77. "I got you"

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Third Person

Jihyo just glared at Y/N but she knew she can't do anything about it anymore.

Y/N put out her handbook and started to give it attention.

"Got time to read comics in the middle of this situation? I think you are underestimating us." Ash said once again.

"Count of three, we'll run." Y/N whispered to Jihyo as she puts back her handbook on her pocket.

"After thr-"

Jihyo didn't finish her sentence when Y/N made up multiple clones that startle their enemies. While they are distracted, Y/N grabbed Jihyo's hand and run away.

"That was quick!" Jihyo exclaimed who's surprised with the sudden motion.

Y/N looked back and surprised when half of her clones are already down.

"We can't use the black hole." Y/N muttered.

"What!? Why?"

"Because we can't!" Y/N hissed still running for her life with Jihyo.

Y/N hooked her handbook as she let go of Jihyo's wrist.

"What the hell, Y/N?! What are you doing?!"

"I need to read the information again. Jeongyeon's idea." Y/N said.

Jihyo rolled her eyes still running.

"Mentioned her for I don't know how many times. That didn't even answer my question!"

Jihyo looked back and noticed that they are already far from their enemies. In fact, she think they lost them.

Jihyo stops as she finds she needs to get some air. She panting wildly while Y/N also stops with still her attention on the handbook.

"We need to get out of here. They will catch us." Jihyo said between her breathings as she hold her thighs to support herself.

Y/N looked at Jihyo and notices something new on her.

"Your eyes, its not turning color at the same time." Y/N mumbled.

"Is that even relevant right now, Y/N!?"

Jihyo looked around only to find themselves out of the village. They are in forest, more like a cliff.

As Jihyo able to compose herself, she used her potential to see up coming attacks but before she could do it further, Y/N snapped her out.

"What?!" Jihyo exclaimed irritatedly. She surely know that everything should be blame on her. She could see the situation ahead but she rely on Jennie's device. But on the latter part of it, Y/N doing nothing makes her fume.

She's thinking, Y/N is the creator. She can basically do what she want. But look at them, they are running to save their lives.

"Shh." Y/N hushed as she's looking on something. She was staring at the tree with all her attention. When Jihyo looked at it, her eyes widened as she saw the bird that was on the side of their enemy.

One thing Jihyo is thinking that time, it is something that will help the enemies to track them out. Jihyo didn't waste time when she grabbed a fist sized rock and about to throw it hard but Y/N stops her.

"Wait, I know a better plan." Y/N said.

Jihyo frowns as Y/N let go of Jihyo's wrist when she tried to stop her. Y/N removes her bag and ready to climb up the tree.

"Jihyo, throw the handbook to me." Y/N instructed.

Jihyo gets it from her bag and throw it up on Y/N. Meanwhile, the bird is just staring at Y/N. With same eyes, different colors.

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