- Naja Battleship -

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# Ship Version

(Most Halloween ships belong to an alternative universe of Naval Conflict. Any contradictions of the story of the ship with the official timeline are not relevant here. Since this AU was not largely explored yet, you can ask me questions to understand it better). A long time ago, there existed two gods, Light and Dark as they called each other, and were responsible for the creating of everything that was ever seen... Only working together, they managed to find perfection, the balance of everything. Where there was dark there should be light, where there was good there would be evil... But a long time after their world was created, both sides grew unsatisfied with staying in balance. They wanted more, they wanted power... And that ambition for it caused both gods to start a war against each other. All living beings, in special humans, were forced to take a side and fight in the bloodiest war of history... And so Light managed to rise victoriously, given Dark and the ones who sided with him the harsh punishment of living in another dimension, a ruined one where find prosperity would be hard. Knowing that in the future there could be a chance to reconcile with Dark, Light also ordered that three portals, most of the time called gates, to be erected and they would open only on October 31st when the end of the bloody war would complete one more year... To be sure the wrong people wouldn't leave the portal, however, Gatekeepers were chosen and placed there to protect them. Protector of the 3rd Gate, Naja battleship was one the chosen.

Naja used to operate on the war as protector of the lands that currently are to the south of the Rome Empire and was formerly a territory of the Independent Empire. The battleship was known for its incredible magical speed blessed by Light, 42 knots that made it invincible against most warships, but of course, there's a high price to pay for such a benefit... Pretty much any ship could get a shell to penetrate through its armor, often causing explosions related to the magazines of the warship... The motive why Naja later, when designated as one of the gatekeepers, received a "portal" magazine. A single room of the warship, located below the waterline for safety, had a normal armor that a battleship would have, probably even tougher, in contrast with the rest lightly-armored parts of the warship and using portals, it would transport the shells from here to the guns. However, all the ammo would be located in one place, so if it was hit, all the ammo would be lost and the ship would be unable to fight if she survives the explosion... Besides, this reduced the ammo capacity of the warship considerably. While food and fuel were not a problem because the crew of the warship is technically dead and the battleship is moved with magic, ammo and materials for repair showed to be quite the problem not only for Naja but the other gatekeepers as well. This problem was solved with the creation of the warship Necromancer with the role of resupplying all the gatekeepers.

In armaments, Naja was always armed with the five twin mounts of 40 cm guns, two on the bow, two on the aft and one on the midsection, accompanied by four triple mounts of 16.2 cm guns and 32 twin mounts of 11 cm dual-purpose guns. Those guns are usually equipped with HE and AP shells, but when the gun is loaded, a magic spell is automatically applied by the ship to the shell, causing them, to once after it hits or explodes, to create a thick poisonous green gas, hard to see through it and lethal to most living beings. It will accompany the hit target for some time, 20 seconds is maximum and 5 seconds is the minimum time, it varies according to how long the shells had the spells on them, the more time with the spell, the more time the gas will last. 42 quadruple mounts of 37 mm AA guns and 34 single mounts of 10 mm AA guns were installed on the warship as well, in case the dual-purpose guns were not enough to deal with the flying objects that might be thrown at Naja. Lastly, but not least, it had two submerged forward-fixed 533 mm torpedo launchers, but they are very rarely used, but in the few times they were used, it saved Naja from many situations.

Part of the Ra Empire navy, Naja received a very good amount of cultural references so it would show to its enemies who is the empire behind the sinking or destruction of them. On the bow of the warship, you had a hole from where the head of a cobra statue would leave, with its hood spread out, mouth open and the two fags showing as if they were two long daggers. The hood had the eyes of Horus and Ra decorating it, painted black but with red details and, seen from the right angle, you can mistake them for two real red eyes. The scales of the statue feel as real as the ones of a real cobra. The statue does not continue inside the ship, of course, but another statue of the tail gives the illusion the rest of the statue is inside the warship. The statue of Wepwawet is placed behind the cobra, looking at the horizon as if searching for enemies and warships overall was painted to look like it's made of old rocks, that makes the ship look quite old and apparently built with the same materials used on the pyramids with the conning tower looking quite similar to a Ra Empire (Ancient Egypt) column and having a statue of Ra on top of it. The freeboard of the warship was also painted to look like old walls with hieroglyphics all over it and some areas with the figure of someone important of the Ra Empire. On top of the 2nd turret, a statue of the god Osiris was added while the 4th turret had a statue of Anubis and the remaining guns received the crook and flail symbol.

