- H-65 Class Battlecruiser -

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# Ship Version

Due to the need of the Rome Empire for a warship to hunt the later constructed enemy contingency warships, the Rome Empire started to develop and construct the H-65 class codenamed "Project Schlastiff-X", more commonly known by the lead and only ship of the class name, Jägerin von Eltz. Built from the lessons the Rome Empire got from the Großer Kaiser, Escht and Kadner classes gave them, Jägerin would prove to be successful in other roles that include being a flagship and raid enemy convoys during the GK first years of operation and the H-100 construction, a fact that would make many officers to not regret choosing her in the place of building the H-90 battleships.

Classified as a battlecruiser in terms of contingency ships, Jägerin had a total length of 1760 meters, a beam of 430 meters and a draft of 75 meters. Just as many ships of the H-class of the Rome Empire, she received the armor scheme known as "turtleback", allowing her to defy battleships in a one versus one battle, though it was still highly not recommendable for her to do so. Specifically, the armor was composed of 7.2 meters thick of steel in the belt, 6.9 meters thick of the same material on the barbettes, 8.2 meters thick of again the same material on the conning tower and on the deck it was 1.2 meters thick of concrete together with 25 millimeters of wood. An interesting device aboard the H-65 was a jammer, that was long used in the Kadner class ships to prevent the convoys from getting reinforcements, disabling anyone in 11 kilometers.

It's joked among the Rome Empire officers that by the structure you can't difference the H-65 from the H-50 and H-100, but in terms of armament, you can notice H-65 is an intermediary of the same two, with four triple mounts of 145 cm guns as the main ones positioned two on the front and two in the back, eight triple mounts of 35.7 cm guns positioned three on each side, a pair in the front, a pair in the middle and the last pair on the back while the other two are one between the frontal guns and the conning tower while the other is between the aft guns and the secondary tower, 100 twin mounts of 15 cm guns with 60 displayed around the central part while the remaining were organized into four groups of 10, one in the front left, other in the right, one in the left aft and the last in the right, 40 twin mounts of 12.8 cm dual-purpose guns, 60 triple mounts of 10.5 cm dual-purpose guns, 180 triple mounts of 8.8 cm dual-purpose guns, 400 quadruple mounts of 37 mm AA guns and the last weapon was 600 twin mounts of 7.62 machine guns.

In aircraft capability, Jägerin carried a total of 52. 20 of them are Messerschmitt Me 262 HG-II jets that had variable roles, according to the equipment they receive before being put in the air via the inside mounted catapult while the remaining 32 are Dornier Do 32 helicopters, modified to be more armored and have a cockpit to protect the pilot while a ball-mounted 20 mm gun was installed on them as well, controlled by joystick when the craft is on the hover mode. Even with all this weight, the ABMW nuclear engines of the ship allowed the ship to have an incredibly high speed of 35.9 knots, moved by five propellers.

In appearance, the H-65 was given by Aoi Yumi of the Sun Empire (who apparently seems to have taken a long vacation and will probably have others). In the bow tip freeboard, you can see a thick long black vertical line and invading the deck and going all the way back to the ship, crossing the guns, superstructure and returning to freeboard in the aft tip, outlined by thin white lines. The rest of the ship received red paint and a swastika positioned on the freeboard, just below the 35.7 cm gun behind the frontal main guns, inside white circles outlined by gold. Lastly, but not least, she received a golden statue of a typical Roman person of the "race" Ariana, wearing military clothes with the Muller family erb as shoulder patches and carrying a crossbow in the left hand while the right one has a mast with the Imperial Nothern Roman Fleet flag on it and an Imperial Eagle landed on the top of it.

