- Schnellfeuer Class Light Cruiser -

25 3 0

# Ship Version

Many people were agreeing that now the power of the military of a nation wasn't anymore in the great guns such as the 52 cm guns of the Samurai class, but was now in the performance of the planes. Rome Empire, though having only the aircraft carrier Ariana at that time, knew the threat that aircraft posed... While the plans for better aircraft carriers were underway, the Imperial North Roman Fleet decided to develop a light cruiser class especially for the purpose of AA and as a result, the Schnellfeuer class was developed, with only three ships of this class being finished, Schenellfeuer, Schweres Feuer and Schweres Flak.

The ship had a total of 24 triple mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, 24 single mounts of 8.8 cm dual-purpose guns, eight single mounts of 10.5 cm AA guns, five twin mounts of 50 mm AA guns and eight quadruple mounts of 50 mm AA guns as armaments what made the class pretty good to fulfill the purpose of AA, but could also be good fighting against destroyers and light cruisers. The ship had 200 mm of armor in the belt, 30 mm on the deck, 130 mm on the barbettes, 120 mm on the turrets and 150 mm on the conning tower. The heavy armament of 24 mounts aboard caused the biggest flaw of the ship, the top speed of 25-30 knots.

The Romans decided to give a warning to the enemy aircraft when the Schnellfeuer ships were built. Aoi Yumi came all the way from the Sun Empire to give the ship a unique appearance scheme that could warn enemy aircraft of what they're are facing and maybe scare them, saving munition for situations where they might be more needed. All the metal parts of the ship were painted with dark and black details in the freeboard edge with the deck. Still in the freeboard, more precisely in the midsection, there were drawings of Imperial Eagles with classic Revolution and Monarch planes on their claws, destroying them. In front of the conning tower, a swastika was drawn and in the highest guns of the front and aft, an Iron cross was drawn. An area of the bow deck was painted with red and inside it the military decorations "Heeres-Flak Abzeichen".

# Human Version

The Schnellfeuer siblings are all shipgirls, about 1.6 m tall, the three sharing the same hair looks, which's blond and goes down to her hips. They also share the eyes color of blue and body features, such as fair skin and large curves. They usually wear black officer caps that have an eagle made out of silver and accompanying the pair of black trousers, black leather boots and the black uniform jacket they wear, with each one having the name of the user and an Iron Cross just below it. There's also a swastika on the jackets, near the elbow area of the right arm. They have differences, at least, with Schnellfeuer having a scar on her face of a burn caused by a plane that was shot down while the other two have scars on the chin when they grazed by multiple bullets once but survived. 

Out on the seas, the sisters have eight platforms supported by mechanical arms. Two of those platforms have all the AA guns of the cruisers, while the other four have each three of her main guns and the last two platforms have each one a total of six main guns, all the main guns totalizing 24 as it should be. They also have their superstructures attached to the back and carry with them spears with also the purpose of flag poles, with the Roman flag hoisted on it.

Schnellfeuer, the oldest sister, is a shipgirl who you will often be spotted working and she's not afraid of continuing working for hours and hours straight, as, for more stranger than it seems for some people, she loves to work and is very strict, she will never ever violate a rule she herself established or one of the Rome Empire. You won't want to get on her bad side, which is actually pretty easy to get with the wrong words, but if you're an aircraft carrier, you're already on her bad side since the beginning since she hates aircraft as much as Nagasaki does. Schweres Feuer, on the other hand, is someone who's famous by her dumbness... Or rather, her clumsy personality since she hardly understands correctly what needs to be done but she can work as hard as her older sister if she wants. She's also really shy, hardly talk with anyone, but when she does, she's very polite. The younger sister of the two shows to be very laid-back and extremely lazy, often letting things to be done later, but she still is a rather serious shipgirl and would persist in matters until the end, although she's extremely easy to fool.

"May God have mercy upon my enemies because I won't"
- Schnellfeuer (George S. Patton Jr.) -

"It's not the truth that matters, but victory"
- Schweres Feuer (Adolf Hitler) -

"you won't get out, nobody dives straight down at 300 knots"
- Schweres Flak -

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