- Punishment Class Battleship -

126 3 46

(-) Ship Version (+)

Some months after the Eagle Empire declared war against the Rome Empire, due to the direct military help they were sending for the Sun Empire in the "Eagle-Sun War", the Rome Empire finished researches and launched the Großer Kaiser of the H-50 class. Scared of what the Romans could do with her, the Eagle Empire started great researches in Area 77 to counter this threat and one of the results was the Punishment class of battleships not strong as a contingency ship, but a class surely stronger than the H-50. Two ships were planned, Punishment and Enforcer, however only the first one was finished due to the need for the resources to finish the contingency aircraft carriers of the Justice class.

The ship was equipped with 80 UH-X nuclear reactors, capable enough to give the battleship a top speed of 24.5 knots. Although slower than GK, the speed was excellent for a ship with such a heavy armor and armament which includes seven triple mounts of 195 cm guns displayed four on the bow and three on the aft, 18 twin mounts of 65 cm guns, 15 triple mounts of 55 cm guns, 11 triple mounts of 48 cm dual-purpose guns, 12 twin mounts of 32 cm dual-purpose guns, 45 quintuple mounts of 11 cm AA guns, 16 quadruple mounts of 9.5 cm AA guns, 12 twin mounts of 60 mm AA guns, six 3x4 mounts of missile launchers and lastly two 275 cm septuple torpedo launchers.

The guns of 55 and 65 cm are equipped with autoloaders for a better loading performance, but new prototypes of autoloaders for the 195 and the 65 cm guns are being tested and once ready, they will be installed on the Punishment. Strangely enough, the battleship doesn't have aircraft capacity for recon or fighter seaplanes, which puts her in a slightly disadvantage position when fighting against other ships that have planes.

Retrofit for the ship was planned especially to counter the enemy contingency ships, H-100 mainly. The main guns were replaced by 10 triple mounts of 220 cm guns, were added three triple mounts of 48 cm guns, five quintuple mounts of 11 cm guns, two quadruple mounts of 9.5 cm AA guns, a twin mounts of 60 mm guns. The torpedoes were also replaced by brand new four septuple 290 cm torpedo launchers. It was also installed new five UH-X reactors, increasing the top speed to 25.2 knots.

Fighting against the Romans and operating on the harbors of the allies near the area, Punishment would receive an exclusive appearance scheme of the Eagle Empire, with the objective to get the attention of the enemy sailors and show them they built something stronger than Großer Kaiser. For that, the ship would receive a statue made purely of gold in the bow of the old now dead leader Noah Johnson mounted on a horse and with a mas in his hands. The great-sized Eagle flag is hoisted on it, working as the bow mast of the ship. Two floor-lights were put in the bow deck to illuminate the flag when it's dark. The entire rest of the ship would be covered with a paint of navy blue, with the edges of the decks being decorated with gold and an eagle statue would be placed on the base of the conning tower. Ten silver stars would be displayed on the freeboard of the ship, one on each side, while two stars would be placed on the sides of the conning tower, one on each side as well. The last star, to totalize 13 stars, would be located at the upper armor of the tallest turret of the battleship. The appearance scheme, guess who did it? It was secretly Aoi Yumi, disguised as Amanda Hayes.

(+) Human Version (-)

Being the tallest ship of the Eagle Empire at the time he was built, Punishment is a blond shipboy with a pair of light blue eyes on his face and posses a tan skin. He usually wears a special admiral uniform along with armor plates on his shoulder and a long cape that was torn during a fight he had against Gott. On the chest, he keeps some battle stars to let the other know of his experience. Out on the seas, he would wear metal combat boots and have a metal gauntlet with some of his 48 cm guns placed there while all his AA guns are displayed on his shoulders and around his waist. His 65 cm guns would be displayed on his arms while the 55 cm guns are near his chest area. The rest of the armaments would be displayed all over his body, here and there. On the arm without the gauntlet, he would use a making gun with the three barrels in the form of a Gatling gun with ammo being led to inside it. He also had a mount on his left, right and above him, each with three of his main guns.

Punishment is a shipboy known mostly by his honesty, having never lied to someone before, not even in situations where his reputation can be harmed or there are great rewards for doing that. He's very calm and quiet when he's out of the battle and can show a colder and emotionless side to his rivals. In battle, he shows his great determination and loyalty to the Eagle Empire: He won't hesitate to die for his allies and nation. He's also known to think ahead of the enemy a great number of times, thanks to his intelligence. 

"My rivals think of something for themselves, as long as I save the empire and give them the true feeling of being punished"

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