93. Thinking 'bout You

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Third Person

"She's the creator's child. She's the next creator." Nayeon emphasizes.

All eyes went on her as if they didn't expect that coming from Nayeon. Her tone say it all, she's not happy about what happened.

"You are the next creator?" Eunbi asked to Y/N.

Y/N didn't reply but the other girls took the attention.

"Isn't cool-ouch!" Chaeyoung exclaimed when Mina elbowed her.

"Who knows, she'll be like her father." Nayeon said.

"Nayeon enough. Y/N stopped you because she knows that you will mess everything." Jihyo said.

"Me?! Excuse me? I've calculated every single second. You messed up! You failed to see this coming!" Nayeon blamed on Jihyo.

Jihyo halted back as she didn't expect the blame throwing on her.


"I hate myself that I trusted you guys! Especially you." Nayeon glared on Y/N.

She left the place walking back to the car that is stolen by Tzuyu. Meanwhile, the other girls left speechless at the same place.

"We're still not finish." Eunbi said.

"Look, we helped you. We didn't expect this coming. We came here because that predictor and that math geek say it all." Jennie said.

"I don't think this can lead in right way." Irene sighed. She looked at Mina and secretly signaled the girl. Just by a nod, she got what Irene want to say.

Mina eyed on Eunbi. As their eyes met, Mina did her thing.

When Eunbi's group is about to attack the girls, Eunbi raised her hand signaling them to stop.

"Why, Eunbi?"

"We need them... Follow us." Eunbi said who's staring at Mina straightly.

"But Eunbi-"

"Trust them. They can help us." Eunbi said. Everyone was confused aside Irene. When Jihyo looked at Mina, she saw the latter not breaking her stare on Eunbi.

"O-okay. You have cars?"

"We'll use Jiby." Y/N said.

"How about Nayeon?"-Sana

"She's in the car. Tzuyu, you go with Y/N instead. Guys, hop in the car." Irene said.

"Wait, how sure are we that they will lead us in their place?" Jennie whispered.

"Mina did her thing. Let's go." Irene said.

[Time skipped]
Jihyo's PoV

We are here in Eunbi's place as we are getting ready to get on the creator's place. We are just waiting for some backups. The surprise here is Eunbi got some connections from the hidden groups aside from their group. We don't have much of time. We need to face the creator whether we have a plan or we don't have.

Eunbi stated their plan and Irene see some potential over there. We just need a massive number of people. We still have Y/N so we are still ahead on them. It's almost midnight and we're still awake. Irene, Jennie and Eunbi's group are talking about the big plan. While we are waiting for the backup.

I know everything is not organize. We are moving just by what we should do already. We don't have backup plan but it's not or never.

I snapped back as I saw Nayeon. It's her first time going out of the car after we dropped on this place.

"Hey." I called up.

She just looked at me and rolled her eyes as she continued to walk away.

"Nayeon wait! I'm sorry." I said.

I feel relieved when she stopped but still not facing me.

"I thought I did my job correctly. I'm sorry. I should have just looked on it deeply. But you saying harsh thing to Y/-"

"I get it. You came here not to apologize but to tell me that I am such a bad person on that creator's child!"


"Jihyo, stop siding her. Stop trusting her! She can't do what is supposed to happen!" She exclaimed and run away.

I was left in shock because of the way how she shouted at me. It's different compared to the usual Nayeon I know. Full of disappointment...

"Sorry for that." I was startled when I heard Y/N's voice. As I looked back, she's standing there probably for long.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

She just shrugged and put Jiby down that was on her shoulder.

"Felt like I need to. The way she shouted at you. And the way you reacted on that. It seems that it never happened before."

"Yeah." I said as I look down. I don't know if I should feel guilty or feel sad for Y/N. No one should take the blame for this.

"About your power...you're still not working on it? Having a hard time?" She asked.


"Nayeon is a bit right. Tho she delivered it wrongly. If you just see it coming..."


"I see you're thinking other things aside from that. I can actually copy your potential and do it instead but..."


She sighed and nodded.

"Jieun's death along with her parents. My father. This pressure. It just block off all the thing that I should do." She said looking far away.

Maybe she was right. After I saw the flashback about her life. I was bothered about it. It just that... it's too dark.

"You should stop thinking about it for now, Jihyo." Y/N said.

"You should too." I chuckled.

"No. I can't stop thinking about the person who accepted me and treated me like their family. But the person in your mind is blocking you."

Person in my mi-

"Mina said so."


"I can totally tell you my past if I have to. I can still remember some of those. You don't need to mind it for now. Everyone is counting on you. Everyone is counting at each other."

"W-what are you saying!? I'm not thinking about you!" I defend.

"Yeah? That's not what I meant but that's what you understood."

What the- is she teasing me!?

"You're turning red th-"

"Gosh Y/N! You're so unbelievable!" I huffed and walked away. I walked back where the squad is and saw them resting. Some are sleeping.

"Jihyo, oh- are you okay?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Of course. I'm f-fine."

The fuck I am stuttering!?

"Are you good? Your cheeks are burning."

"I'm good! I'm fine!"

"Okay, have you seen Y/N? I need to che-"


"I'm here." I voice from my back.

"There you are! I'll check your wounds, come here." Jeongyeon said.

I looked back and as Y/N's eyes landed on me she smiled as if she's saying she's right. No! It's more like a smirk.

"The fu-"


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