- Abyssal Class Submarine -

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# Ship Version

With the fight underwater giving a great edge on battles ahead, Dark was the first one to move and fight for it, creating the very first class of submarines before Light can do the same. Although it was a rushed plan and therefore the submarines showed several weaknesses, Abyssal was still a very efficient submarine that could pose a serious threat to the Light's warships, attacking directly from below those warships or somewhere else. Two submarines were the most known, Abyssal Eel, first of the class, named after the Abyssal Eel, a mythical creature; and famous for protecting the Dark's lands, and the second one was Anglerfish, the one who sunk a few of the most important ships of the Light's Navy. The reign of the Abyssal class, however, ended when the creature Kraken itself has joined Light's side.

As an old submarine, the Abyssal class was initially armed with four 530 mm torpedo launchers, two forward aimed, one back aimed and the third one was unconventionally aimed up. No guns extra AA guns or small-caliber guns were added to decrease the class drag when submerged since their purpose was mainly to attack other armed vessels, meaning that it's very dangerous and very bold to attack the enemies when surfaced. However, the submarine was later refitted to prepare themselves for more intense combat and face the gatekeepers, armed now with nine 560 mm torpedo launchers positioned four in the front, four unconventionally aimed up and a single one aimed backward and they could be equipped with the classic bonesaw torpedoes and later with the new prototype of Halloween torpedoes developed about two weeks after the October 31st development, the Acoustic bonesaw torpedoes. they were also now armed with auxiliary two single mounts of dual-purpose 8 cm guns, to deal with aircraft if forcer to surface and with light vessels such as merchant ones, given that they will probably face lots of those ships with the real dimension being in peace for a long, long time.

Although they had a very nice speed, as the Dark's first submarines, they were initially very strange in shape and had way too much drag, even with pretty advanced engines, the lack of any guns and the light armor, giving it a top speed of 24.5 knots when surfaced. The shape problems were alter solved with the retrofit and the armor was lightly enhanced to give it better survivability against depth charges or other possible ASW armaments that are unknown for the Halloween knowledge. This new armor and the armaments increased the weight of the submarine and the new guns added drag to the warship, however, didn't give it a chance to have a top speed of around 30 knots, not even with the brand new engines. Instead, it only was increased by 2.3 knots, giving it 26.8 knots.

In appearance, the submarines weren't really given that dedicated appearance. Overall, the submarines were covered in a paint that was similar to the colors of rust, giving it an appearance of old and abandoned, and the eight-pointed black star, a symbol of the Dark's Navy, was placed on the frontal part of the submarine, with a very small ruby decorating four of its tips and the middle of the star. The two most notable submarines, however, received more dedicated special appearances to impose fear at the enemies that face them. Abyssal Eel was painted mostly black and it seems to have a dark green eel with its body around the submarine and its head ending exactly where the forward torpedo launchers are, as if the torpedoes came right from its mouth. A dark-gray helmet was also added to the eel, a classic Dark's helmet with the eight-pointed stars on the sides and on the forehead area you have a jack-o-lantern face. Anglerfish, meanwhile, was painted with a strange tone of brown and green, with what seems to spike coming out from all the sides of the warship, except on two specific points of the sail, where two black circles were painted, looking like eyes. Lastly, but not least, a decorative fish rod was put, with what seems to be a light bulb on the hook and it can be used as real bait if needed.

# Human Version

Abyssal Eel, or simply called as Eel and also know by some as Defender, is shipboy with its height laying just a little below the Chupacabra's height. He has no hair at all, but instead, he has a dark green elongated fin that comes from the middle of his upper back, goes across the back of his neck and ends on the start of the forehead, looking like a short Mohican with the edges having instead a lighter green that glows in the dark. Accompanying it, there are his dark green eyes that independent of when you look at him, he will have that black sclera and he has little to no difficulty in seeing in the dark and underwater, giving him a great edge in battles. His fair skin is a little bit strange, with countless scars on his torso, arms and legs all gained when he fought in the defense of the Dark's lands during the war of the two gods and on certain areas you have strange scales, mainly on his torso and the areas around his elongated fin. His not so fit, he's actually a little bit thinner than what would be considered normal or okay, but yet he has no shame and wears simple black shorts and short black boots, both with the Halloween emblem, on the right leg and on the sides of the ankle area, respectively.

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