- Siren Class Heavy Cruiser -

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# Ship Version

Seeking to pursue their Revenge Plan on the real dimension, the Halloween Empire for a long time tried to create the perfect warship to defeat, first, the gatekeepers - the only ones standing on their way to complete the plan. To do so, the Halloween Empire not only realized experiments and created new spells aboard ships like Haima and Witch, but they also expanded their territories and tamed the creatures they found there. Even before the Sea Dragons were captured and tamed, however, another creature the Halloween Empire found was already being tamed to help in the defeat of the gatekeepers, a Siren, found on a strange lake with its bottom made of bones. Thinking she would kill them, the Halloween Empire instinctively captured the siren and got her in a prison where she would be also put on close observation... She escaped several times with her melodic, hypnotic and attractive voice - Not only men, but women were attracted to it as well, the only way to escape from it was using something to block the sounds, like a headset. It was then that the Halloween Empire found a way to use her, building the so-called Siren heavy cruiser, the only of the class given that they have only one siren to use.

The heavy cruiser was armed with three triple mounts of 24 cm guns displayed one in the front and two in the aft, ten twin mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, 12 single mounts of 7.7 cm dual-purpose guns, eight 16 quadruple mounts of 30 mm AA guns, 20 single mounts of 10 mm AA guns and lastly, but not least, two 550 mm quadruple torpedo launchers equipped with Bonesaw torpedoes of the Skeleton destroyers. Additionally, the warship had a single seaplane catapult, launching the single seaplane fighter she has for personal AA defense and aboard you had strange created that were dropped in the water when close to the enemies. They contain special red jellyfishes, also called "Demon Jellyfishes", they will stick to the hull of the enemy warship, damaging it. The damages only increase if it's removed incorrectly and in direct touch with anything, it will give you a shock.

The warship carries a siren aboard, placed inside a hole in the bow of the heavy cruiser, supposedly where an extra main gun should be placed and there, she has water, food and a rock to sit on. While it seemed better than the prison of the Halloween Empire, the siren was very poorly treated, she was in chains, the food was horrible, some sailors used her to their own pleasure, whipped her and forced her to sing to hypnotize enemies. Although the gatekeepers are naturally immune to her voice, the sailors think she does that on purpose and treats her even worse than before. Those who can resist her song, besides the gatekeepers, can notice that it sounds almost as if she's asking for help... Tales say that if you save her from the Halloween Empire, you will be granted a wish. Afraid that this tale might be true, the Siren heavy cruiser, although initially possessing medium armor that could help at least dealing with shells of light cruiser's guns, was reinforced to reduce the chance of sinking, withstanding now even other heavy cruiser's guns. The ship also has one of the best torpedo protections from all the Halloween ships but a high price was paid for this, the engines of the heavy cruiser could only push the warship forward with a maximum of 32 knots.

For the appearance of the warship, Siren was painted in a way that reassembled black and dark gray rocks that are in the bottom of the sea, forming strange and creepy structures that from certain angles can look like a warrior, a tentacle creature, a siren, a jellyfish, or even a mysterious creature that was never ever imagined yet. The deck seemed to be made of sand, make the ship look like it's from the bottom of the sea and on many random parts some corals reefs were placed and they seemed to eat the fishes that come too close in a rather peculiar and creepy way and they seem to be able to eat humans or humanoid-like creatures as well, which's why the sailors need to be careful when walking on the ship. The crates in which the jellyfish kept are exactly like rocks, camouflaging on the superstructure of the ship as if they were mere decorations while the jellyfishes are kind of strange, with black color and few red details on their tentacles and upper side, which also possesses what seems to be strange long spikes and despite looking safe to touch in this side, it will give you a shock.

# Human Version

Siren is a tall shipgirl of the Halloween Empire, just very slightly taller than Ini-Herit, the tallest of the Mummy class. She has long light brown hair, usually done in a letdown style decorated with a hairpin of a real starfish, a strange one, however, with a green narrowed-pupil eye that looks to whoever looks at it but the shipgirl's own eyes are very different, she has a light blue pair of eyes with normal pupils but can change to ones with narrow-pupil eyes when she's angry. They also have a special ability to see in the dark, giving her an edge in the battles inside the Halloween dimension. When comes to her skin, she has actually very small curves and a not-so-fit body, rather, it looks unhealthily thin with very pale skin, which has siren scales on her feet and going up to the middle of her belly and the whole lower back, and when she's angry her face turns different a little, with gills appearing on the cheeks and the scales expanding all the way up to the upper back and middle of the chest while also appearing on her forearms now. She has a strange peculiarity of having her ears looking a little like fish pectoral fins of a fish. Usually, she wears nothing besides her bra made of nothing but seaweed and on her arms, you have shields that look like the freeboard of her ship version, attached to her arms with chains, impossible to be taken out due to the magical spell they have. The right one has some coral reefs decorating it while the left one has the Halloween Empire symbol drawn with the siren's own blood. Those shields are the symbol of her being a slave of the Halloween Empire and they will only fall when the Halloween Empire high-command has set her free, she has been killed or the shields themselves, not the chains, were fully destroyed.

Out on the seas, she wears a golden-edged black helmet with golden fin-like ears on the sides of it decorating it and on the back of it, you have eight of her 10 mm AA guns. She also wears golden armor on her shoulders and upper arms, with two of her main guns attached to the latter while the third one is found attached to the back of her superstructure, which's used as a bag with chain straps crossing in an "X" in the middle of her chest. She also has her remaining AA guns displayed over the superstructure while the dual-purpose guns are displayed over her left shield, the 7.7 cm on the edges and the 12.7 cm more on the inner areas of it, not covering the Halloween symbol. Her torpedo launchers are attached to the sides of her superstructure meanwhile, her demon jellyfishes are in boxes placed in the downside of her superstructure, dropped on the water under her command and, lastly, her seaplane catapult is attached close to the blade of her harpoon spear, which she uses for close combat if she needs.

If asked, Halloween people won't be able to answer what's the personality of Siren, but instead, they will very often use the "Source of Pleasure", "Disgrace that doesn't does her work", and many other worse things that are better if not mentioned. The only person who ends being her friend is the battlecruiser Weedy of the Sea Dragon class, but aside from him, no one ever talks with her in a good away and often just use her to please themselves, both in the sense of teasing and... a more forced one, if you get what I mean. That's why she despises most Halloween ships, but for Weedy, she shows her true self, an introvert shipgirl who prefers to stay alone, is used to her solitude and if she had the chance she would prefer to be in her solitude forever on her lake instead of having met every one of the Halloween Empire, which treats her in an even worse way than Skye. She has suicidal thoughts sometimes, but it's always saved from doing that by Weedy, but he can't save her from her depression and cut wrists... But this also makes her imagine a few very fairytale-like stories, in which one day, a brave knight will come to her, defeat the Halloween forces and finally release her free since she can't do that herself with her rigging that has a powerful spell that does not allow her to destroy her own rigging. She also tried to sing and lure people into freeing her, but everyone that's relatively in close distance to her is wearing headsets for safety measures. The only person who tried to save her so far was Weedy, but he doesn't try to destroy the rigging with his own guns, he's afraid of hurting her... Instead, he's trying to learn a spell to release her, but he was not successful until now. Alone in the night, she tries to sing her tears out, a non-hypnotic melody that sometimes, can be seen as a song of help, but only the Halloween ships were ever able to hear her cry and most of them, as already said before, will never help her.

"If we were made to suffer like this, what's the point of being alive anyway?"

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