- Notevole Class Battlecruiser -

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~ Ship Version

After the success of the H-50 Class in the north part of the Rome Empire, the technology of the new nuclear engines quickly reached the hands of the people of the south part of the Rome Empire. The first ship class to use the new engines was the Notevole Class of battlecruisers, having five ships planned: Notevole, Guerriero, Migliore, Saggia and Inestimabile. The Notavole class was already planned before the development of nuclear engines to rival the Monarch Empire battlecruisers of the Big Bang Class, but they weren't finished before the H-50 success.

The ships of the class have a top speed of 35 knots with the new engines. Despite the fact the new engines don't need funnels, the ships have two funnels that cross in an X. They, however, have some major failures in the design. The magazines on the bow are dangerously close to each other, packed tightly together, the citadel on the midsection of the ship is quite big, meaning they are easy to be hit by the enemy and lastly the ship can't fight against a battleship or a battlecruiser alone.

The main armament of the ships are six twin mounts of 34 cm dual-purpose guns, displayed four on the front, being the first, second and third turrets the lowest and the fourth one the highest and the other two are on the back. Each ship also carries eight twin mounts of 15 cm dual-purpose guns, 16 quadruple mounts of 8 cm dual-purpose guns, 18 mounts of twin 37 mm AA guns and lastly 90 quadruple mounts of 40 mm AA guns. They also have six quadruple 533 mm torpedo launchers, using G7e torpedoes, and four Me-262 jets, but is a variant made to be spotters, launched from two catapults.

The ships have the unique standard color pattern used by most of the ships of the Southern Fleet of the Rome Empire, a dark grey hull with the deck of the bow being striped with red and white.

Aoi Yumi, the major designer of the ships of this shipyard, has taken a good look at the Notevole class and has an idea for a new paint scheme that might not help them to hide, but will help them to become unique just like most of the ships she created a new appearance. The proposed scheme of Aoi was the following: from the second turret to the bow will be in bright red color while from the fourth turret to the aft will be in bright green color and the remaining part will be in white. On the freeboard of the white part of the ship, there would be two red shields (one on each side) with blue borders and a white cross in it. On the upper armor of the third turret, the only one on the white part, there would be the Regia Marina symbol, the anchor with the eagle, while on the chest of the eagle there's a red circle with a white cross and above the anchor, there is a king's crown.

~ Human Version
(Kancolle/Azur Lane)

Notevole, the oldest among the Notevole siblings, is a tall shipboy with short cooper hair to one side and dark red eyes. His skin is lightly tanned and on his chest, there's a big scar that he obtained on a fight, but people don't notice it at all, considering it's under his white formal clothes. He uses these formal clothes along with a half cape attached on his shoulder and on the chest there are a few medals. He also has a carabinieri sword, usually on his right.

When on the seas, he uses a few armor plates on the torso, shoulders and legs. He could use a full armor, but in his opinion, that's not practical and reduces agility and speed too much. He has some other motives, but he dares to hide them from the others. He also has a mask with a drawing of the Regia Marina emblem on it. Attached to his back, there are his two funnels crossing in an X and pointed to two different directions. On his left hand, he holds something that looks like the bow of the Notevole class ship version with his four guns while on his right hand there's something that looks like the aft of the same ship class. The torpedoes launchers are attached to his thigh together with his catapult launchers, but the catapults only work when he put them on the bow he holds on the left hand.

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