- Viskanct Class Battleship -

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# Ship Version

As the war was only getting tougher as the days, months and years passed, the Red Empire saw themselves in need of new battleships to support their fleet, as Hammer and Sickle were showing to be not enough. They immediately started the research for a new class of battleships they named Viskanct class of battleships, with only three ships built, Viskanct, Medvedev and Akhamov, with the last one being built only when it was close to the end of the War of the Empires.

The class had a total length of 275 m, a beam of 40 m and a draft o 11 meters while, in armaments, the class was equipped with five twin mounts of 43 cm guns equipped with AP shells with higher explosive power, four triple mounts of 12 cm dual-purpose guns, 10 twin mounts of 10 cm dual-purpose guns, 10 sextuple mounts of 40 mm AA guns equipped with shrapnel or flak shells and 24 of either twin and triple mounts of 25 mm AA guns and two 560 mm quadruple torpedo launchers. Meanwhile, the armor was 190-457 mm thick of steel plating on the belt, 27-160 mm thick on the armored deck, 250-515 mm thick on the turrets, 440 mm thick on the barbettes, 80-400 mm thick on the bulkheads and 445 mm on the conning tower.

# Human Version 

Viskanct, or how others call him, Victor, is a tall shipboy, the height around 2.03 m. His hair is short and with the natural color of dark brown usually in a messed up style while her face has a pair of two red ruby eyes. He has tanned skin and is usually wearing a jacket with military colors over a black tank top and accompanied by a few dog tags on his neck with the names Terror, Punishment, Crown and Sickle and Volontè; a combat pair of trousers and lastly a pair of metal boots. Out on the seas, he uses some armor plates on his shoulders with his 12 cm guns on it while bullet belts hold the ammo of his main guns, which are one on each side of his while the other three are on his mechanic arms attached to him. His torpedo launchers are on the back of his shoulder armor while some of his AA guns are on the top of his main guns with lastly some on the top of his main guns and the rest placed on the area of the abdomen to the waists.

Viskanct is mainly known to be a rather violent warrior who won't show mercy to no enemy, but that's a side of him that only appears during the battles. He's actually a very calm shipboy who can often be spotted drinking bottles of vodka and sometimes you can see him writing stories of the battles on his notebook.

"This place is merciless, and my anger grows at my enemies as I want to end them one by one"


Medvedev is tall shipboy, about 2.02 m tall, which means he's slightly shorter than his older brother Viskanct. His hair is short and white accompanied by blue eyes while his body has tanned skin. Usually, he's wearing a black leather jacket with a white tank top under it and military camouflaged trousers with black boots as well. Out on the seas, he has the armaments placed almost exactly how they are on his older brother, with a visor to protect his eyes and the torpedoes are instead placed under the two turrets placed on his sides.

Among the three, Medvedev is the kindest one, with a very bright side, often showing a happy smile when hanging out with his comrades or when there are no enemies around when on the seas. On his free time, he can be seen either exercising, reading a book, drawing or writing stories, but don't be fooled, he's a violent warrior that will show no merch to Romans mainly.

"Always trust in your allies when you need them the most and lead them to victory"


Akhamov is the shortest of the Viskanct siblings, about 1.95 m tall. His hair is black and usually messed up, accompanied by his two green emerald eyes while his body has tanned skin with a scar on his left side. Usually, he wears an admiral uniform with silver hammer and sickle symbols on his sides, accompanied by metal gloves. Out on the seas, he has three main guns above his hand all connected to a single robotic arm while the other two are on his sides just like they on his brothers, but this time protected by platforms that look like hulls while the dual-purpose guns are on his shoulder, the AA on his body, arms and legs while, lastly, the torpedoes are on his waist.

Akhamov is seen as the funniest of the three siblings. He's cocky and mischievous, often pulling pranks to his friends and traps to the enemies, though they can be quite dangerous, like the one that resulted in a scar.  But he's rather calm at least, often drinking vodka with friends, reading books and training in his free time. In battle, however, he can get insane if he sees someone of his side being sunk, acting aggressively towards the enemy.

"Feel my enemies fall into my trap, and also seeing Allies die in my eyes makes me go totally insane and want to crush them"

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