- H-40 Class Battleship -

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# Ship Version

With the airpower showing to be more than a simple threat for the North Roman Imperial Fleet, the Rome Empire started to change its plans for the H-40, also known as Friedrimarck, solving the antiair weaknesses of the previous class, H-39. More precisely, the ship was increased in size to open space for more equipment, including experimental ones, although even with the new AA weapons installed on the ship, it was targeted by enemy aircraft and greatly damaged, forcing yet other change of plans to put in her more weaponry, including land-used AA guns. While that made her more capable of fulfilling the role of a cruiser and carrier hunter, the ship showed weakness on her shared ammo hold for secondaries, which resulted, in the future, in great destruction of the starboard of the ship by a hit of other battleship but she made to the port for repairs.

Currently, the class has a total length of 295.9 m, a beam of 39.5 m and a draft of 18.5 m while it relied on armor made from the same steel used on the H-39 class, consisting of 35 cm on the main belt, 20 cm on the upper deck, 25 cm on the intern bulkheads, 30 cm on the barbettes, 40 cm on the turret face and the conning tower and, lastly, 10-30 cm on the deck. It was equipped with four twin mounts of 40.6 cm guns placed two in the bow and two in the aft, six twin mounts of 20.3 cm guns, 10 twin mounts of 12.8 cm dual-purpose guns, 12 twin mounts of 10.5 cm dual-purpose guns, 14 twin mounts of 8.8 cm dual-purpose guns, 24 twin mounts of 37 mm AA guns, 14 quadruple mounts of 20 mm AA guns and four quadruple mounts of 533 mm torpedo tubes. With all of this, the engines were capable of pushing the ship with a top speed of 28.5 knots. 

For appearance, the ship received an appearance scheme similar to the other H-class ships, but the Roman flag painted on the bow and aft decks and the tower, with some red and gray marks on the corners of the ship while the slanted bow allowed painting it with what seemed to be shark teeth.

# Human Version

Friedrimarck is a shipboy, who's rather tall, 1.93 meters in height to be more precise, while his eyes had different colors from each other, the left with a golden iris and the right with crimson one, and accompanying them, there is his golden short hair with some red highlights on it and black spot on the left part of it. The rest of the features of the face are not so well known since his often wearing a metal mask to cover his mouth, but you can still see his skin that's light brown with a burn scar on the left part of his stomach, not seen since it's most of the time hidden under his clothes that are a gray military shirt with red details, black military trousers and boots, which have metal on the middle of the sole and the area around the knee.

On the seas, he wears armor plates covering his chest, shoulders, forearms and legs while his guns are positioned on four platforms that are on his sides and the 20.3 cm guns are on his shoulders. The rest of the weapons are on two other platforms that are linked to the superstructure attached to his back, but he also brings with him two MG-42 machine guns with flak rounds. Although the rumors lost its value when much stronger ships appeared such as the contingency ships, there are still people who believe he's the hybrid of a wolf and a dragon with the roar of the main guns being the warning of his approach and the secondaries and dual-purpose breath fire, killing anyone who's near and taking down any plane from the sky. Due to this rumor, he received the nickname of "Himmelsschlächter" and "Sky's Slayer".

Speaking of his personality, however, he shows to be rather a calm person, most of the time with his mouth shut and avoiding socializing with other people, but he can show a very kind side to destroyers, cruiser and carriers of the Rome Empire. He's also smart, tactful and pays attention to every detail and this added his creativity makes him an exceptional soldier in combat, showing a very brute and cold against enemies, mainly carriers and battleships. He shows to like chocolate a lot and most of his free time is spent in the silence, either reading or appreciating the views he can get from the night sky and the beaches of the Roman Empire. He dislikes being distracted by other people and doesn't stand people who overestimate themselves or people who ran away from the battle unless he or she was ordered by someone of high rank or is someone among those ranks. Towards the other H siblings, he acts more like an older brother and with his experience that he got so far, he gives them tips and teaches to them, wishing only the best for them, to be stronger, wiser and never suffer what he already suffered. 

"I will be the first to enter the battle and the last to leave to the battle"

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