- Biggie Class Aircraft Carrier -

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The Stars class of aircraft carrier was the first one to be developed for the "Air Power" project of the Eagle Empire, in which they would develop 13 aircraft carriers to fight both against the Rome Empire and mainly the Sun Empire... The development of the Biggie class started at the same time as the development of the Stars class, but the construction of the first ship would only start around a month after the first ship of the Stars class, Stars, started to be built. Three ships were built, even before the participation of the Eagle Empire in the "War of the Empires", Biggie, Bombers and Jet.

Although not larger as the later built Justice and Law aircraft carriers, the ones of the Biggie class were still large carriers with 500 m of length and 50 meters of width. This class was made for shore attacks, but they can be used for naval combat if really is needed, although they are not properly armed for such a situation, able to rely only on the 12 single mounts of rapid-firing guns and the 12 quadruple mounts 40 mm Bofors AA guns. They have a good aircraft capacity, however, with Biggie usually having 127 propelled carried-based planes plus three Junkers Ju 87 bought from the Rome Empire and three Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. Bombers, on the other hand, has only 40 North American B-25 Mitchell and the same three Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, but has an aircraft catapult in the front to launch the B-25... Still, this makes Bombers one fo the worst for naval combat. Jet, the last carrier built of the class, has 60 Storm Bird multi-purpose jets, improved and American version of the Messerschmitt Me 262, and 4 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, plus there are two aircraft catapults in the front of the carrier, made to launch the Storm Bird planes.

Even with the very few armaments of the ship and the light armor of 15-20 cm on the belt and 10 cm on the tower (that makes the ship very vulnerable), the poor engines and tons of weight in bombs and fuel made the ship really slow, with only 20 knots of maximum speed, without count how dangerous is for a ship to explode and getting fire by having such a light armor and so many bombs and fuel.

Wanting to give the Biggie class some unique appearance schemes, a contest was held in the Eagle Empire capital and the winner was Amanda Hayes. They immediately started to apply the appearance scheme for the Biggie class that was a bit different for each ship. In common, all the ships were painted with celestial blue color with a few parts with white, making it looks like the sky and they also received a golden mast with a statue of a bald eagle painted with the colors of the Eagle Empire. With the crew truly feeling like they are on the sky with the celestial blue color and the parts of white, Biggie received a drawing of a giant plane that can make pilots flying high as if they were seeing a giant aircraft. Bombers had a drawing with many classic Douglas SBD Dauntless, a full squad if you look. Jet, obviously had a full squad of jet planes.


The Biggie siblings are all shipgirls that share the same height, which's a bit lower than average. Biggie, the older sister, has long brown hair accompanied with her pair of green eyes, while her body has lightly tanned skin and medium curves, being covered usually by a red t-shirt, a navy blue coat and a pair of black trousers and boots, accompanied by a navy blue cap and a cape. Bomber, the sister in the middle, has army green hair accompanied with gray eyes and a body with lightly tanned skin and medium curves, usually covered with a black leather vest and an army green skirt that goes down to halfway to the knees, accompanied a by a pair of black boots and fingerless gloves. Jet, the younger sibling, has a long orange hair accompanied by a pair of eyes, with the left one being gray and the other green while her body has a lightly tanned skin and medium curves, just like her sisters', but instead she wears bagging clothes, mostly orange.

Out on the seas, the three sisters have their flight decks attached to their hips, having all of the few AA on it. A bridge, similar to the one of the ship version, is put on the sides of their heads. Bomber and Jet, unlike Biggie, have their aircraft catapult, Bomber carrying in her right hand, Jet one on each hand. The siblings don't change clothes at all when out on the seas, except for Jet, who wears a sailor uniform instead.

Biggie act as a true older sister, you can clearly see that by the protective and kind way she acts towards Bomber and Jets. No one messes up with the two younger siblings because if you do, it is very likable you will receive a punch in your face before the day ends from Biggie. Bomber, on the other hand, is an aircraft hater... She only likes them when they are on her side... That's understandable since she's always the 1st priority target when attacked by aircraft and because of that, she always hides behind the nearest ship with the best AA. She's also someone who likes to understand things and is curious, always making many questions. Jet is often jokingly nicknamed as "Jet Fuel" since she smells like this wherever she goes, but she does not show any hate towards the two because of that. She's very lazy and laid down, often not doing anything when not in battle. She also is always wearing a wide smile on her face and looks pretty relaxed all the time.

"My family always stand for me, I have no shame to stand for them!"- Biggie's quote -

"We can't understand everything, but try at least is the best we can do"
- Bomber's quote -

"If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit"
- Jet's quote (Author: Bansky) -

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