If you don't go, we won't hesitate to use our power. This is a boys' restroom. Get some privacy!" The guy in the middle said.

Tzuyu didn't give a mind to it and pushes the guy in the middle but that is her worst decision.

"I gave you a choice, princess. Rules are rules." The guy said.

I saw how he turned Tzuyu's arm until Tzuyu flinches in pain. Veins are showing on the guy's arm as if he'll going to crush Tzuyu's arm.


Not so long the arm of the guy started to come frozen. The other men were about to attack Tzuyu as my body acts unconsciously.

The next thing that happened is the three guys are running away as one of them is burning on fire.

Tzuyu immediately runs inside to search for something as if her arm is not injured. I looked at my hand and it's slightly burnt due to uncontrollable heat I take over.

"Shit! He's not here!" I heard Tzuyu hissed as I followed her.

"Who are you looking for?"

"I told you, it's none of your business." She hissed and push me on her side. She's about to go out as a woman in formal wear showed up.

"3 violations in a day? First, going to places where you shouldn't go. Second, creating trouble. Third, using power without permission."

End of Flashback

"And that's how I saved her. If I didn't go there, maybe she's just... a cold body now." I said and looked at her as I raised my brow.

"I knew there's something wrong. Let me see it." Jeongyeon said and walk over to Tzuyu.

She holds Tzuyu's arm as if she's looking for something.

"Does it hurts?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Yeah, but who-"

Jeongyeon clasped her palm over Tzuyu's arm and closed her eyes.

"Done," Jeongyeon said after few minutes.

"Done?" All of us uttered except Tzuyu.

Tzuyu looked at her arm as she lifts it.

"Woah... It feels better!" Tzuyu exclaimed.

"If we hadn't cured it yet, it may lead to serious injury. Your bone is quite fractured." Jeongyeon stated.

"Daebak!" Tzuyu mumbled.

Wow, this is the first time she sees someone's power in amazement.

"We got Elsa and there is Rapunzel." I chuckled.

"Hays, this is so boring, how long we are going to stay here?" I heard Nayeon complained.

"Guys quick, the principal is coming."

We look at the person who talked and it's Jihyo. She's using her green eye actively.

"The room, if the principal finds out that we use our power, she will extend our punishment!" Jihyo said.

"Bet you saw it in your veggie eye," Dahyun said.

"Just quick!"

I snapped and look around. The room still up cold because of what Tzuyu did. So, to get back to its normal temperature needs some heat.

"Clean up the bottles, I'll manage the temperature," I said.

Y/N and Dahyun did what I said. They put the bottles in my bag since I am the only one who has a bag among us.

I just hissed and focus on heating the room. I touch the ground to include the whole place.

"Is this enough?"

"This is hell! Yes!" Nayeon said.

Just in time the door went open. We are all sitting as the principal came.

"You survived your one-hour detention. You may leave. Tomorrow there will be an announcement and all students are required to come to the hall." As she left, we sighed in relief and stood out of our places.

"Know what, forget what I said. You two got a nice duo." Jihyo said to me and Tzuyu.

I looked at Tzuyu and smiled but she just hissed and walked away.

"Nice, nice duo." I sarcastically said.

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