71. Remember, Stay away!

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Third Person

The two remained on their position, not having the same reason.

Y/N who's clearly in need of attention and Nayeon who can't process everything.

Why she's kissing me? And many more questions running in her mind. It makes her forget that Y/N is actually doing it to her right now.

Then, she felt Y/N's hand on her waist. It's slowly caressing her. She knows it something she doesn't like especially it's Y/N. She should have stop her but Y/N's touch feels like magic to her.

After minutes, Y/N pulled up as she looks at Nayeon's eyes who still got the surprise expression.

"W-why you did that?" Nayeon able to say.

She knows it's not really what she wants to ask. She clearly know why, it's because of the potion! But after earning a courage, all she able to say is a stupid question.

"I told you, I like you." Y/N said as she left a wet kiss on Nayeon's cheek before leaving the girl.

Nayeon heard a slamming door but that is not enough to snapped her back. She tried to grasped on her breath as she knows she will go crazy if she won't do that.

She held her lips as if she's checking if that was real. Something is wrong, she definitely think that something is wrong.

Why she decided to go out? Why every time she thinks it's right, Y/N will show up and made her realize that her calculations is wrong. Why everything is wrong when it comes to Y/N? That's all she's thinking.

Nayeon went back to her room even if her knees are shaking. Not terrified but still on shock about what happened. It will surely make her awake till morning.

Another morning has come, everyone felt charged after two days of resting. As they woke up, they realized how stink are they. They even run and fight who will go in the bathroom first. But Nayeon is not, she already had one so she heads at the kitchen.

As she's about to enter, she stops as she saw someone facing back.

Even if it's only her back, Nayeon knew it well who is that person. The one who just stole kiss from her.

Her wants on walking in the kitchen disappears. She walks back silently and let her feet bring her wherever it will go.

She didn't realize that her feet brought her in the practice place. There, she saw Jennie working on with some other stuff instead on anti-dote.

"Is that the anti-dote?" Nayeon asked.

"Shh! It's not."

"What? When will you start working on it?" Nayeon asked who's clearly getting impatient.

"I am working on it, okay? I just need to get back here since Irene is getting suspicious on me. I stayed in my room so often and she's asking why I am leaving my stuff here." Jennie said.

"How long it will takes?" Nayeon asked.

"Just few more days, I am testing it already. Don't rush me, okay? Jieun warned me that if it mess, she'll end me mercilessly." Jennie said as she rolled her eyes.

"Just, just stay away from her. That would help." Jennie said.

Nayeon sighed as she remembered what happened just this morning.

She will surely do. That would be awkward for her. For Y/N? She don't think so. Y/N would forget what she did after a day, that's so unfair.

"Don't need to remind me." Nayeon hissed. She stayed in the practice place while waiting for the others. They are clearly not having it since Irene didn't show up too to call them. Good for them, they could rest. But how about the problems outside?

"You're telling me we just need to wait here?" Nayeon asked after hearing Jihyo said.

Technically, Irene didn't show up because she was busy tracking all the movements outside. They have a plan. As soon as they track another movement from the creator's clan, they will follow them to know there place. But that is not the situation. Since the girls found a new place to stay with, the creator's clan been acting like a criminals, hiding from people.

"I'm sure that Irene and granny are working with it. We also need to prepare. But I don't think this is time for that, I still have a hangover on the forest adventure." Jihyo said.

"I just want to eat, felt like haven't eaten for a month." Momo said.


Jihyo let them to have their moments. It's not that bad, right? Especially now that Y/N's power is back. It will be totally helpful.

As they are having their own moments. Jieun made sure that Y/N won't be walking or interacting with Nayeon. She brings the latter everywhere with her. She totally forgot what she found out on the forest. That this creator's child, trust no one.

Well maybe she looks like she does. But all of it are just acts. Creator's child trust no one.

"Y/N do you want to eat?" Jieun asked.

"I told you, I'm full." Y/N said feeling irritated as Jieun seems babying her.



"Okay fine, let's do practice match. Let's test your power if it's working." Jieun said.

Y/N gets full of it. She saw Sana playing with fire a while ago made her process about it.

Just like what she needs to do, she needs to observe before she can copy a power. And the observing should be on that day, because if not? She will totally forget about it.

She light up a fire as big as her palm which made Jieun startled.

"Okay, i-it's working." Jieun said as she puts Y/N's hand down.

Y/N sighed feeling sad about what is happening. She's not fool, maybe her mood is driving her crazy. She literally went to tough crazy lover into sad girl.

"Is she avoiding me?" Y/N mumbled.

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