- Primus Imperator Class Dreadnaught -

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# Ship Version

The war between the factions Imperial Alliance and the United Unique Nations (UUN) was getting only harder the more the time passed, with victory out of sight. Not wishing this war to prolong any longer and make the imperial victory certain, the Imperial Alliance started to fund the research and development in the Sakkana Heavy Industries, that belonged to Red, Rome and Sun empires, requesting the project of the Primus Imperator class of Dreadnaughts to be given preference. The class was developed some years after this, with four ships build: Primus Imperator, Triumvirate, Imperium and lastly Nemesis. The class was the definition of power, the pride of the nations and yet the enforcer of the imperial rule across the galaxy, capable of annihilating whole planets if needed. The second ship of the class, the already mentioned Triumvirate, however, faced a battle when she was still under construction when the UUN attacked the shipyard and, after heavy casualties for both sides, the UUN was victorious, stealing the Triumvirate dreadnaught and finishing her construction at another shipyard and renaming it to Republic.

The class was the largest warship to be built during that time with 20 kilometers of length and 4.5 kilometers of width. Being such a large ship, it was used mainly as the flagship of the imperial fleets of even the navy, capable of repairing ship about the size of the Stella class of the UUN. It was moved by 24 thrusters on the back of the ship allowing maximum speeds of 27 MGLT and are energized by 1000 Sakura-X engines that used light mist energy as the main resource, but it could be converted to more normal fusion engines or nuclear engines if needed. The class also had charging stations placed in the wings, well protected, but still exposed.

The light mist was stored in the fuselage of the ship, with a system that allowed the light mist to be "sucked" back if there was rupture on the hull and would be directed to the more armored places of the ship. If these places were ruptured, they would be directed to the back of the ship instead. The class can also produce light mist themselves, as they are produced as side gas when the engines are on fusion or nuclear mode.

The class proved itself to be rather resilient with 110 m thick of armor made from reinforced Osmium, able to take up to five laser hits of a gun about the same caliber as its main ones. Having a more defensive design, the decks of the superstructure were more hidden in the hope of preventing lucky kamikaze attack attempts to hit the bridge and kill the twelve commanders there since they are all important, taking care of different responsibilities and their losses would cause a huge moral impact. To reduce the risks of losing such a giant ship, despite it was considered nearly impossible to have this ship destroyed, the class has impressive shielding capabilities thanks to the 200 Shinobi-Kai shield generators that cover an area with 105 m radius and can take up to 10 hits of Trebuchet class's siege cannon. These shields were placed eve each 200 m, creating this way places that were protected by two shield generators.

In armament, the ship was equipped with 2000 towers each with one quadruple mount of SK-15 turbolaser cannons, that were quite accurate and could cause considerable damaged, but it took long times to reload; 500 towers with each having a dual mount of IKA-100 ion cannons used mostly to deactivate temporarily enemy ships and were slightly bigger than the I-1 ion cannons, with good accuracy and reload time, allowing it to be used effectively as planetary bombardment ships; 5000 towers with each having a twin mount of ZSNA-5 rapid-fire laser guns used against the small corvettes and frigates but sometimes against small spacecraft as well; 5000 towers with each having a triple mount of SKaK-10 rapid-fire turbolasers used against destroyer-sized spaceships and also against small spacecraft; a single photon cannon in the middle of the ship, dividing the class in half as it goes from the aft to the bow tip and is energized by the charging stations on the wings, capable of breaking a continent in two easily and could also split up to 80 times thanks to a brick on the front of the gun, just so it can destroy many targets at the same time; 1000 KAaK-50 quadruple warhead launchers that are quite precise and very hard to be dodged since it has the fastest warhead developed so far, but they consume, each, 10 unities of Light Mist energy to launch; and lastly 100 "Gerader" twin warhead launcher, lighter varaints of the KAaK-50.

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