- Caduto Class Battleship -

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# Ship Version

A few years before the War of the Empires, the Imperial Southern Roman Fleet realized that their fleet was way too much behind the Nothern Roman Fleet and even the other nations, thanks to the resources of the Rome Empire most of the time being given for the development of the Northern Roman Fleet. Seeing their incapability to fight in the war that was coming, the Southern Fleet Had to manage their resources better and successfully convinced the emperor that they needed more resources or the Rome Empire was going to be invaded from the south and then the enemy will easily defeat the North. Those new resources and better management allowed the Southern Fleet to build more ships, including a new Caduto class of battleships that should help the Cascata class battleships, which were not enough to attack, capture and hold the numerous colonies of the other empires. However, only one ship of this class was built, Caduto, since the focus of the Southern Fleet was changed from battleships to aircraft carriers, which in the first months of war proved to be quite important.

Preserving the concept of balanced battleships, Caduto was Armed with two triple mounts and two twin mounts of 40 cm guns, accompanied by 16 single mounts of 15.5 cm guns placed in casemates, 24 twin mounts of 13 cm dual-purpose guns, 46 triple mounts of 30 mm AA guns, 34 single mounts of 10 mm AA guns and, lastly, a weapon not added to the archives of the battleship, two submerged forward-pointed torpedo launchers. All the guns aboard the ship, if compared to the ones of Cascata, were enhanced versions, the 40 cm, 15.5 cm and dual-Purpose guns have better accuracy, reload and turning speed at the cost of considerably decreased range, although the main guns still can hit targets far away. Unlike Cascata, however, Caduto carried a single seaplane catapult to launch his small seaplane recon plane and the two seaplane fighters. All the three seaplanes are not impressive aircraft but are sufficiently efficient to support the battleship by taking down enemy aircraft, searching enemies, dropping light bombs against vessels and even depth charges against submarines while the battleship itself has a sufficient armor to deal with most heavy cruisers, but not battlecruisers and other battleships, that was the price paid for the ship to reach speeds 32.3 knots, thanks to the new engines that pushed the ship with much better efficiency despite the extra weight and size of the Caduto battleship if compared to the Cascata battleships.

In appearance, Aoi Yumi of the Sun Empire was asked to do the battleship appearance to show its might when attacking the colonies and bases of the other empires located to the South of the Rome Empire. It featured the very same diagonally red and white striped bow deck while in the tip of the bow you had a red shield, blue edged and with a white cross with the bow mast located just behind it, Painted in white with few black details and leaned to the port side to reassemble the Pisa tower, but much thinner and with an Ancient Rome soldier helmet placed on top of it. On the freeboard of the warship, she decided to add Ancient Rome statues, or at least they seem to be statues, but they are actually a painting done on the freeboard, not real statues. The superstructure of the battleship meanwhile was divided into three parts, the one closest to the bow with the conning tower painted red, the middle one with the funnels and areas around, painted with white, and the last part closer to the aft, having the secondary tower and painted green. The erb of the family Ricchi was added to the sides of the funnel and the main guns are painted with white, decorated with gold on the sides and on the upper side of the 1st and 4th turret, You have a light brown and yellow color, making it look like old paper and in the middle, you have the map of the South Roman Empire. The 2nd turret has on the upper side a copper statue of the first South Roman Emperor, Tito Ricchi, instead and, lastly, the third turret has a statue of Sienna Ricchi, the woman who married Axel and helped the formation of the Rome Empire as it is today.

