- Yama Class Carrier -

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山 Ship Version 木

With the industrial capacity of the Sun Empire already proved worth it with its high-quality navy, the Sun Empire started to dive into future prospects for the naval warfare. In particular, the rise of the aircraft carriers on other nations started serious debates among the officers of navies all around the world - some believed that the battleships would still reign supreme in the naval battles, and their presence alone could shift balance to their side, while others believed that the aircraft carriers would soon outmatch the battleships, if the navies give them a chance. Regardless of discussion, it was a key point that the Sun Empire acquired at least two or so carriers to stay alongside the other nations as well as to conduct trials of their own to prove the carriers effectiveness, and the Yama class were the carriers built for that, with Yama and Ki being the two ships belonging to the class. They proved to very powerful in many battles fought against minor nations, which already boosted the navy's willingness to build more of them, but they only became feared by other nations and praised by the Sun Navy after the Izumi incident, when despite their retreat, their bombers struck a victory with many enemies sunk and installations destroyed.

The Yama class of carriers had as armament 12 single mounts of 20.3 cm guns, two twin mounts of 15.5 cm dual-purpose guns, 12 twin mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, 24 triple mounts of 25 mm AA guns and lastly, 27 single mounts of 7.7 mm AA guns. The design was of a two flight deck aircraft carrier, being the large one connected to the hangar by elevators and the smaller one directly connected to the hangar. The hangar had a capacity of 120 planes, being them usually 40x Sakurayama Type 2 fighters, 40x Momoyama Type 6 dive bombers and lastly 40x Mizu type 3 torpedo bombers.

The ships of this class had a good armor that could protect the ship from most guns, except heavy cruiser and battleship ones, but despite that, they have a major weakness: Their hangar is exposed because it's directly connected with the lower and shorter flight deck. At least the ships have metal flight decks, that are resilient and also made the ship look modern. With all this armament and armor, the ships of this class reached a top speed of 30 knots.

The appearance schemes that both ships of this class received were very similar. The freeboards of the ships were painted with light blue and navy blue colors. The flight decks have two red circles, the greater one being close to the end of the deck and the smaller one being close to the start of the deck, with the kanji "山" inside of it. On Ki, however, the kanji is "木". On Yama, the freeboard received Japanese style drawings of carps, being them white with red or orange details. Ki also received those draws, but the carps are black instead of white.

山 Human Version
木Kancolle/Azur Lane木

Yama is a very tall shipgirl, having a height that's higher than most of the carriers around the world, being only beaten by Welt. She has long hair that is dark brown, but dyed black close to the root, fading to red and then to orange on the tips. She also has a pair of violet-colored eyes and when she's on a battle the white part of her eyes becomes black, making her look evil, as indeed she is when on a battle. She has light skin with medium curves, usually wearing a kimono-style shirt, being dark purple with the drawings of some sakura branches and flowers and other small white details. She also wears a medium length skirt that's red and fades to orange as it goes down. Lastly, she has a band with a red circle and the kanji "山" in it written in black tied usually on her head.

When out on the seas, Yama uses black gloves that go up to her elbow, having samurai forearm armors with AA guns attached to the glove, while her metal flight deck is attached to her right upper arm, having a big red circle in it. Her dual-purpose guns are attached to her left upper arm while her secondaries are attached to her leg. To launch her planes, she uses a red-painted Japanese bow (Yumi) that she named Taiyō, keeping her planes in the form of arrows in a black quiver. She also carries a katana she named Hayai to be used as a last defense weapon, having her last secondaries attached to it.

Being a very outgoing person, Yama is a very funny person, often seen with a contagious smile and she also likes to tell jokes. Sometimes, she also likes to prank people, but she knows the limits, which makes her a funny person to speak and talk with if you're bored or in a bad mood. She's also very energetic, not liking to stay stopped, always making exercises and training with Hayai or Taiyō, as she's very skilled with both. Some people often call her by the nickname "Kazan (Volcano)" because of how easy it is for her to get angry. She already stopped talking with her brother for two weeks simply because he forgot to appear in a training session. But she can cause fear to a lot of people, as she has a very sadistic side that only appears when she's in battle, smiling when seeing the enemies sinking and screaming in despair, with her favorite tactic being to use torpedo bombers to make the enemies slowly sink to the bottom of the sea by inundations. People believe that this sadistic side was born together with her patriot side, as that would explain why she only likes to see the enemy suffer. Her patriot side is an influence of Samurai, when him, her, her brother and Tamashii went to the famous Sun Empire's Glass Bridge, located above the waterfall connected to the Heisei Lake. From there you can have a great view from the Sun Empire's nature. Samurai said the bridge was a representation of the Sun Empire itself, beautiful with a fragile appearance, but resilient, as the bridge already survived many wars and natural disasters. After seeing such a beautiful place, Yama decided she was going to defend the Sun Empire's nature until her last breath.

"If the Sun set, there will be always tomorrow for it to rise again"


Ki is a tall shipboy, but is shorter than most of the Stars sibling, except for Stars, of course. He has long white hair that fades to green and then to blue on the tips, usually done in a ponytail. He has eyes that are very similar to her sister's eyes, but they can't change their white parts to black. He posses a lightly tanned skin, covered by his clothes that are a greenish long-sleeved kimono-style shirt and a white pair of simple trousers. He also wears a cape that goes down to his waist with a similar appearance to the water, having many drawings of species of birds flying that are encircling what seems to be the kanji "木". He has a headphone that he likes to keep hanging on his neck and use it when in crowded places. Lastly, he wears some short black boots.

Out on the seas, Ki uses samurai armors on his upper arms with the AA guns attached to it. His dual-purpose guns are attached to his forearms while his secondaries are attached to a belt he wears. He would also change his boots for samurai armored long boots. Like his sister, he uses a yumi to launch his planes that are kept in the form of arrows in a quiver. His flight deck is attached to the bow, having a red circle in it with the same kanji he has on the cape in it.

Ki is usually very quiet and shy, as he hates to be in crowded places. He is like this because of his special ability to hear the true emotions from the voices of the other, even if they are lying or forcing a sad or happy voice tone. Hear many voices at the same cause him to read multiple emotions at the same and make him have a headache. The headphone he has is used to stop these headaches from happening, but he also uses it to distract himself and to ignore annoying people. He highly believes that technology is a great thing, as he's a researcher that tries to modernize and develop weapons of the "ship people". Despite that, he's very lazy, as he often procrastinates and struggles to get up from his bed. The thing he does the most is to stay at his bed reading mangas. Diferently from Yama, Ki wasn't influeced by Samurai when they went to the Glass Bridge and also didn't like the view that much, prefering an urban landscape.

"You might prefer crowded places, I prefer quiet places, but as long we respect the likings of each other, everything is fine"

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