- Ariana Class Carrier -

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{|Ship Version|}

Though not so many officers of the Rome Empire believed in the strength of the aircraft carriers, they agreed that at least one carrier should be built, as the other empires were being recognized as powerful mainly after acquiring aircraft carriers. After this agreement, researches were made and the Ariana class of aircraft carriers was developed, with the only ship of this class ever built being Ariana.

The aircraft carrier of the Rome Empire had a good maximum speed of 32 knots, thanks to her light armor which can be penetrated easily by heavy cruisers and battleships. However, the hangar of the carrier received an extra layer of armor, making the hangar only able to be penetrated by battleships.

The ship had a decent amount of armament, being them eight single mounts of 14 cm guns, four twin mounts of 17 cm guns, seven twin mounts of 12.8 cm guns and lastly a total of 12 single mounts of 7.7 mm AA guns and 16 triple mounts of 40 mm AA guns. Her power, obviously, is on the 100 aircraft that she can carry inside her hangar, being usually 40 fighters, 30 torpedo bombers and 30 dive bombers.

Her very first battle was on the attack of the independent islands to the east of the Rome Empire, prooving the officers that they should not regret constructing an aircraft carrier, as she was the ship who damaged most coastal guns and land defenses, supporting the troops. She participated in the countless bombardments of both the Monarch Empire and the Revolution Empire, being most of the time the ship who damaged more. This gave her some quite reputation and became the pride of the navy while the H-50 was still not built... Because of her achievements in battle, she would after the war receive a special appearance scheme.

The appearance scheme she was going to receive is the following: She would be entirely painted dark gray, except for the flight deck that would be red, with a black Iron cross on the start of the flight deck and a black swastika on the end. On the freeboard of the ship, statues would be put, as they would seem to be holding the platforms were the dual-purpose and the 17 cm guns are. Those statues are all equal to each other and they seem to be holding the platforms were the guns of the ship are. They are statues of military soldiers made of bronze. With the edges of the flight deck bein decorated with golden ornaments, small rubies were added to the ornaments and some black and white stripes were placed on the freeboard, being behind the statues.

{|Human Version|}

Despite the fact she's, or at least was one of the strongest ships of the Rome Empire, Ariana has the height of a normal adult woman, having a pair of light blue eyes on her face and short blond hair on her head. She has very fair skin and rather small curves, though you still can clearly see them. You can usually see her wearing a bright red shirt, with an iron cross on the right part of the chest, being worn under her dark gray jeans jacket, with a white and black stripe on the back, forming an upside-down "V". She also wears a pair of short black boots and dark gray trousers. Most of the time she's wearing a pair of black gloves, except when it's really hot. She would sometimes let upon her head a military cap with a golden winged anchor.

Out on the seas, she would carry with her a black quiver, storing the planes in form of arrows on while two of her twin mounts of 17 cm would be attached to each of her forearms, totalizing four. The 14 cm guns would be four on each of her upper arms while her dual purposes would be on her thighs and the AA guns on her legs. A bow would be carried on her hands along with a retractable metal pole she uses as a weapon. Lastly, her flight deck would be attached to the pole.

Being the first carrier built by the Rome Empire, Ariana can be quite arrogant about it, always remembering other carriers that were later built that she is the first carrier... Most people don't mind her acting that way, actually, as they know she's really childish, mainly with her curves and the tone of her voice. She also has some fears we usually have when we are kids, like from dark and from monsters that don't exist. She's known, however, to have quite a good relationship with ships smaller than her, as she thinks they are all cute, something that she likes a lot. She's also a bit hyperactive, but once she's tired, you can't wake up her.

"So cute... So innocent... With the weapon of imagination at their disposal, entertaining them whenever they want... I wish I could be a child"

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