100. Consequences

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Nayeon's PoV


"How can we get out of this place? They are half way turning on the barrier." I asked.

"We can use Y/N's black hole. I'll tell you where we could land." Mom said.

I look at Y/N and she seems okay with it. Well maybe just for now. That potion really works on her. If not, I won't be able to get her do everything to help me.

"We must go, before everyone look for us." Y/N said.

I nodded and helped mom to stand up since she was sitting on the van a while ago.

She opened up a black hole and look first on us.


Mom entered without answering. Y/N looked at me and offer her hands but I just followed mom. The next thing happened is we are on a dark place. A tunnel? I don't know.

"Where are we?" I asked and my voice echoed around the place. We're definitely in a tunnel.

I decided to walk around with just the wall being my guide.

"Nayeon, watch out. You can't just walk in the dar-" Y/N wasn't able to finish when I slipped on a canal.

"Oh fuck!"

"Nayeon! Aish I told you not to walk around!" Y/N hissed and helped me to stand up.

"Well if you just say it earlier. Now I am all wet."

"Girls, stay quiet. We don't want the creator to track us." Mom said.

"Here, just use this." Y/N said and gave me the jacket she was wearing a while ago.

Tch, If she's not just under spell, I would believe her kind acts.

"Mrs. Im, where should we head now?" Y/N asked.

"She's a Queen, you're manners." I said.

"Its okay, Nayeon. We don't need formalities now. Well first, we need to know where are we?" Mom asked.

"We are kilometers away from the previous place. I could only bring you up here before they totally close the barrier." Y/N said.

"Mom, where are we heading next?"

"Straight up this tunnel." Mom said.

We started to walk while mom is leading it. Since it's dark, we can't really see where we are going.

"Mom, are you sure we are heading in the right way? It's pretty dark in here." I said.

"Yes. Just be patient, Nayeon. Why don't you talk. I want you to get more close."

"Huh? Who?"

"The creator's daughter." Mom said.

I frowned and look back at Y/N who's doing something else.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked and stopped walking so she could catch me.

"I'm leaving trace. If ever we get lost."

"That's not necessary. We can just use your black hole if ever." I said.

Y/N gave me worry look which is very unusual for her.

"I can't use the black hole if we are out of the barrier. My dad would track us if I do it here."

"Girls, we're taking the other side." Mom said which made me look at her.

"Okay, let's just rely on my mom."

We continue to walk and I could really say that we are walking for half hours now. But still, there's not light!

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