- Fenestram Class Cruiser -

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# Ship Version

With the Utopia and Nomad Empire having what they would call an "ideal" world filled with "prosperity", technological advancement, and "happiness", some of their leaders started to think "in the good of all humanity" and brought the idea of sharing this prosperity with the rest of the world, saying that "for a better world, there's no small price", and this included the price of forcing all nations into the Utopia and Nomad regimes. Aware that the world wouldn't accept such radical ideas easily, preparations for the "War for a Better World" started to be made, with Utopia preparing their military vessels based on the "one-ship fleet" doctrine and Nomad developing their aircraft and airships for the air battle. One project that resulted from the alliance of those two nations was a special Nomad weapon that could wreak havoc from afar and from above, but it needed help from below to target accurately at very specific locations. For that purpose, the Utopia Empire developed the Fenestram Class of cruisers, with two ships built, Fenestram and Animus, each guiding a different special weapon.

Diverging from the "one-ship fleet" doctrine on which the other Utopian warships were based, this class of warships was specially developed with the purpose of intelligence gathering and maximum stealth capabilities. For the former, the latest Utopian radar and sonar technology were installed on the warship, allowing it to easily pinpoint the target of the Nomad weapon while also spotting incoming enemies, even underwater, from very far away, and this helps the warship to avoid detection as well, planning courses that will evade contact with the detected enemies while the design and the materials used on the warship decreased, greatly, the radar cross-section of the warship, forcing enemies to often have to rely on their vision to spot it, but even that can be a hard task thanks to the blueberry camouflage, done with special radar-absorbing paint.

The class, however, diverged the most from the mentioned doctrine when the armaments were analyzed. As main guns, there were two single mounts of 14 cm guns, installed one in the aft and one in the bow, and modified to have enhanced range and precision against faraway targets, allowing it to preemptively strike enemies before they get too close and spot the Utopian warship. An Aes CIWS, the typical gun-based CIWS of the Utopian Empire, was also installed just in case, but the warships' main armaments were the two single torpedo launchers of 533 mm and six triple torpedo launchers of 700 mm. The former was equipped with remotely controlled torpedoes, named Illex, which had very little explosive capacity for torpedoes but were rather fast and could easily do curves, with its purpose being misleading the enemy into thinking the Utopian warship was in a direction other than the correct one. The latter, meanwhile, could be equipped with two variants of the most deadly torpedo of the Utopia Empire, the acoustic-guided or remotely controlled Interitus torpedoes, the same used aboard the Posterus class's torpedo launchers, but abord Fenestram class they were used to strike enemies preemptively, when either the enemy already knows the cruiser's location or the enemy did not change course because of the decoy torpedoes.

The cruiser, with the lack of a vertical launching system for missiles and Utopian Fulgur towers, had plenty of space for a small hangar bay, capable of housing three helicopters, which were usually Rapiers Mk. 5, one of the most advanced helicopters that the Nomad Empire has developed so far. They were not intended to participate much in the heat of the battle and were placed aboard for the purpose of increasing the reconnaissance capabilities of the warship, but this never meant they were as poor in armament as the warship was. More specifically, the Rapiers are armed with a single ball-mounted triple-barreled 30 mm chaingun; an internal bay with six Dirger anti-ship guided missiles, mostly used for knocking down specific parts, be it weapons, radars, etc, allowing the helicopter to escape; and two pylons on the wings, each equipable with either an extra Dirger missile, 17 unguided rockets, or laser designation pods, called by the Nomads as M.A.P. pods. The plane was also equipped with two boxes of 90 countermeasure flares on the tip of its wings, while an extra box on the internal bay contains 50 chaff rounds. To operate, those helicopters needed only two people, usually sat in a tandem configuration: The pilot who manages, obviously, the flying, and the weapon system officers or WSO, responsible for the weapon control, the M.A.P. pods, and the communications with other units. For design, the helicopters could be considered minimalistic: compact with a tiny fuselage, and sharp edges. It was made with the same radar-absorbing material as the warship, and two engines were responsible to power the six-bladed rotor, which was foldable in a similar way to dragonfly wings when landed.

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