85. Feels Like Home (1)

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Jihyo's PoV

"Y/N, Jieun!" I yelled as I sat up on my bed catching on my own breathing.

I shut my eyes as the light of the room opened, then I saw Nayeon on my side.

"What the hell Jihyo!?"

"Nayeon, Y/N and Jieun!" I said still panting.

What did I just see? They are in trouble. When? Where?

I looked back at Nayeon and saw her expression changed. Did she get it?

She jumped off her bed and run outside. All I did is follow her. We run on Y/N's room but it's empty.

"What did you see?" Nayeon asked.

"They are in trouble. Is it by no-"

"Call the others! We need to save them!"

Third Person

"Y/N!" Jieun's dad alarmed.

Y/N look back as she sensed an upcoming attack from her back. Also, because Jieun's father yelled her to be alert.

But it was only a split of second. Everything became so fast that even Y/N was surprised. Instead of a knife stabbing her straight to her chest, what her eyes sees is Jieun's back.


Y/N became distracted, which her father took a chance to get her. But Jieun's dad didn't let it happen.

Y/N heard a sound of coughs that made her snap back.

"Mom." A word went out from Jieun, as she fall on the ground.

Her mother pulled the knife off on Jieun. The blood splatters and she didn't even flinch. She's still under the control.

"M-mom, it's me... Y-your daughter." Jieun speaks as she held on her mother's foot, hoping that it would stop it getting near on Y/N.

She started throwing up her own blood but still hold onto her mom's foot.

While Y/N, she's frozen. The blood she's seeing coming out from Jieun kicks her off. Her scares that Jieun was looking a while ago just went back multiple times.

Jieun crawls closer to her mom. Uses all her force to climb up, hugging her mom terribly just to stop her.


"I'm sorry." Jieun whispered to her mom who's now clinging on her mom's back weakly. She grabbed her mom's hand that is holding the knife while her mom continuously squirming out of her embrace.

Jieun looked at Y/N, with her eyes smiling.

"Y-you can trust me, you should." Jieun stuttered. Her hand that is holding her mom's armed hand gained much force. She stab it on her mom's chest. Y/N gasped that she even covered her mouth in shock.

Both bodies slammed down. As the knife rolled over the ground. Y/N started to shake as she remembered her sister. But this time, two bodies in front of her.

"Y/N!" Someone called her, but Y/N didn't bother to look on it. She seems drowning on the amount of blood and happenings she witnessed.

But the call is from Nayeon. They came. When they saw the place, it is completely chaos. Some clones and Jieun's father still fighting up on Y/N's father.

But that just lasted for a short time. When her father blasted a big explosion that causes the clones to vanish. Jieun's father fall on the ground really hard that he wasn't able to get up.

Y/N's father walked to Jieun's father fearlessly. He grabbed his neck and crashed it with all force.

"So this is what you said that you can't control a person who control's mind. So bullshits!" He cursed as he throw Jieun's father who's not breathing anymore.

The creator saw the other royalties running to him. He cursed once again knowing he can't get what he wants. Before the girls can get him, he vanish with the use of black hole.

In return, group of people appeared. Same as Jieun's parents, they are other the control of the creator. They don't have choice but to fight back. Or else, they'll be dead.

While the royalties, Irene and Jennie are fighting with the backup of the creator, having intense fight. On the other side is an intense sense too.


"Jieun!" Y/N screamed as her body run to her friend's bathed in blood.

Y/N took a look on Jieun's mom and found it breathless. She looked back at Jieun who's still eyes open but wanting to shut.

"J-jieun." Y/N cried as she can't process a word.

"My mom tried to attack you. But you still trust me, right?" Jieun speaks as her eyes still wear the same expression.

Y/N just nod, feeling hopeless. She knew, even Jieun. That she won't last longer.

"Then that's what the others think too. Your father caused this. But that doesn't mean they can't trust you."

"Shut up!" Y/N yelled as her tears continuously streaming. Her heart suddenly soften with how all of this happened. She can't lose another family. She can't.

She grabs her handbook trying to look for a treatment for Jieun. But Jieun shoved it away. She held on Y/N's hand and told her to listen.

"This feels like home, Y/N. T-thank you."

"No! Please no! Jieun wake up!" Y/N cried as she's yelling out hard.

"I'll be meeting your sister, i never said this.... but she's my home, I'm going home." Jieun said as she closed her eyes.

Y/N's breathing stops. Along with Jieun's. Her hand that wraps Y/N's hand slowly loosing.

"No, Jieun, please!"

"Jieun! Jieun wake up!" Y/N yelled in frustration. She started shaking Jieun's body hoping that it will open her eyes.

But then, one more thing stops her. A voice on her head. A familiar voice coming from a good friend.

'Save the others, I am always on your side. Because you are the one who opened the gate for me.'

Y/N breakdown, drastically holding on Jieun's dead body. Crying painfully for another lost.

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