-11. Solitary,Binary,Sundry

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Jihyo's PoV

"Ok class, our first lesson for today is obviously about powers." Ms. Choi started

All of us are listening as we are really interested in it. Some are taking important notes, some are just listening intently.

"Powers are obviously formed by human distinct energy. Which all of you have. The reason why we separated the Intellectual and Special students like you is because you guys are extraordinary in your own way."

"Students in Intellectual Program are upon making advance weapons that may help them to fight. Not just that but also to make up a plan. That's why Nayeon is really advance on that program. Although, we chose to put her here in this program as she can also predict things with numbers. That is what we call Numerology."

"Not just Numerology but also Numeracy which she has an ability to reasoned out hundred percent sure with the numbers."

I looked at Nayeon and as expected she was so full of herself as she became the topic of the class.

"Mean to say, I am flexible. I can be in the Intellectual or Special program... right?" Nayeon said.

"Right. So meanwhile, the special program contains students who have peculiar abilities and power. But that doesn't mean that students here are not inclined with academics. That's why we are having this class."

"Today we are studying about the three types of humans who have powers." Ms. Choi said.

"Types? There are types of people with powers?" Dahyun asked confusedly.

"Technically speaking, yes. The first one is the Solitary as the meaning suggests. Solitary means single. A solitary human being who has powers is the basic one. But that doesn't mean they are not powerful. Solitary means single as they have one distinct power. This helps them to concentrate more on it."

"For example, Jeongyeon with her healing ability. It is really helpful, and a good thing that she is solitary as she can focus on it."

All of us nodded as we got what Ms. Choi is trying to say.

"Next one is the Binary."

My ears flicked as I heard that word. I used to hear it from my mom.

"Binaries are more advanced as they have two powers. The disadvantage of this is they can't use it together but at least they have choices. Some inherit their powers both on their parents, that's why they became binaries."

"Is there anyone who is a binary here?" Ms. Choi said.

All went silent, I looked around and saw Jieun.

"Me!" She proudly said.

"Jieun, can you share about your power?" Ms. Choi asked.

She giggled and nodded. She stands in her place and faced us.

"My mom is an expert in manipulating memories. My dad can communicate on someone's mind through his mind also. I inherited both of those abilities and I can use them properly. But like what Miss Choi said, I can't use it at the same time." Jieun said.

Well, that is right, even me. I can't use both of my abilities.

My dad sees the future and my mom is up with the past. As I inherited it, wherever it's both active, nothing is happening.

I looked at Jieun as she is smiling as she sits down. She flicked her fingers then.


"Is anyone binary here?" Ms. Choi asked.

I looked around to see no one.

Maybe I am just the one who is binary here.

Having two powers at the time is not even a good thing. Even just having one. But I just learned to embrace it.


I raised my hand causing them to look at me as Ms. Choi called me.


"As some of you already know. I can see the future with my right eye. It turns green whenever it is active. But whenever I use the green one, my left eye become like this." I said.

I activated first my right eye so when I  remove the patch on my left eye, I won't see any flashback.

"My left eye turns blue whenever I opened the green one. It will become inactive by default so I cover it to avoid seeing Flashback." I said.

They are amazed by it after I told them about it. I put back the patch as I turn back my green eye into its normal color.

"Why do you avoid seeing the past?" Seulgi asked.

"It's because the past should be buried and forgotten. Who cares about it?" I said.

I sit down and looked at the board again.

"Very good Ms. Park. Thank you for sharing. So as of now, only Park Jihyo is a binary."

"Can you use it both?" Tzuyu asked.

"Nope, if both of them are active, the time frame is stuck in the present," I said.

They just nod and continued the discussion.

I don't know but I feel unique as I am the only binary in here. Unlike before that, I feel so different.

"The last type of human with peculiar ability is what we called Sundry."

"Sundry?" I uttered.

"Sundry means several or various kinds."

"Wait, does that mean there is someone who has multi power!?" Nayeon asked.

"There is someone." Ms. Choi said.

"Who?" I asked.

"The creator."

The creator... I think I've heard that from mom and dad.

"The creator can do various types of power. Anything that we have. The disadvantage of this is you will be needing much energy. Also, this needs much practice."

"I didn't know that there is such who can do several powers."-Miyeon.

"Well, it's kinda crazy too. Too much is bad." Ms. Choi said.

"So I hope you learned something about our lesson for today. I also hope you guys know what type are you. Let's have a quick break. Then after that, will proceed to our history class." Ms. Choi said and left the room.

"Wow, this is much interesting than I know," Nayeon said.

"Wait, does that mean I am a binary too? I can predict future by numbers and make a hundred percent result out of it!" Nayeon said.

"Wow, I didn't expect we have two binaries in our class... cool!" Sana said.

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