# Human Version

Naja is a tall shipgirl that once fought alongside the Light's forces and volunteered herself to be one of the gatekeepers. Being among the tallest of her time, she ends being the smallest among the four gatekeepers, Kraken, Kerberus and Spider, at least three centimeters smaller than Spider and considerably more than Kraken. She has long straight black hair usually done in a letdown style and is accompanied by a gold head chain that has a cobra head similar to the one of the ship version but way smaller and just looking forward with the body part immediately before the head shaped in an "S". Her eyes are light brown meanwhile and if she wants, her pupils can change to more cobra-like eyes if she wants and although she has no night vision, she can see it through it much better than normal people. She holds a few more cobra-like features such as her cobra-like tongue and the two fangs on her mouth that can appear if she's mainly raged and they have a very deadly venom that she can use on her favor. In some areas of her arms and back, she scales instead of normal skin, the ones on the back forming the Ra's and Horus's eyes while the ones on the arms are merely striped. She has some considerable curves, although they are nothing that you could be proud of and she's a little bit fit. Usually, she's wearing a simple white sleeveless dress, accompanied by a golden large necklace and waist belt, striped on the sides and with an Anubis head on the front. She also wears sandals and golden bracelets with a few hieroglyphics while she carried on her hands a crook and a flail. She also has a wolf and an Egyptian cobra as a pet and they are with her wherever she goes, although she never leaves the second gate.

Her rigging is often displayed with her superstructure on her back, with one of her main guns attached to the back of it while two platforms that are similar to the bow of her ship version, each one holding two of her main guns and two of the 16.2 cm guns, while the dual-purpose guns are displayed over her arms, organized in a line. The 10 mm AA guns stayed mostly over the superstructure on her back while the 37 mm AA guns were placed over the belt and the necklace and lastly, the 533 mm torpedo launchers were attached to the downside of her metal sandals, together with the propellers she uses to move. Her wolf usually stays laying down on top of one of the main guns of the right platform, almost as if it was a statue on it while her snake stays on top of one of the main gun on the left platform although it doesn't know to stay stopped, moving very constantly around the arms and body of Naja and sometimes messing up with the quiet and serious wolf. For close combat, the two animals often help her out but she also wields a long khopesh sword with a blade enchanted with a poisonous spell that's similar to the one applied on the shells but does not release gas, instead, it infects its victims via the cuts the blade makes.

Naja is often seen as an introverted kind of shipgirl, often wearing a serious expression and showing her fangs to the others to scare them away, even to her fellow gatekeepers. She doesn't like to talk and gets annoyed pretty easily when people come to talk to her, often ignoring and using monosyllabic answers once she realizes the subject is not interesting for her... If she ever gets too talkative, it's either because she's one of the very few people she can consider as a friend, or it's because she's interested in something you have or can do for her. In the case of the latter, she will always offer you something in return and despite many thinking that her promises are empty and "snake lies" because she was inspired by a cobra, she will always do what she said she will do. The reverse is also true, if someone asks her to do something, promises to do something in return and she agrees to do it, she will always do it, as long as the person does what she promised first. She might look easy to bargain with because of that, but, of course, there are limits for negotiating with her. She never accepted an offer to switch to Dark's side and never negotiated to allow anyone to pass through the portal... If someone had ever negotiated the former when she was participating in the war or if someone attempts to do the latter, she will attack without giving the negotiator a second more to speak. Some considerable number of Halloween warships, mainly Mummy cruisers, come to visit her and ask for something because of that, following the two rules she established to negotiate with her - although they also follow a third rule of not asking something that can be harmful to the other gatekeepers. However, the same gatekeepers often criticize, argued and even fought with her because of that behavior and she never listened to them, often using the excuse "Ah, don't worry, it's just a little thing".

"It can take a long time, you can complain with me, but in the end, I will get my job done and do what I promised"

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