- Izumi Class Battleship -

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<[Ship Version]>

The Sun Empire Navy was not a strong force to reckoned yet. With a growing but still limited industrial capacity, the empire was struggling to enlarge the fleet and to establish symbolic ships to represent itself: The navy was small in number, and most ships were bought and built on foreign land. As their economic power and industrial prowess started to get significant, however, the Sun Empire begun to compensate their imported small navy with a Sun-built high-quality but still small navy, as a statement of their independence and power, and the Izumi class of battleships was the most impressive of them, as the first Sun battleships of the empire with a quality that surprised most nations that heard of their doing. Three battleships of the class were built in total, Izumi named after Izumi Shinzai, the heroine of the bridge, Tamashii representing the Sun Empire's spirt, and Tsunami, the crushing wave of the empire.

Tsunami is also known as the Avenging Wave by some of the people, since Tsunami was only built to compensate the loss of the first of the class on the Izumi incident - After a successful bombardment of an enemy strategic base, the Dynasty Empire, which was not yet participating in the war, unleashed a surprise attack, which resulted in the first retreat of the Sun Empire in this war. Izumi and other ships were sunk by suicidal attacks attempted by fast-moving ships, and her officers and sailors were rescued mostly by the heavy cruisers Orochi and Oni. Tsunami was only built very later, however, as the navy started to prioritize the project I-10-14 around that time.

The first two ships of the Izumi class had a top speed of 29.4 knots, with a strong armor that could protect from a large number of shell sizes. Even battleships struggle to hit their citadel, which is located strategically below the waterline. Their main armaments were five twin mounts of 42 cm guns, having two of them located on the bow while the other three were on the aft of the ship. Their secondary armaments were 26 single mounts of 15.2 cm guns and eight twin mounts of 10 cm dual-purpose guns. The ship was also equipped with 32 triple mounts of 25 mm AA guns, 52 single mounts of 7.7 mm AA guns, two triple 533 mm torpedo launchers, a single seaplane catapult and lastly three of the first developed seaplane fighters of the Sun Empire.

Tsunami, being built many years after the other two ships, was a more modern ship. Her engines were strong enough to give a top speed of 31.7 knots, even with the new armor that made most of the battlecruiser guns obsolete when trying to hit the citadel. Her 42 cm guns were equipped with auto-loaders and the 10 cm dual-purpose guns were replaced by 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns. The rest of the guns were replaced by newer and improved versions while the torpedo launchers were now two twin 610 mm torpedo launchers, equipped with the famous katana torpedoes. Fire directors for all of the guns aboard Tsunami were installed and also the seaplanes were now the same seaplanes used aboard the Samurai, the Umeyama seaplane fighter. Lastly, she also has a sword-like bow tip, made for ramming

Despite the differences between the Izumi and Tamashii with Tsunami, all of them received the exact same appearance scheme. They were entirely painted with yellow and a kind of brown, making appear like old paper. On the freeboard was drawn some Japanese-style high waves while on the top armor of the main guns there were some red circles, one in each gun. Inside the circles, there are kanjis written in white, Izumi had the Kanji "泉", Tamashii has the kanji "魂" and Tsunami had two kanjis, "津波". Lastly, other two red circles were positioned one on each side of their funnels.

<[Human Version]>
(Kancolle/Azur Lane)

Izumi was a tall shipgirl with long white hair that had a single streak that faded to black as more closer to the tip. Her hair was usually done in a low side ponytail by a dark gray ribbon. Her hair was accompanied by a pair of shiny green eyes that look like emeralds, but that can become purple as well. She had very fair skin, with a few small scars that she got from battles against the independent islands, but they were hidden under her dark blue kimono with multiple drawings of small snowflakes and light blue details. She also carries with her a red oil-paper umbrella, with the drawing of a golden Japanese dragon, but inside the tube of the umbrella, a sharp katana is hidden, having some green details on the blade.

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