- Kamikaze Class Carrier -

47 2 7

× Ship Version ×

One of the greatest issues of the Sun Empire when it started participating in the War of the Empires, at the side of the Rome Empire, was the lack of a numerous fleet that could not always be present to defend the core areas of the empire. The fact was shown when the Eagle Empire did a raid on the Ume island, bombarding several important places and bringing desperation to people. An answer not only plan attacks to key points that would protect the core islands better were planned, but the Imperial Sun Navy also dedicated itself to the production of an escort aircraft carrier carrying only fighters - Which would intercept any incoming planes, be it from nearby carriers or bases far away. The result was the Kamikaze class, which mislead people into thinking it was going to be used as a suicidal tactic against carriers.

Compared to other escort carriers, Kamikaze was a rather well-armored warship - Even light cruisers would still struggle to penetrate its armor, and the extra layer of armor to protect essential areas made it harder for the carrier to be seriously damaged with a single lucky hit by a bomb or a shell. There was light torpedo protection as well, but it was inefficient and was later removed. For a more aggressive defense, in case the enemy is close enough, the carrier was armed with two twin mounts of 15.5 cm guns, 10 twin mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, 16 triple mounts of Kaze 25 mm AA guns, and four quadruple mounts of 10 mm AA guns. The hangar of the aircraft had a capacity for 50 aircraft, which were usually the standard carrier-based fighters for enemy aircraft interception.

At later times, the Sun Empire started to study and research the project of a suicidal aircraft, named Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka, left by a mysterious researcher before he died by an unknown motive. The possibility of turning it into a fast, small, but still quite strong and capable fighter was the cause of the research, which led to the development of the Taifū fighter - which was a failure due to the problem of finding a suitable engine for it instead of the rocket propulsion. The first prototype of the project, named "Taifū model 1", only became possible after the technological exchange between Rome and Sun Empires, giving it access to the powerful jet engine... It was a failure in design, at first, but model 2 quickly came to fix it and it proved its worthiness. The greatest result they were expecting from model 2 was the possibility of using aboard aircraft carriers, in special the Kamikaze. Several tests aboard the carrier showed it was too fast to land on the small flight deck of the carrier... Model 3 was the one, then, made for aircraft carriers, with less ammo but with floats that would allow it to land on water instead of the carrier. No much further research was made for Taifū usage aboard the aircraft carriers, however, they were just focused on slight improvements, but the most known model used aboard Kamikaze during the war was the fourth, capable to be launched from the newest steam catapults of Kamikaze.

All the models had a few things in common, almost no armor and low ammo and fuel capacity. Model 4 in specific, was armed with a single lone gun, so the low ammo wasn't usually a problem, but Taifū was limited in range by the fuel. It had enough range, however, for the plane to go from the north of to the south of the Ume island, resupplying only once in the middle - This allowed it to intercept almost any aircraft coming to attack any area of the Sun Empire if the carrier is well-positioned. The speed of it also made it great to intercept incoming bombers, 1190km/h, helped by the low weight of the craft. Thanks to the size of it, the carrier could carry twice as many Taifūs when compared to the standard fighters, 90 of them being regular model 4 planes and 10 emergency usage suicidal model 4 planes. 

In honor to those who happen and will happen to go and never come back from rare suicidal missions, the Kamikaze was covered in metallic white color, with a single red line crossing the ship from the bow to the aft, passing across the flight deck. Near the end of the flight deck, a great drawing of a sakura flower was made, similar to the ones at the old Ohkas nose. On the freeboard were put two red circles, one on each side exactly in the middle of the midsection.

×Human Version×

Kamikaze, being the only light aircraft carrier of the Sun Empire, is a shipgirl with a height that would be considered above average, having long dark brown hair that she likes to keep tied up in a ponytail having a single lock dyed red. Her hair is accompanied by her pair of bright yellow eyes and her skin that is very lightly tanned, having a single scar across her right forearm. She usually wears a long-sleeved simple dark navy blue shirt under a white sleeveless shirt with a sakura flower drew on the back, with the word "Sun" written in pink above it and the word "Empire" below it. On the chest, the very same symbol and words are there, but smaller and on the right side. She also wears a pair of white sports trousers along with long dark navy blue socks with two white stripes and a pair of black sneakers. A black necklace with a gold pendant of an ohka plane is hanging on her neck and upon her head, there's a baseball cap with the sakura flower and the words again. She's lastly always carrying her metal bat named"対話 (Taiwa)" which means "dialogue".

When out on the seas, Kamikaze wouldn't change her clothes but would carry with her the metal bat, a baseball glove, and a sack that's hanging on her belt with some baseball balls inside. She throws the balls and they become Taifū planes, becoming balls again if she catches them with her glove. Her 15.5 cm guns are attached one to each of her forearms and the 12.7 cm guns are attached to her upper arms, with lastly the AA being attached to her legs and shoulder. Being a baseball player, she already managed, somehow, to send bombs that were going to hit her in another direction.

Kamikaze is often practicing baseball rather than training with her guns, being nicknamed "Home Run Queen" because of her great skills in sports. She's known to be very active and competitive, always trying to be better than the others, even the larger aircraft carriers like Yama and Ki, but not getting sad because of the defeats as she sees them as opportunities to get better and not motive to cry in desperation mourn about like a baby. But she's also a hot-headed person... When defeated, she will, at first, shout at you and maybe hit you with her bat. The hot-headed characteristic of hers is proven better when you remember that she always solves her problem with the others with... Well... "Dialogue"... Her bat. She's often described as a "tomboy" and she doesn't have a problem with that as she knows that she indeed is like that. She can also be a bit flirty if she finds someone that really got her attention, but that's something that never happened before... Until she was defeated in a tough match of baseball, at least.

"A true kamikaze doesn't kill oneself. It saves his country just like the typhoons saved Japan from the Mongols"

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