-25. Midnight Battle

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Third Person

It's already dinner time and all of them went to the dining restaurant on the ground floor. Everything seems to be a simple night but not for Nayeon.

"Just add up some more," Nayeon uttered as she's laying on her bed and having an early night routine.

"Hahhh! Why do I even doing this? I am a royalty too!" Momo whined as she helps Nayeon to put her facial cream on her face.

"I'm telling you, It's really not good to eat at this moment. Aside from we will getting the less amount of food, I also calculated that there will be a fight later on at the ground floor." Nayeon said.

"But I'm hungry already!"

"Just grab some chocolates there. After everyone is done, we can head down. Trust me, you'll be getting the better service than the usual." Nayeon said.


"Where is Nayeon? We need to talk to her." Chaeyoung said as she roamed her eyes."

They stopped as they saw the two approaches.

"Hi, guys!" Jieun greeted with a smiled as they got near.

"Oh, you able to tamed her," Jihyo said as she saw Y/N who seems calm than a while ago.

"Just luck, anyway, where are the others?" Jieun asked.

Not so long, Jeongyeon, Sana, and Tzuyu.

"Where is Momo?" Jihyo asked.

"They are not here? She went out after Nayeon called her."

"Don't look for her, remember what you saw? I'll be in danger if Momo is h-" Dahyun wasn't able to finish her sentence as Chaeyoung elbowed her.

"Saw what? Danger?" Tzuyu asked as she sits on her chair.

Everyone is at the table already except Nayeon and Momo.

"I think they don't want to eat. Whatever, let's eat now." Jihyo said.

"Oh- Jieun... What happened to your neck?"Jeongyeon asked curiously.

"Y/N grabbed her nec-"

"Dahyun!" Chaeyoung and Jihyo exclaimed.


"You what?" Jeongyeon asked shockingly.

"You're really crazy." Jeongyeon hissed and went to Jieun to treat her bruise.

"I thought Nayeon is crazy... never thought there is someone crazier than her," Tzuyu mumbled.

"Guys it's ok, it's not what you think. Y/N and I just had a little practice." Jieun reasoned out.

Jihyo, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Mina just shook their heads as they know it's not true. Also, they know that there is something that the two are hiding.

Jihyo looked at Y/N and saw that Y/N is watching Jeongyeon and Jieun intently that her eyes are squinting. As if she's checking something on it.

After few minutes the trace on Jieun's neck was gone. The pain also disappeared and Jieun was very thankful for Jeongyeon's help.


Y/N snapped as she heard the name being called by Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon's called Miyeon and she is with the three. The four went to their table and greeted them.

"How are you feeling?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Ah, I'm much better. Thank you for your help."

"No problem," Jeongyeon said and smile.

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