# Human Version

Jägerin von Eltz, more commonly called by simply Jägerin and sometimes called Azazel by Lucifer, is a tall shipgirl of the Rome Empire, with her height surpassing all the contingency battlecruisers, but not the battleships and carriers. Her eyes have a simple dark red color on the iris, but when she's angry they can turn to shinning white while the sclera turns to a black. The pair of eyes is accompanied by her long hair that's a bit past her shoulders and has the natural color of almost white, usually done in a letdown style with bangs covering her ears and forehead while a single streak covers her right eyes and other is dyed blond in reference to her loved one, Fujin. Her face has quite sharp and feminine features that would be often motive of compliments from the others, along with her not exaggerated curves but that are already motive of envy, and peachy skin that has only a very few scars, on her right forearm where her hawk usually lands and around her neck, mainly close to the veins, this one caused by Fujin so they can mark each other forever. Her mark to him was done by a bite, that are quite recognizable thanks to her vampire-like upper canines and serrated shark-like lower canines. Usually, she's wearing a uniform composed of a pair of black formal shoes, black trousers with silver trimming along the legs and around the pockets, a white button-up shirt with the top ones unbuttoned, creating a small cleavage while she usually keeps the sleeves rolled up, a black leather jack over the shirt very similar worn by those of the secret military organization of the Rome Empire and with a pair of aiguillette while a black tie with silver edges and an imperial eagle is put tightly on her neck, accompanied by Ritterkreuz on the top of it, distinguished as the Knight's cross with golden oak, leaves, sword and diamonds. She's also always carrying some weapons, that include a silver Enrendolch, a simple and elegant NCO sword used by the secret organization already mentioned and, lastly, a crossbow with seven bolts.

Out on the seas, she decides to wear a heavy armor set of a knight, made to fit perfectly in her body and with highlights of red and black on it with a chainmail armor under it for extra protection mainly on the vulnerable spots such as the joints. She carries with her two Winchester 1887 sawed-off shotguns as her main guns that are usually fired on long-range to guarantee very heavy damage on the enemy, even though they are as accurate as her main guns. Her 35.7 cm guns, on the other hand, are positioned on two upper platforms that are attached to her back via a small crane while she also has two lower platforms holding her 15 cm guns. All the four have, however, parts of her superstructure, the upper ones having the frontal part of it and the first funnel while the lower ones have the back part of it. Her 12.8 cm guns are on her ribs and a few on her hips while the 10.5 cm guns are on her arms, in the area from the shoulders to her forearms, and the 8.8 cm guns are near the shoulders and on her stomach. The 37 mm guns are on her legs, top of the main guns, hips and stomach area while the last weapons, the 7.62 mm guns, are displayed equally all over herself. For her planes, she carries a big side crossbow in which each bolt is a squad of four planes that can be either her Me 262 HG-II or the Do 32. She also has a flamberge sword for melee combat and she's never alone, her hawk always helping with her metal talons attached to its already sharp claws.

Jägerin would mostly be described, not only because of her personality but by her looks as well, as a crazy lunatic and Rome Empire fanatic, who would follow blindly any orders she was given by the H-100 siblings or the military officers. Lucifer is also a very important figure in Jägerin's life, as she was the person who would influence on many parts of her personality, teasing people no matter who they are, but unlike Lucifer, Jägerin was much more dedicated to her duties as already stated she would follow blindly any orders with great seriousness and that would make her appear in Rome Empire's propaganda to show the ideal soldier, the example to be followed by the others. In battle, she shows a rather cruel side, in which she would hunt enemies until they are exhausted just for then finishing off with a great strike... Just one person showed to be able to get the H-65 back and this made her interested in him, the Fujin of the Sun Empire who's also her husband-to-be. They would first meet, however, on the festive season and almost instantly became friends and were later found alone... People would justify that by their many liking and dislikes that were so similar to each other and he would propose to her one year and a half later. As a couple, everyone is rather afraid of them... As they can be cruel and piss them off can be the same as asking to be tortured slowly to death. Don't be so much afraid of her, however, she can be quite the mother person for destroyers and small vessels, often called by them as "Big sister Jaggy" or "Mommy Jaggy"... And she finds them very cute, a motive for her to act like that. The last side of hers is what would be called the "nerd" one, mainly studying by books, having 10 about how to care of your bird and other 125 books on her library, which would make her a go-to shipgirl. Her hawk suffered influence from this as well and would be able to answer the questions you ask it by nodding or shaking its head.

"All warfare is just glorified outsmarting" 

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