- Aoi Class Heavy Cruiser -

34 2 6

- Made by Fallen_Angel_of_Hell -
(Thank you for the gift!)

🌸 Ship Version

Having Orochi, Oni and Yōkai often busy hunting the Eagle Empire carriers, the Sun Empire had a serious problem to deal with: only destroyers were available to escort the carriers and they aren't strong enough to fight, for example, against a cruiser fleet of the Eagle Empire. To counter this problem, researches were made to create a new class of ships for escorting purpose that should also work as a cruiser hunter. The result was the Aoi class of heavy cruisers, with a single ship of this class being constructed, named Aoi.

Aoi was mostly based on the Zaō class of heavy cruiser, a proposed class of the old Japanese Empire, having a very similar but tougher armor design and also more torpedo bulkheads. Having a slightly bigger length than the Zaō, the ship was capable of traveling at a maximum speed of 35 knots despite the armaments and the heavy armor.

The ship was equipped mostly with prototypes of new armaments, the main guns being eight triple mounts of 22.5 cm Type 22 dual-purpose guns, having a good accuracy at all ranges; the secondary guns being 12 twin mounts of 100 mm Type 56 "Zheiju" dual-purpose guns with advanced targeting systems; and her AA guns being 20 triple mounts of 40 mm "Chaiku" AA guns, 32 single mounts of 25 mm "Reizei" AA guns and lastly, 22 triple mounts of 25 mm "Reizei Kai" AA guns. Aoi also has eight sextuple 610 mm torpedo launchers, equipped with "Katana" torpedoes.

The appearance scheme was proposed by Aoi Yumi, who happily worked on it as she really wanted to give the ship with her own name a unique appearance scheme. Entirely covered in metallic white, the drawing of a Japanese dragon was made in red on the freeboard, having high detailed scales. On the upper armor of the main guns, there was a red drawing of sakura flowers, one in each gun while on the side armor there was a red circle. On the bow deck, lastly, there was a drawing of the Nihon Kaigun Seiei Butai emblem (Wows).

🌸 Human Version
(Kancolle/Azur Lane)

Being a rather tall shipgirl, with the height being almost the same as the Orochi sisters, Aoi possesses a very long black hair with some parts being brown. Her hair is accompanied by the pair of red ruby eyes that beautifully shine under both the sunlight and the moonlight. Because her vision is not that good, she sometimes has to wear red reading glasses. Her skin is lightly tanned, but it is mostly hidden under the pure white kimono she wears with a few sakura drawing on it and also some small gray details.

Out on the seas, Aoi would have her guns over two platforms, with one being the bow and the other the aft of the ship version, while the secondary guns would be displayed on her shoulder all the way down to her arms. They also have a kind of trigger that Aoi can press for them to shoot, making those guns similar to pistols. Her AA guns are displayed all over the samurai-like armor she wears while her torpedo launchers are attached to her thighs and also underwater on her feet. With her, she carries a katana named "忍耐 (Nintai)" which means "Patience".

Being a very outgoing shipgirl, Aoi has a bright outlook on the world, being someone that really likes to help people, but often not directly, she likes more to show them the right "path" or way to the things. This helped her to have some good relationships with almost every one of the Sun Empire, but Oni is the closest to her, looking almost like sisters. That's why sometimes people joke, calling her "stepsister of the Orochi class". Aoi also loves nature, having a small notebook where she keeps many drawings of natural landscapes, but some short stories are also kept there. She also has an avenger and justicer side, not standing injustice against anyone. But despite all that, she also has a rather patriot side, loving the Sun Empire, but differently from many people, she doesn't have blind hate against people from other empires.

"If I fall seven times, I will stand up eight"

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