- Chupacabra Destroyer -

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# Ship Version

Because the Halloween Empire was growing stronger and stronger over time, the gatekeepers soon noticed they wouldn't be able to fight and the numbers and the growing quality of the Halloween warships. To solve this problem, they requested Light when he was still alive to send more gatekeepers to each gate and their wish was granted - Light put a magic spell on the seas, which would cause a warship whose crew's soul has the desire, the will to continue living. A will so strong that could face death... Very few had this truly powerful will and because of it, they were transported to the Halloween dimension, where they would defend the gates from the Halloween Empire for an eternity. The Chupacabra destroyer is one of the last warships to have ever become a gatekeeper and therefore the youngest among the gatekeepers. It was an Eagle escort destroyer named Vampire previously and it story stars when the destroyer was caught in a strong storm, in which the destroyer was severely damaged and broke into two parts, half of the crew dying in the process... ten days later, however, the ship was seen afloat, because its soul and the crew's soul was strong. Because of the spell that Light cast on the seas, although this god had already died a long time ago, the destroyer was rewarded for its will, being teleported to the Halloween dimension to defend the gate from the Halloween Empire.

This destroyer was, according to reports, was 140 meters long, enough for people to mistake it for a light cruiser and 13 meters of beam and 4.6 meters of draft. It was also armed with four twin mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, six twin mounts of 40 mm AA guns located mainly in the middle of the warship, 16 single mounts of 20 mm AA guns and, lastly, but not least, the warship was equipped with two 533 mm sextuple torpedo launchers. A more unconventional weapon but still very commonly used by this warship was the needle-like ram with a size of 60 meters and this fact added to the top speed of 80 knots of this warship could make the destroyer terrifying, stopping the ship the destroyer hit right in its tracks regardless of the targets current speed or type. To make it worse, once the ship rams an enemy, it will inject an acid that will start to dissolve the ship from inside. Although the highest speed ever recorded by this ship was 80 knots, the engines would usually push the warship to a maximum of 42.5 knots and when on full ramming speed, they can reach a minimum of 60 knots and a maximum of 80 knots

For the appearance of this destroyer, you had skulls and bones laying all over the warships while on the bow you had a wolf head with the mouth growling open with acid apparently leaking from it but not dissolving the head. Multiple spikes are attached in multiple random places of the warship as well and can be launched at the enemies as projectile weapons. Although the spike is never recuperated after that, it will always regenerate itself somehow. The armor of the destroyer is not in a really good state by looking at its appearance, all crooked and split open while the armaments overall are worn out and rusted, with the main guns even showing their reloading mechanisms.

# Human Version

Chupacabra, also referred to as Chupa by his friends or even Chupy by his "family", is a gatekeeper as tall as a cruiser, even though he's a destroyer. On his head, you can see his medium swept-back gray hair with a few slightly golden brown locks accompanied by his pair of wolf ears, one of them being slightly torn up and very, very sensitive. When it comes to his nose, it looks pretty normal, similar to the one of a human, but it has a few scars on it, he is able to use it to find his prey by its scent and as sensitive as his ears. It accompanies his pair of eyes that have a green color and very narrow pupils instead of normal circular ones and when it comes to his body, he's quite fit although it's nothing extremely exaggerated and the skin covering it is very fair, slightly darker on the joints and with wolf-like fur growing on his face mainly on the cheeks, and on the chest and belly as well, the last one being an area where his "family" likes to scratch a little while he makes cute satisfied noises. He has metallic rods that grow on his back and can be used both as close combat weapons or be launched at the enemy. He also has more wolf-like features besides his ears and fur, however, with the fluffy metallic gray tail with a little touch of golden brown and red on the tip of it, and his sharp wolf-like claws that replace the nails when he getting into combat. Usually, he wears a green T-shirt slightly torn, a choker with his name on it and, lastly, light gray shorts with a hole for his tail.

Out on the seas, he doesn't wear anything different from what he commonly wears and he has his rigging displayed with four cranes that are rusted, covered in seaweed and hold platforms that have his 12.7 cm main guns on it and 40 mm AA guns, although two of the latter guns were also in the form of two Colt 1911 that is placed on his hips side. The 20 mm AA guns are meanwhile displayed on the shoulder, ribs and a few on the platforms, and his torpedo launchers were on the sides of the thighs. When desired, his hand can turn into his ram to charge at the enemies with ease, but when comes to close combat, he usually uses a serrated sickle to hook on the enemy ships, taking later the corpses or the still-alive victims to the scientist Haima or the salvager Necromancer.

If the gatekeepers were asked about the personality of this tubist destroyer, they would usually use the words cheerful and cute since out of battles he's always wearing that unmistakable smile of his and comes to people without thinking twice, desiring for hugs and head pats from them. He is also regarded as a very extrovert ship person, easy to befriend with anyone and he seems to care about each of his gatekeepers friends, always trying to bring smiles to their faces when they seemed in need of those and was feeling extremely down. Sometimes, this care of his comes in the form of little pranks, teasing his sister a lot or even putting toilet paper inside the barrels of the gatekeepers' guns. However, do not be fooled by his cute and funny side, he can be quite a sadistic person with a thirsty for cruelty and suffering of the others, mainly during the fights - often, he would prolong for the longest time he can to kill his victims, just to see they suffering and he would spend time beside his "mother", to see her conducting the painful experiments and extracting the blood of them; o Necromancer, to see them being smelt down for resources.

"Where's the fun if your prey isn't struggling?"

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