101. Save You

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Third Person

While the two are in verge of danger, the other girls are sick worried. They want to do something but they can't. Considering that the barrier is up and they need to take it down. That would put everyone's life in danger.

"Jihyo? What now?! Aren't we going to follow them?!" Jeongyeon asked.

"I'm trying to think, okay? I can't find any solution but to convince Irene to take down the barrier."

"That's none sense. Even if they would let us, we can't assure if we can still save Nayeon and Y/N." Tzuyu said.

"Yah! Can't you just shut your mouth?! It's my friend who's in danger!" Dahyun yelled.

"Guys calm down! It's our friends. We need peace to think!" Jihyo requested.

"Aigoo, what's gotten on Nayeon's mind? Why she hide her mom? Why did she give potion to Y/N? Is still don't get it!" Momo whined.

"Tch! It's not Nayeon's mom. If it's her, she's probably under the creator. She made Nayeon to use it to Y/N, arena you listening?"- Sana.

"If only we know where they are." Jihyo hissed.

"Don't you have idea?" Mina asked.

"I have, but I don't know where particular place is it. I can only see rooms. I don't know... what I know is we need to save them quickly."

"Aishh! That Nayeon! Whenever we need her, she's not here!"- Chaeyoung.

"Jiby... have you seen Jiby?" Mina asked.

Jihyo looked at Jeongyeon since she often talk to Y/N and take care of that bird.

"Oh shit, you're right!" Jeongyeon cursed and whistled.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Jiby, Y/N used to call that bird with this way." Jeongyeon said.

A moment later, the bird arrives and landed on Jeongyeon's palm. Another problem arose when Jeongyeon realized she can't talk to it.

"Let me do it, I can hypnotize it. I just hope Y/N won't be mad at me." Mina said.

Jeongyeon gave the bird to Mina and Mina started to do her thing. She build up a contact between the bird and her. And when Mina's eyes shined, the plan started.

"She's with us now. Now, our problem is the barrier." Mina said.

Everyone looked at Jihyo as they wait for her to make a move. Jihyo but her lip anxiously and hissed.

"We have no way. But to go on rough."

Your PoV

I opened my eyes and found myself on a bed. I tried to compose myself and remember what happened then I remember about the smoke.

"Oh gosh! Nayeon!" I went out of the bed and about to go out when I realized it was locked. I keep on turning the knob but it's locked from the outside.

When I tried to look for some window or any hole where I could go, I found none.


"I have no choice." I utter and opened a black hole. I know my dad would know what I am doing but I think I can finish what I need to do before he finds out.

I entered on that black hole and went out on somewhere that I don't even know. But I am sure that I am still in their hideout.


I snapped when I heard Nayeon's voice. I tried to find where it's coming and when I saw, I saw Ash facing back. While Nayeon's mom is on the floor.

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