- Max Class Battleship -

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# Ship Version

With the constant losses in the battles against the battleships of the Samurai class, symbols of the Imperial Sun Navy at that time, the Eagle Empire high command ordered that a class to defeat that Samurai was built and the result was the Max class, which carried 53 cm guns, the blossom of a rushed research that, despite the huge dispersion, could cause massive damages when successfully hit. Only the battleship Max was built from this class, however, due to the size which required special drydocks in case of repair needs and the price of building just the Max.

This class was equipped with 6 triple mounts of 53 cm guns, 32 twin mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, 26 twin mounts of 10.5 cm dual-purpose guns, 50 twin mounts of 10 cm dual-purpose guns, 50 quadruple mounts of Bofors 40 mm AA guns, 50 twin mounts of 20 mm AA guns, 70 single mounts of 12.7 mm AA guns and four quadruple torpedo tubes of 533 mm. It relied on the armor 600 mm thick on the belt, 70 mm thick on the deck and 560 mm on the turrets. The engines were capable of giving the ship a top speed of 33 knots. It was equipped with long-range air radar as well and later it was accompanied by a short-range surface radar.

The ship of the class, however, was retrofitted after the War of the Empires, adding two biggies hulls attached one to each side of the ship, increasing the number of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns by 16, totalizing 48 now. Two extra quadruple torpedo launchers were also added to the ship together with new 20 quadruple mounts of Bofors 40 mm AA guns. the new hull attached to the sides of the battleship gave her the capacity of carrying 200 A-10 warthogs, modified to have foldable wings and optimize the hangar use. Because of the extra weight they carry, the top speed of the ship was considerably reduced to 20 knots only. An improved short-range surface radar was also installed while the long-range air radar was still the same.

Thanks to the great firepower she could have when facing enemies broadside, a tactic that was developed by the ship was to point all the guns to the port or starboard and sail straight towards the enemy and when the moment is right, drop the port or starboard anchor to force the ship to make a rather quick curve, getting all her guns of one side into the action and causing shock to the enemies. This strategy was used mostly when fighting other battleships since it was quite costly, stretching, bending or even destroying completely the rudder and the anchor systems.

The appearance of the battleship was given by someone called Fixit, who already had done an appearance scheme for Blücher. All of the turrets were painted with Eagle Empire flag over them, except for one which received a simple blue cross outlined with white paint while remaining parts of the turrets were painted with red. The superstructure of the ship was painted with blue decorated with white stars and eagles painted over it while the hull was striped with the colors of red and white. A statue of a bald eagle was put over the bridge of the ship.

# Human Version

Max is a rather tall shipgirl of the Eagle Empire, about 1.9 meters tall, with two blue eyes with star-shaped irises, accompanying her rather long blond hair that goes down her knees approximately. Her body, which possesses fair skin, is quite buffed and has rather large curves and I, together with many other people, don't recommend you to stare at them unless you want to meet your tomb. Usually, she's wearing a gray short-sleeved shirt together with a blue sleeveless cropped shirt, kilt with the design of the Eagle Empire flag, kneesocks with the same Eagle Empire design, black military boots and a hat made from her radars.

Out on the seas, she has six platforms to hold her rigging, two of them reassemble the bow and the aft of her ship version, having the main guns and positioned at shoulder height, while other two are positioned slightly below the main ones and it's also longer to house all of her secondary guns and the last two platforms are positioned under the secondary ones, having all of her AA guns. Her superstructure is positioned and with the retrofit she got, two steel flight decks were added with the towers of them positioned on the edges of the middle area.

To describe Max, the word "competitive" is most of the time used, as she's often challenging other ship people to see who's the strongest and this accompanied by her rather talkative personality, although this can make her quite the annoying shipgirl. She can be even more annoying to destroyers, as she just loves the way most of them are cute, often taking them to either Nessie, Lock, Argyll or Scotia, which are her girlfriends and asking to keep the destroyers as if they were pets, but of course, the answer is always no, after all, the destroyer are not pets. That doesn't make her have a bad relationship with her girlfriends, as she loves them and always tries to please them, acting like a lovesick puppy. She's also often seen river dancing with other people as she sees that as a great way of having fun, she just doesn't love it more than eating junk food. 

"Enemies..... smoke em' if got em'"

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