- Julius Class Hybrid Carrier -

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—+-(Ship Version)-+—

South Roman Fleet has received the authorization of the emperor to build a ship with the size of a contingency ship after the North Roman Fleet to have accomplished finishing the building of the H-100 ships and Rachen. The objective of the ship would mainly be to protect the South Rome Empire part in case of an attack by the contingency ships of other empires. After a good amount of time taken for research, the result was the Julius class of Contingency Hybrid Carriers and South Rome was only able to build one ship of this class, the Julius.

The Julius class had a length of 2350 m, a beam of 390 m and a draft of 120 m, with the armor being the smallest among the contingency hybrid carriers, but it was still great if compared to a normal ship. 8.5 m of stell is responsible to protect the belt while 9 m thick armor of high durability steel and silver protects the barbettes, 5.9 m thick armor of pure steel protects the turrets, 9 m thick armor of steel and titanium protect the conning tower and lastly 3 m thick armor of concrete together with 70 mm of wood form the deck. The ship also had the Pugliesi torpedo protection system.

The ship is equipped with 10 quadruple mounts of 215 cm guns as the main guns, displayed 6 in the front and 4 in the back and with great accuracy and low dispersion, but the reload time didn't help the guns that much. To counter this reload problem, the ship is also equipped with 20 triple mounts of 40 cm as secondary guns, the same guns that are the main ones of the Cascata Class, but they were overall improved in range, ballistics, accuracy and dispersion, without count the advantage of now being able to fight against aircraft with new shrapnel shell. The ship was also equipped with 30 twin mounts of 15.2 cm dual-purpose guns, upgraded with auto-loaders and able to fire shrapnel shells. For AA purposes only, the ship had 140 triple mounts of 30 mm AA guns, 80 quadruple mounts of 10 mm AA guns and 70 single mounts of 5 mm AA guns. This last one was belt-fed and are semi-guided.

In terms of the aircraft capabilities, the ship was considered not so great if compared to the other hybrid carriers, carrying only 100 Aerfer Ariete "Ram" jets that were not only capable for interceptors and fighters roles, but also for the role as tactical support plane that could be equipped with extra machine guns and cannons if it is needed to strafe infantry, three 250 kg bombs for armored targets or even a 460 mm acoustic-guided torpedo with a special feature that allows it to explode after penetrating. These planes are launched from a catapult that stretches from all across the ship, with the planes leaving from a hole in the bow, two per time.

With all this equipment aboard and thanks to the relative light armor of the ship, the 100 "Selvagia Fuoco" reactors which can push the ship with a top speed of 36 knots, the same top speed of the Révolution Class of the Revolution Empire.

With all the contingency ships possessing special appearance schemes, Julius couldn't be the left without and Aoi Yumi was invited to go to Rome Empire just for planning a new appearance scheme. She proposed a very similar scheme with the South Rome Flag, the area of the bow to the 5th turret green and from the sixth turret to the aft painted red and lastly the remaining area painted white. Honoring the Ancient Rome Empire, she suggested the placement of columns and arcs to decorate the conning towers, but they don't play a role in the sustaining of the tower. A statue of Julius Caesar would be put at the top of the conning tower, like if he was inspecting troops, which would be statues of Ancient Rome soldiers, placed in the bow with one of them holding the bow mast and other statues of soldiers put like if they were carrying the main guns.

—+-(Human Version)-+—

Julius is a rather tall shipboy, ranking the third smallest among the contingency ships, but he still towers almost every normal ship. On his face, he has a pair of eyes with the color brown, but they can shine with different three colors, according to the time. The colors are gold, silver and crimson. His hair is brown, short and organized, but it's not hard to spot him with pretty messed up hair as well. Independent of that, he will always let a crown resting on his head. His body possesses a tanned color for the skin and has many scars scattered all around, but they are all hidden under white military uniform with four medals placed on the chest and the Roman flag used as a cape. He also wears a pair of leather gloves and on his waist, he lets his broadsword with the words "Cesare è il Primo (Ceasar's first)" written in the blade. On some rare occasions, you can see him wearing his formal clothes, with the medal of "Diamond Shields with Golden Sword", one of the hardest to acquire, place on his chest instead of the four medals he usually keeps there.

When he's out on the seas, he would use the armor set of an Ancient Rome Empire soldier. His main guns are would be attached to his arms, while the secondaries are attached to his ribs and the 15.2 cm guns would be placed on his legs and thighs. His 30 mm AA guns would be placed mostly on his shoulder and a few are on the helmet while the 10 mm AA guns are placed all over the armor roofs of the main guns, his back, helmet, hands and other places. He also carries with him his broadsword and a short crossbow used for launching planes.

When it comes to his personality, people would often use the words "lively" and "laid down" to describe Julius, since he sees the things just the way they are, without add or remove details. He's always trying to improve himself in all the possible ways and is also known for his friendly behavior, which makes him an approachable person and also someone who really cares for them. He was also used sometimes in the propaganda of the South Rome, something that made him a great appreciator of the navy, knowing the name not only of every single ship from both the North and South Rome, but also the name of ships form the other empires as well.

"To be inspiring is to look at yourself, to be inspired is to follow and to lead is to look around yourself for a light"

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