- Hammer Class Battleship -

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== Ship Version ==

Knowing that the empires around the Red Empire were getting stronger by witnessing them building strong battleships and carriers, the Petrov siblings proposed the construction of two battleships that together should be invincible. The Sickle battleship would have the firepower to destroy any ship while the Hammer battleship would protect her from anything. The construction of them was approved, but Hammer started to be constructed only after Sickle was finished.

Despite being very poorly armed, Hammer had the same top speed that Sickle had, around 29 knots. That's because of her very strong and tough armor, it was almost, if not totally impossible to penetrate her tough armor, despite that citadel was quite exposed since it was above the waterline considerably.

The few armaments of the Hammer consisted of two triple mounts of 40 cm guns, 14 single mounts of 15.2 cm guns, 10 twin mounts of 10 cm dual-purpose guns, 24 triple mounts of 30 mm AA guns and lastly 36 single mounts of 10 mm AA guns. Since it was a very poorly armed ship, sailors insisted on adding at least some torpedo launchers... And so was done, four fixed 533 mm torpedo launchers were installed on the hull of the Hammer. Two seaplane catapults were installed on Hammer, that was able to carry six planes aboard. Having installed at least four depth charges on each plane, the main purpose of the seaplanes is to fight against subs, something that Hammer couldn't fight against, neither could Sickle.

As the Red Empire engineers and officers believed that Hammer would be unsinkable with her very tough armor, they decided to invest a lot more on the appearance of her than the appearance of Sickle. A large gold ornament was put on the bow tip, having a large red star in it, made from single ruby. At the top of the bow mast, there's what seems to be a large red heavy metal parallelepiped that makes the bow mast look like a hammer. At the right and left side of the hammer, there's the soviet symbol of the sickle and hammer, but they are red and outlined with gold. There are also two drawings on the ship, one on each side of the ship, at the midsection. It's a drawing with three red stars, one that's big and is between the other two smaller stars. They are all outlines with gold paint while inside the bigger star there's the soviet symbol again. Two statues of women were put one on each side of the ship at the edges of the midsection, holding a hammer on her hands. together with the appearance of Sickles, the two statues form the soviet symbol. Lastly, on the upper armor of the two main guns of the battleship, there are the Red Navy II emblems (Wows). 

== Human Version ==

Being a rather tall shipboy, Hammer has short light brown hair, usually combing it and using hair gel until it gets in the spiky fine hairstyle that he likes to use. Possessing a pair of light blue eyes and very fair skin that has a single scar he got from GK, being the first ship who actually managed to penetrate his very tough armor. He usually wears a dark brown military ceremonial having six medals on the chest. Upon his head rests a military cap with a bright blue stripe and the famous soviet symbol on it. He also carries with him a dark red hammer with a long handle and some small yellow stairs decorating it.

Out on the seas, he would use a very intimidating, heavy and tough red knight armor with small yellow details and a hole on the place where his scar is. He didn't repair his hole as he wanted to keep it and remember who did this to him until he gets his revenge. His main guns are attached to the sides of the head of the hammer he carries while the secondaries are over the handle. His seaplane catapults are attached to his upper arms while the AA guns are over the forearms and shoulders. Lastly, the torpedo launchers are attached to his feet.

Being Sickle best friend, Hammer is a rather serious shipboy, always hiding all his emotions behind the serious expression he's always wearing on his face. He doesn't have many friends exactly because of how intimidating he looks, main with him carrying that hammer everywhere. He's also rather patriot and xenophobic, as he already declined to participate in many missions that he would have to fight together with Eagle, Monarch and Revolution Empires. He has a very good memory, as he remembers everything the others did to him. He remembers what GK did with him and seeks revenge, training to defeat him one day, even if he's not made for offensive purposes and yes defensive purposes. He also remembers an episode when his cleptomaniac side made him steal a golden spear from Novobrisk and is trying to pay his debt with Sickle. His cleptomaniac side already appeared many other times, but the others don't know. He keeps all the things he stole, on a chest.

"Do something good, I shall repay you. Do something bad, I will still repay you, but 10 times more"

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