- H-44M Class Battleships -

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(つº_º)つ Ship Version

When the emperor Norbert Muller died and his son Klaus was now the new leader of the Rome Empire, the military received huge incentives for quick development. The military was hugely needed for the accomplishment of what Klaus was wanting, to conquer the other empires, share the glory of the Rome Empire for those who are under the rule of the "weak empires" and give them the place of honor of serving the Ariana "race". In the Imperial North Roman Fleet, the priority was given to the development of the H-class of ships, with a class mix of H-43 and H-44 being the first one, named H-44M. Only one ship of the class was built, named Gigantic.

As weapons, the H-44M class carried five triple mounts of 45.7 cm guns, seven twin mounts of 18 cm dual-purpose guns, eight triple mounts of 17.2 cm guns dual-purpose guns, 25 quintuple mounts of 45 mm AA guns and lastly two quadruple torpedo launchers of 560 mm. Despite the tough of the armor the H-44M class, the engines were able to give a top speed of 30 knots.

Gigantic received a special appearance of Aoi Yumi, who was getting some status with the appearance schemes she was proposing in the Sun Empire. She was invited to give an appearance to Gigantic and so she did. The ship was entirely drawn to look like it was entirely made of stone bricks and were old, with small details of green that looked like moss. In the bow, there was the stone statue of a phoenix that had a necklace of the iron cross. The gun just in front of the conning tower looks like an altar, with the upper armor seeming like the place where the fire was ignited. The conning tower looked like a statue of a giant creature, with the bridge being its head. Statues of mythological creatures decorated the secondary towers and the funnel.

(つº_º)つ Human version

Gigantic is a shipboy, a rather tall one, shorter than Großer Kaiser by around 23 cm. On his face, there are two eyes with the color of dark green accompanied by his bright red hair that fades to oranges as it gets to the tips, looking like fire. His body has a tanned skin and is covered by the black military navy uniform with black and red stripes plus a black cross on the back he wears, accompanied by gold trim and medals he got for assisting sinking Eagle convoys. Out on the seas, he has a helmet that hides most of his head, except for the eyes that can be seen through the visor. He wears metal boots with the torpedo launchers attached to it, while there are armor plates on his chest and arms. His main guns are on five towers that are attached to robotic arms and lastly, his AA and dual-purpose guns are all over his body.

Gigantic is a shipboy who has a certain relationship with the emperor, going from time to time to ask him advice. The emperor told him many things, that made him believe that the villain of this world is the Eagle Empire when actually there are no heroes and no villains when comes to war. He shows for the others to be a very calm and relaxed person and in his free time, he can be seen either in a library, somewhere drinking a beer or making drawing and plans for his upgrades. In battle, he's very serious, but that can change if things start to go wrong... He let the anger control him, losing his mind and attacking relentlessly and regardless of the enemy strength, like entering in a rage mode.

He has some special relationships with the other ships of the future built H-classes. GK is his rival... Both are constantly arguing, fighting and competing to see who's the best, but it's just a friendly rivalry, nothing that worrisome. Even if it was worrisome, Welt seems to always be there to intervene, reasoning with both to stop fighting despite she's someone who's very quiet. Gott was like a savior and leader in the battle for him, as despite being younger and therefore less experienced, he was able to save Gigantic multiple times already. Living so close with Gott, he also lived with Lucifer, someone who likes to tease him a lot... He really dislikes her but understands that her power gave a rank above him, so he is forced to learn live with her.

"Like the thousand rivers, like the 7 seas, I will keep the peace"

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