# Human Version

Caduto of the Southern Roman Fleet is a rather tall shipboy, taller than the Cascata siblings by just a few centimeters, if not millimeters. He has a short dark Brown hair with the tips dyed with copper and often kept In a pretty messed up style thanks to how rebellious is his hair even when using hair gel, but you still can see him with a more organized style when there are important events during this day. His pair of eyes accompany his hair and have a light brown color on the upper side and orange color on the downside of the iris, capable of changing to a black color close to the outer edges and Red close to the pupils if he's enraged. His body shows to be a bit stronger and he has a lightly tanned skin and a few scars located in certain specific places, a few of them on the right arm given by an officer of the Southern Roman Fleet but no one knows that and probably will never know of their existence since they are hidden under his white plain shirt with the Southern Roman Flag on the back and a black Roman eagle with the wings unfolded in the front, more specifically on the chest area; a pair of black trousers with the Rome Empire flag on the right leg; short black boots; a light gray coat with his few medals on the left part of the chest and cap of the Rome Empire Navy. Lastly, he carries with him a Zweihänder wherever he goes to be used if necessary.

Out on The seas, he wears simpler clothes and uses as protection a dark gray full light knight armor set, with golden edged details, the Ricchi family erb placed on the shoulders, the Roman eagle decorating the forehead of the helmet and the lower leg armors diagonally striped white and red. On his right upper arm, you have a painting of the Sienna and on the left upper arm you have the painting of Tito while on his back, he has his superstructure to which four short mechanical arms are attached, the triple mounts on the lower pair and the twin mounts on the upper pair of arms. The right triple mount has a real red shield with a white cross and blue edges on the top of it while the left triple mount has a shield with the erb of the Ricchi, both shields can be used for defense. The right twin mount has instead the map of the South Roman Empire painted on it and the left twin mount has a North Roman Empire map. The forearms of the battleship are reserved for the 15.5 cm guns while the dual-purpose guns are located on the are around his waist, leaving the shoulders, the superstructure and lower legs for his 30 mm AA guns and the thighs for the 10 mm AA guns. In the area between His right shoulder and neck, you can see his seaplane catapult and lastly, his torpedo launchers are attached to his boots, hidden under the surface of the water.

When speaking of his personality, he's not an outgoing person. He prefers to stay alone, enjoying some books, mangas and perverted things on his privacy, but this never stopped him to make friends such as Aoi and Lucifer in special, who are pretty close friends to him. He isn't a cold and totally serious person, as many may think, but he can be quite a funny person, always cracking some jokes when around people and trying to make them laugh although sometimes it can backfire since it's not everyone who likes the Dark humor he sometimes uses on his jokes. Probably by the influence of Lucifer, he can sometimes be a pretty teasing person, putting other people in very embarrassing situations rather easily but he's not an evil person, he even supports the end of the Ariana race of the Rome Empire, but if someone fight for this cause with violence, he will show he also supports the violence answer of the empire. If you try to ever attack or offend him, being ally or enemy, he will bite back without hesitation, with a chance of even giving you a scar to remember to never try this again. Aside from that, he seems to have deep knowledge in the military, recognizing many planes, guns and rigging just by looking at it, even if they are kind of similar but it doesn't beat his appreciation for art, culture and history, he knows a lot about the other countries and is interested in them, despite many officers disapprove this and try to keep him away from the history books about the nations that aren't the Rome and Sun Empires.

He has some stories untold, however, a story that explains why he has scars given by a South Roman officer. She's a person who helped in his construction and he thought he could regard her as a mother, he just had the feeling she was as kind as that, but what he got was certainly the opposite, a woman who despises him even though he's one of her creations. Because he approached her regarding him as a mother, she seemed to have taken advantage of it and started to manipulate him, control part of his life and she doesn't even recognize everything he already did under this manipulation, he sacrificed his study on the flute, an instrument he enjoyed, to learn trumpet just because she said it was better. There are other things he did, but she never said "Oh, I am proud of you" or anything similar, all he received from her was a "you're hopeless", "you're incompetent" and other words, that hurt him a lot at first. Slowly, however, those words stopped to hurt him and little by little he's changing his mind about considering her his mother, mainly after having so many arguments in which she didn't Allow him to expose his point of view and, one of the main things that might have happened because of his "bite back" personality: She use a belt to whip him, giving him a scar even though he was a battleship and as result, she was hurt a lot.

"Having left a creation in this World as a sign of remembering you, your ideals, Your emotions, your passions, that, that is what should be recognized as art....and never let anybody tell you otherwise"

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