- Salutis Class Dreadnaught -

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# Ship Version

After the success of the operation Gatekeeper by stealing the not yet finished Triumvirate Dreadnaught of the Imperial Alliance, the UUN decided to send the newly acquired ship to the Ling Orbital Research Facility of the Dynasty Republic for study. Based on the studies, a weapon was developed to prepare the UUN for the eventual time in which they would face the other three Imperial Dreadnaughts. It, together with other weapon prototypes developed in the meantime, was put aboard the new class of ships developed called Salutis class, with two ships of the class ever built, Salutis and Pretium.

This class of dreadnaughts proved to be quite peculiar for a ship, with a triradial symmetry and no artificial gravity systems, so you can only define which part is the back and the front of the dreadnaught. To solve this, the ship was divided into three sectors based on the symmetry, identified as Alpha, Beta and Gama sectors, identical to each other which would force to mention the sector name before the part name. For instance, you have to say Alpha bridge. To protect those sectors, the ship used an armor of 119.8 meters thick of Osmium and on 300 HS-17 shield generators positioned every 190 meters in lines on the limits of the sectors, inside the ship, each covering an area with 100 meters radius and capable to withstand the power equivalent eight hits of the Trebuchet class's siege cannon without count the presence of superstructure of the ship was minimalist, nearly unnoticeable with the bridges of each sector exposed, in the front of the ship, but allowing good overview from the battle.

For defensive purposes, the class was equipped with nine RS-01 ray shields prototypes, three on each sector, used for targetting allied ships to create extra shields around then and hopefully saving them from at least one attack of the photon cannon. In terms of real armament, on the other hand, the ship was equipped with three sextuple mounts of A-5L extra heavy laser guns, the slowest aboard with a rather bad accuracy but good firepower and "explosive" lasers, which makes them great against spacecraft, though they are mainly used against heavy spaceships from the size of Stella and bigger; 1800 quadruple mounts of T-17 heavy laser guns used as the main guns against medium to large ships thanks to the better accuracy and considerable damage caused, but they still have a long reload time that's at least better than the A-5L; 600 quadruple mounts of I-10S fast-firing ion cannons that are accurate and might be not as powerful as any ion cannons of today, but they rely on multiple quick hits to deactivate a ship rather than a few powerful shots; 3000 triple mounts of M-23 medium laser guns with decent damages and accuracy, used effectively against spacecraft light to medium spaceships; 1500 octuple mounts of R-35 rapid-fire laser guns with good accuracy, used the majority of the times for warhead interception and attack spacecraft; 24 single moutns of light warhead launchers, 21 2x4 mounts of light warhead launchers and lastly 1200 triple heavy warhead launchers. Although the shield rays needed to be manually aimed and turned on, the warships of this class used ten large and advanced systems to control the armaments. Three Tambores systems were placed one on each sector of the ship, responsible for controlling the M-23 and R-35 laser and the I-10S on their sectors, while the three Pencahayaan systems are responsible for the A-5L and the T-17 on their sectors, the Asteroïde systems are responsible for the warhead launchers, except for the 24 single warhead launchers that use an improved Astro system.

In spacecraft, the ship was equipped two large hangars that get the space of the three sectors, allowing a large capacity of 3900 spacecraft, usually being 1235 Selak fighters, 1235 Mudança bombers, 200 Verras bombers, 600 Yùnshū vehicle transport ships, 600 Segurador troop transports and lastly 30 Negosiasi shuttles. Selak fighters were designed by Kekayaan, having the top speed of 145 MGLT on default and equipped with considerable shields, two light warhead launchers, four warheads and four light laser guns, capable of doing many maneuvers at the cost of having rather light armor, which allows enemies to take them out with only a few hits. Mudança bombers were rather heavy crafts designed by Brasa, with the maximum speed getting to 60 MGLT on default and equipped considerably strong shields, one forward-fixed light laser gun, a twin-mounted light laser gun turret, one light warhead launcher and four heavy warhead launchers on the engines placed on the sides, while a pair of wings was attached to each engine. Carrying 40 heavy warheads and eight light warheads, a peculiarity of the bomber was the turnable engines, that allowed the craft to suddenly change direction, capable of launching the warheads and head to immediate retreat. Verras was a medium bomber designed by the Stryd Federation equipped with rather strong shields, four engines that allowed speeds of 80 MGLT on default, a twin-mounted light laser gun turret, two heavy warhead launchers while having the capacity for 50 heavy warheads, and a prototype of camouflage system, allowing the craft to stay invisible to eyes and radars for some time, as it can overheat after extensive use. Due to the difficulty of producing the system, the bombers weren't as abundant as the Mudança. Yùnshū was a heavy vehicle transport designed by Dynasty, with rather slow speeds of 60 MGLT on default, equipped with two twin-mounted laser gun turrets, with rather strong shields and armor and capable of carrying four light or medium vehicles or two heavy vehicles. Segurador was a medium troop transport designed by Brasa, with 85 MGLT for maximum speed on default and equipped with four engines, strong shields and hull, three twin-mounted ion cannon turrets and capable of carrying 100 troops aboard. Lastly, Negosiasi shuttles were developed by Pulo (Indonesia) with the maximum speed of 90 MGLT on default, a twin-mounted laser gun turret and two forward-fixed laser guns while it could carry up to six people, not including the pilot, co-pilot and the gunner of the turret. It was used mainly to land on small land-pads or to get to secret bases without dragging too much attention.

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