-55. Opps

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Jihyo's PoV

"That old lady can open a black hole? Is she a creator before or something?" Chaeyoung asked.

We are now at the hall as Irene and Jennie leave with the old lady for a talk.

"Probably... but Y/N doesn't seem to know her," I said as I looked at Y/N who's sitting and leaning on a wall as her eyes were shut. Everyone is busy as Irene gave us tasks. We are just warming up for later's "PRACTICE" that Irene prepared.

"I'm thinking... that old lady prolly like Y/N. Is she able to identify my ability without even letting her know? Just like when Y/N and I knock on the doors and guess who owns that room." Dahyun said.

"You did that?" Nayeon said disgustingly.

"Uhm... it's fun."

I just rolled my eyes and looked at Jieun who's warming up alone. She doesn't even go with us nor to Y/N.

"This childishness of these two wonderful help us," Nayeon said.

"Nayeon, Jieun lost her parents." Jeongyeon said.

"They are not dead... prolly they are in creator's hand. Did you ever notice their bodies on the place? Nope. I'm hundred percent sure about it." Nayeon said.

"Finally you said something good." Tzuyu butted in.

"Nayeon, Jeongyeon didn't mention about her parents being dead. She just said she lost them... ugh, whatever. We need to make them stick again. Remember what Jennie and Irene said? Y/N and Jieun work together. Jieun is the only one who could convince Y/N." I said.

"You know I can hear you guys, right?" Jieun said.

"Oh, we really intended that."-Dahyun.

"I won't talk to her unless she'll admit that she was wrong. If she didn't just be"

"Fine! It's my fault! As if I told you to follow me. Did I ask you to go there? No!" Y/N shouted which made us all shocked.

We never heard her shouting at Jieun... like this scene is so, creeping me out.

"Stop rubbing to my face that you went there to save me when I didn't even ask for help," Y/N said and left the place.

"W-wait, Bestie wait!" Dahyun yelled as she follows Y/N.

"Nice job, Jieun. You made her mad." Nayeon huffed.

"Shut up, you are the one who keeps talking nonsense there." Jieun hissed and walked out.

"Wow, did she just?"

"Nayeon, you should mind on your words... not everyone could understand you," I said and decided to follow Jieun.

Nayeon's PoV

I scoff as Jihyo walked out and followed Jieun.

"What? Why are you looking at me?" I said to the others who left.

"I feel hungry... Mina let's eat." Chaeyoung said.

"I want to come!" Tzuyu butted in. They left with Jeongyeon leaving me, Sana, and Momo.

"Slow down, Princess. We are all princesses here and one rule is to be respectful for others to respect you too." Sana said.

"Shut it, we are not in the kingdoms for those rules," I said as I crossed my arms.

"Being respectful doesn't need a title. Do you want to earn it? Do it so." Sana added.

"Girls let's see-... where are the others?" Jennie asked as she came in and only saw me, Momo, and Sana.

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