- Brasa Class Battleship -

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}={Ship Version}={

Due to the crescent rebellion and wish for the independence of the Latin Empire against the Iberian Empire, the soldiers started to prepare themselves for the "Great Release" or "Latin Independence War". The soldiers from the Brasa colony developed the Brasa Class of Battleships to show for the Iberian Empire their naval power, though because of their low shipbuilding capacity they had to send the schematics for the Eagle Empire to build, since it's a nation that highly supported the Latin Empire independence and had great shipbuilding capacity.

Although the two ships of this class, Brasa and Floresta, are old and are not so strong as the current battleship of the other nations, they are still quite capable thanks to the constant modernizations they receive that keep them up to date and yet preventing them from becoming museums. Even at the time they were built, the ship was considered a bit ahead of the time and served as a model for other nations' class of battleships.

Currently, the battleship of this class can reach a maximum top speed of 30 knots, but already reached 31.5 knots before the first modernization. The armor of the ship was one of her great weaknesses and they still can be used against her nowadays, though they are tougher now and can resist heavy cruiser shells from medium ranges.

The ship was equipped, at the time it was built, with four triple mounts of 32 cm guns, 14 single mounts of 15.2 cm guns, 8 twin mounts of 10 cm dual-purpose guns, 10 twin mounts of 10 mm AA guns, 16 single mounts of 7.7 mm AA guns and lastly two single submerged 533 mm torpedo launchers.

With modernizations, the Brasa class had its two torpedo launchers removed and with an intern reorganization, the class received a small hangar for three recon or fighter seaplanes. The main guns of the battleship were also replaced by new four twin mounts of 41 cm guns, with the third gun, located at the rear having a catapult to launch aircraft installed. The 14 single mounts of 15.2 cm guns were also replaced by new 18 single mounts of 14 cm guns and the 10 cm guns were replaced by new 14 twin mounts of 12 cm dual-purpose guns. In order to improve the AA capabilities, the battleship received extra twelve twin mounts of 10 mm AA guns, six twin mounts of new 40 mm and 16 single mounts of 7.7 mm guns.

Brasa was built by the Eagle Empire fought in the war for independence, having participated in the bombardment of a naval port of the Iberian Empire in the Brasa province and played a vital role on the last battle of the war, having sunk two cruisers and three transport ships loaded with troops for a naval invasion. The Floresta battleship, however, was built only some years after the war, in the Brasa province this time.

Wanting to show the power and might of the Brasa Fleet not only for the Iberian Empire, but also for the other provinces of the Latin Empire, the ships received a unique appearance. Brasa and Floresta were painted entirely with a dark but not so much green, with the main guns two and three covered with a bright yellow color and the superstructure navy blue. A white diagonal line crosses the superstructure, with the words "Ordem e Progresso" written inside it.

}={Human Version}={

Brasa is a tall shipboy with short light brown hair, dyed black close to the roots to the middle of his hair and dark red on the tips. His eyes are orange and some people say they look like bright and burning flames, mainly in the dark and this can make them quite intimidating to look at. His skin is lightly tanned and is a bit fit, with his muscles usually exposed for the others to see, since he wears a short-sleeved white plain shirt along with a pair of black trousers and boots. He has a scar on his right arm that he got when fighting against the battleship Pesada Cruz of the Iberian Empire and likes to show them for the other people.

Out of the seas, he doesn't wear anything more than the clothes she usually wears, having one of his main guns on each forearm and upper arm, while the 14 cm and the AA guns are displayed on what looks like a metal belt and the dual-purpose guns displayed on his shoulders and on the upper armor of his main guns. He also carries with him a saber sword.

Although he's the first battleship of the Latin Empire with quite the reputation for his victories on the war and for his equipment, his sister is usually seen as the representative of the Latin Empire instead of him, all because of his attitude. He's quite arrogant, always talking about his victories, muscles and reputation and is also quite the selfish ship, having only four people he really cares for, his sister, he, himself and him. He's also highly involved with crime, mainly stealing, smuggling and traffic. By many people, he's also seen as a great jerk, who doesn't respect the people of other color and demands the women to be submissive to men. He's just not taken to prison by all his acts simply because the Brasa Fleet would lose a great part of its strength if he was sent to prison.

"The stronger you are, the freer you can be"


Floresta is a shipgirl, just a bit shorter than her brother Brasa, with long light brown hair she likes to keep done in a ponytail with a navy blue and dark green hairband. Although she has the same hair color as her brother's, they look much different from each other. To start with the eyes, hers can change between the colors navy blue and dark green ever 10 seconds. However, they will stay fixed with a yellow color if she sees something special on someone. Her skin also shows to be very different from her brother, being a fair one with a large scar on her left arm, a scar she got from Brasa. Her body is considered attractive for the nowadays society thanks to her curves, though she hates this fact a bit. To cover her body she usually wears a long navy blue dress that fades to dark green in the bottom. Under the dress, on her leg, she hides a medium dagger, for defense.

Out on the seas, she would like to wear a dark green light knight armor set with the clothes beneath being navy blue. Some claw marks were drawn on her armor, decorating it, while her mask is entirely navy blue. On her back is attached a funnel similar to her one in the ship version, with two platforms that look like the bow and the aft of the ship version as well. On each platform, you have two of the guns on it and half of the secondaries of 14 cm guns placed behind in the back area of the platform. The platforms also have a robotic arm that makes them stay fixed with the funnel, but it can also make the platforms move, putting them on a higher position or working as a shield. On her right arm, she has all the AA guns displayed, organized, while her left arm has the dual-purpose guns on the upper part and the catapult is on her forearm. To help during the battle, she carries with her a long spear with the Brasa Fleet flag hoisted on it.

Floresta is a shipgirl who is way too different from her brother, Brasa. Although they have different quarters because they don't get along very well, discussing with each other very often, Floresta's kind and caring personality speak louder and make her get worried about her brother. She has a good friendship with all the ships of the Latin Empire and even to foreigners of all the other empires. She likes to learn about other cultures and doesn't disrespect other people's opinions and tastes, defending the words of Voltaire: "I disapprove what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it". It was defending this that she got a scar from Brasa. In politics, she showed great approval for the emperors' decision for peace, but she also stands for the people's rights. In her free time, she's often seen in the great forests of the Brasa province and defends that they shouldn't continue extracting resources from it like how they are right now.

Music theme: Brazillian National Anthem

"There will not be always peace, but I will fight for it until the end of my life"

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