-27.Just a Normal Day

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Third Person

As the sun raised, everyone woke up with just a normal sense. No trace of battle was left last night. Everything seems so normal, even Nayeon and Jihyo can't tell what is wrong.

"Did I ate last night? I feel so hungry... can we go to the café first?" Momo asked whining.

Since they still got time before the start of class, everyone agreed and they walk to the school cafeteria to have their breakfast there.

"Y/N, are you ok? You look tired." Jeongyeon said.

Since Y/N took care of Rof the mess of stains on the battlefield all night, she also treats the wounds of the others so if they would wake up, there are no signs that they fought last night.

"Yeah, thanks," Y/N said and walk to her chair.

Not so long their teacher came with a long face.

"Not so good morning, Ms. Choi?" Nayeon asked casually.

"Sorry class, apparently we need to have a meeting. There are many dropouts yesterday and that includes your four classmates." Ms. Choi announced.

Jieun looked at Y/N and she knew that Y/N succeeded in her plan.


'Remember Eunha's potential? She manipulated the results before, so I tried to do it... luckily it didn't mess up, plus we have the names of the students we fought with.' Y/N explains to Jieun.

"That's why I feel much relief this morning. No more classmates who hate us!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"You didn't scare them, did you?" Chaeyoung asked.

"They hate us? Maybe they just don't go with us, but that doesn't mean that they hate us." Jeongyeon said.

"Hail the goodness of yours," Y/N mumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"Well anyway, I'll be having a substitute. See this day as a normal day." Ms. Choi said as someone knocked in.

"Everyone, she is Mrs. Lee and I want you all to welcome her as the temporary teacher.."

"Mrs. Lee, please be patient around them. They are good but sometimes a little bit curious, especially Jieun." Ms. Choi said and points to Jieun.

Jieun giggled and waved her hand.

"Oh, I will, thank you for welcoming me. I'll handle them well."

After that, Ms. Choi left and leave the girls in the hand of Mrs. Lee.

'Hi, mom. Didn't inform me that you'll be teaching us, huh.' Jieun said on her mom but through her mind.

'This is a special mission, kid. You both did great last night.'

Jieun smiled and looked at Y/N.

"Hello everyone, I am Mrs. Lee and I want to let you know that I'll be your substitute teacher for three days."

"Wow, the teachers are so busy with the sudden drop off of the students. What must be their problem?" Chaeyoung mumbled.

The class started and to their surprise, the discussion is literally as normal as Ms. Choi said. They are taking subjects such as English and Maths class the whole 2 hours.

After that, they had a short break. Jieun's mom went out for a while while the others did their personal stuff.

Jeongyeon who's in the corner seen Y/N who's taking her nap after their teacher went out. She sighed and stood up. As she went closer to Y/N, she shakes her to wake her up.

"Ugh- what!?" Y/N asked irritatingly.

Jeongyeon didn't reply but laid her hand on Y/N's cheek and the other one is on her shoulder. Y/N was startled as she doesn't have a clue what is Jeongyeon doing.

A grateful relief was felt by Y/N after few minutes. Her shoulder felt like something mint enclosing her muscle down to her body.

"You're welcome," Jeongyeon said and walked back to her seat.

Y/N is still confused but gotten back as Dahyun snapped her.

"Luckily we got someone who can treat us. She's literally doing well on it." Dahyun whispered.

Y/N blinked and touches her cheek, a while ago there is a mid-deep wound over there and since she was so tired last night, she wasn't able to treat herself.

The short break ended, Mrs. Lee went back to continue the discussion and they will be taking Math class.

"I heard someone is crying," Nayeon said and looked back at Y/N.

Y/N just furrowed her brows and tried to ignore Nayeon. As expected, the whole class is lead by Nayeon. She explains their lesson easier for those who can't get the actual topic.

After another hour, is their history class.

"Y/N, are you still ok?" Nayeon asked playfully.

"Honestly, Y/N did better than me. I didn't get it, even you explained it twice." Momo sighed.

"Yah, stop teasing Y/N. Still bitter when you saw Jieun and Y/N together in the restroom?" Jeongyeon said.

"Ew, no way."

"Let's just say, Nayeon sucks on mocking Tzuyu that's why she picked Y/N now," Sana said and laugh.

Tzuyu frowned and shook her head.

"Yeah, Tzuyu seems so quiet," Chaeyoung said.

"Eh, nothing. I just didn't get enough sleep. I saw Jihyo went out of the room, I literally wait for her to come back but she didn't until I fell asleep." Tzuyu said.

"Did I? We went to our rooms right after the dinner, right?" Jihyo asked.

Tzuyu shrugs and just continued noting.

"Ah Momo, what time did you got in our room? You two went missing before the dinner." Jeongyeon said.

"Uh.. yeah, I can't really remember what time I went back. Was it is already midnight?" Momo mumbled.

"Okay guys, let's start the lesson." Their teacher snapped out.

Meanwhile, Jieun and Y/N looked at each other. They are not worried as no one can remember what just happened last night. Whatever it was, it will be just between Jieun and Y/N.

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