65. (Un) Royal

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Nayeon's PoV

"Don't ever tell me that you like me. Ever." I said as I'm looking at her straightly.

"I... you know I like you? W-wait, why? I mean I don't care if you knew about it... but why?"

I sighed and shook my head. It's really weird to talk to her in this kind of state, knowing that she's into some kind of potion...

"What do you mean why? I hate it, so stop. Stop liking me, stop saying it to me. And stop sticking with me because that is not what you usually do." I said.

I saw the sudden change of Y/N's expression which made me doubt if that is even real or maybe it was the potion.

But of course, it's due to the potion. A potion controlling her to be nice at me. To act like she likes me and if the potion will be treated already... she will go back to the old Y/N who hates everyone especially me for hating his father.


Of course she would say no- what!?


"No. I won't stop liking you. Nayeon, what do you think about my confession? A joke?" Y/N asked seriously.

What the fuck?

"This is so offensive to me. But it's fine, I won't take back what I said."

She's crazy, what the fuck?

"Guuuuys! Help!"

Y/N and I both snapped as we saw Dahyun running towards us.

"A bear is chasing me! Runnnn!"

"What?!" I exclaimed.

Before Dahyun could explain more further, We saw the bear running behind her and on its way to end Dahyun.

In just a snap, Y/N is hopding my hand as we are running with Dahyun.

"What the fuck!? Why are we running!? It will just chase us!" I exclaimed.

"What do you want? Pretend to be dead like how you pretend that you didn't know that I like you!?"


"Shut the hell up, you two! That is not an ordinary bear! It talks!" Dahyun yelled out.

As we able to distant and found a hidden place, we stopped for a while to catch on our breaths.

"What do you mean it talks!? Are you out of your mind?!" I asked as I'm panting.

"It does! I swear!"

"I think so too, it's not an ordinary bear. Besides this is an unordinary forest." Y/N said who's also panting.

"What now? Should we go back? I know the way, my clones ar-"

"No! We're not coming back." I said.

"We're... s-so you are counting us with y-you?" Y/N asked as if I said it for the very first time.

"This is part of the plan. If Jihyo knows, this is predicted to happen. To know our mission in here." I said.

"What if the bear will show up again?!"

"Run? We have no choice." Y/N replied.

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